Immortality Starts With Diligence(Xianxia Litrpg)

581. The Origin Sea of the Ancient Continent

581. The Origin Sea of the Ancient Continent

The sacrificial text had been burnt, marking the completion of the Heaven Sacrificial Ceremony. Now, all that remained was a period of quiet waiting. If the world consciousness of the Ancient Continent deemed Lin Fei worthy of representing the entire Ancient Continent, there would undoubtedly be some form of response.

Time passed slowly. A quarter of an hour had elapsed since the sacrificial text was consumed by flames. However, there seemed to be no response as of yet.

Lin Fei had meticulously inscribed his "request" onto the sacrificial text, believing that the world consciousness of the Ancient Continent was aware of his appeal.

But whether the Ancient Continent's world consciousness would grant his request was uncertain. Even True Immortals and Martial Ancestors couldn't predict the consciousness of an entire world.

Lin Fei remained patient. He had faith in the notion that the world had its own spirit, and he trusted the words of Great Dream Ancestor and Unity True Immortal.

Finally, an hour had passed.

Suddenly, the entire world began to tremble.

Simultaneously, above Lin Fei's head, a colossal vortex with the characters appeared faintly in the void. It was a spatial vortex, and nobody else could sense it, but Lin Fei felt it distinctly.

This was a Sea of Origin, an immensely vast Sea of Origin, perhaps only slightly smaller than the Divine Realm's.

However, apart from the Divine Realm, Lin Fei hadn't encountered a larger Sea of Origin. Although it had some differences compared to the Divine Realm's Sea of Origin, those differences were minor, primarily in scale. In essence, they were virtually identical. Lin Fei suddenly realized this in his heart.

"Perhaps, this is the reason why the Ancient Continent was capable of giving birth to True Immortals and Martial Ancestors," Lin Fei mused. "The power of the Origin here is not much different from the Divine Realm. Could it be that the True Immortal Realm is the same?"

At that moment, Lin Fei seemed to grasp the significance of the True Immortal Realm. However, despite its power, the True Immortal Realm could only give birth to True Immortals and Martial Ancestors, not Supreme Beings. Only the Divine Realm had the capability to birth Supreme Beings.

Yet, the true nature and levels of Supreme Beings remained a mystery to Lin Fei.

As the massive spatial vortex appeared, a beam of white light shot out from it. Although it was just a plain white light, Lin Fei felt the presence of the laws emanating from it—the essence of the world's laws.

In the next instant, Lin Fei found himself enveloped in the white light. His figure flickered, and both the white light and Lin Fei disappeared.

A commotion erupted within the Eternal Life Alliance. People were baffled and worried about Lin Fei's sudden disappearance.

"What's happening? Where's Leader Lin?"

"Isn't our Leader a True Monarch? How could he vanish like this?"

"Could something have gone wrong with the Heaven Sacrificial Ceremony?"

"What could possibly go wrong with the Ceremony?"

"Look at our Elders; they seem surprisingly calm. It's unlikely anything serious has occurred."

Many discussions were taking place, and everyone was astonished by Lin Fei's inexplicable disappearance.

Upon seeing Lin Fei vanish, Feng Ling felt a jolt of surprise but remained composed outwardly. She understood that this was not the time to panic; she needed to stay calm.

Shortly after, she received a transmission from the Phoenix: "Feng Ling, don't worry. True Monarch Lin has likely been transported to some other place by the world consciousness of the Ancient Continent. With True Monarch Lin's strength, there's no force within the Ancient Continent that can harm him. I believe it won't be long before he returns."

Hearing the transmission from the Phoenix, Feng Ling relaxed slightly and spoke slowly, "Lin Fei has gone to a place to comprehend the Dao. He won't be gone for long. The ceremony has already concluded. Everyone should disperse for now."

Feng Ling took charge and declared the conclusion of the Eternal Life Alliance's Ceremony.

However, not everyone was convinced by her explanation, and there were still some lingering doubts.

Yet, with the Phoenix and numerous god-level powerhouses of the Eternal Life Alliance present, they dared not voice their concerns.

Meanwhile, in a mysterious space, Lin Fei suddenly raised his head in surprise.

"Is this... within the laws of the Ancient Continent?" he wondered aloud. He could see countless intricate laws here, and these laws were incredibly familiar to him because they were the very same world laws that he had been comprehending all along.

"Could it be that the Ancient Continent has brought me into the world laws?" Lin Fei pondered. "No, this is not just the world laws. Could it be within the world's Dao?" He considered the possibility that he had entered the realm of the world's Dao.

Although Lin Fei had been comprehending the world's Dao for some time, he had never truly encountered it. Now, it appeared before him, even though it was a True Monarch-level world's Dao. However, it was no different from the world's Dao of the Divine Realm.

"World's Dao, world laws..." Lin Fei realized that this was the "reward" from the Ancient Continent in response to his prayers during the Ceremony. He had asked to comprehend the world's Dao, and the world consciousness of the Ancient Continent had seemingly transported him into the realm of the world's Dao.

Such treatment was something Lin Fei had never heard of in the Divine Realm, and it was a rare opportunity. If he could seize this chance, it might greatly enhance his chances of becoming a Martial Ancestor.

"Let me see what the world's Dao is truly like," Lin Fei said as he began to extend his consciousness. He quickly enveloped the special space he was in, filled with countless intricate world laws that seemed endless.

However, these world laws appeared to be like branches, attached to a "great tree." That "great tree" was the world's Dao itself. Lin Fei witnessed a truly astonishing sight.

The world's Dao resembled a massive tree spanning the unknown void, and from this tree, countless branches extended, radiating throughout the world. These branches represented the world's laws.

The world's Dao, the "great tree," seemed to draw various energies from the void, maintaining its existence.

"I see now, the world's Dao serves as the cornerstone of the entire world," Lin Fei realized. "It's like a colossal tree. As long as this tree, the world's Dao, exists, the world won't collapse and will flourish. The branches of the world's Dao are the countless world laws, distributed throughout the world, sustaining its operation."

He contemplated, "So, if I want to master the complete world's Dao, what should I do?"

Lin Fei was deep in thought. Every Martial Ancestor needed to master a complete Dao to have a chance at becoming a Martial Ancestor. Regardless of how profound their understanding of the laws was, it was useless without a complete Dao.

He had touched the world's Dao and understood the relationship between the world's Dao and the world's laws. But how could he master the world's Dao himself?

"I need to master my unique world's Dao," Lin Fei thought. "Not the Ancient Continent's world's Dao, nor the Divine Realm's. Only by mastering my personal world's Dao can I become a Martial Ancestor. But how do I go about mastering my own world's Dao?"

Lin Fei was lost in thought, and in his mind, sparks of inspiration collided. This state was often referred to as "enlightenment" or "sudden realization."

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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