Immortality Starts With Diligence(Xianxia Litrpg)

553. Power Hits a Bottleneck! Accelerated Time, Particle Worlds Can Birth Life!

553. Power Hits a Bottleneck! Accelerated Time, Particle Worlds Can Birth Life!

In the secluded chamber of Lin Fei's residence, he had returned, and without a doubt, he immediately began creating more Particle Worlds.

He acquired nine more Worldly Laws from the eighth lightning tribulation. Thus, with practiced ease, he created another nine hundred Particle Worlds.

This led to another dramatic surge in Lin Fei's strength!


Lin Fei promptly accessed the system to check his status.

Host: Lin Fei

Martial Realm: Martial God (Eight Lightning Tribulations)

Great Dream Heart Sutra: Second Layer (Progress 1%)

Four Symbols and Five Elements Creation Technique: 5,300 Particle Worlds

World Dao: Progress 16%

Lin Fei's Particle Worlds had reached a total of 5,300. And his progress in the Worldly Dao had increased to 16%, and he was finally on the right track.

For a True Monarch, increasing the comprehension of the Dao by even 1% is extremely difficult. It's uncertain how long it might take.

Some True Monarchs might even spend their entire lives unable to increase their Dao progress. Yet, Lin Fei managed a 10% increase in one go.

The issue of comprehending the Dao over a long time. Therefore, any difference in the flow of time is of no use to Lin Fei.

However, Lin Fei now wishes to accelerate time within his Particle Worlds. The only method Lin Fei knows related to "time flow speed" is the Great Dream Heart Sutra.

However, Lin Fei was well aware that the reason the Great Dream Heart Sutra seemed to accelerate time was because of its connection to dream realms. It's Lin Fei's consciousness that immerses in these dreamscapes, allowing thoughts to move faster within the realm of dreams, thereby creating an effect of accelerated time. This doesn't mean the Great Dream Heart Sutra can actually accelerate time in reality.

Time is perhaps one of the most mysterious laws, only accessible to Martial Ancestors and Dao Integration True Immortals. The laws of time and space are beyond the reach of True Monarchs, accessible only to beings of higher power.

"This means that the Great Dream Heart Sutra might be ineffective for Particle Worlds, right?" Lin Fei pondered, frowning.

There was another concern. If time within the Particle Worlds was accelerated, being part of Lin Fei's body, wouldn't that also accelerate his own aging?

Lin Fei felt the impact should be negligible. After all, his Particle Worlds, compared to the total number of particles in his body, were like a drop in the ocean, insignificant and unlikely to affect his lifespan.

"Whether the Great Dream Heart Sutra is useful or not, I'll know only after trying," Lin Fei thought. "I'll cultivate it to the highest level and see if it can truly accelerate time."

Holding onto this slim hope, Lin Fei knew that his only current means to experiment with time acceleration was the Great Dream Heart Sutra. His current strength was probably enough to withstand up to the seventh heavenly lightning of the ninth tribulation. However, the eighth and especially the ninth lightnings were still uncertain.

To further enhance his strength, he would need to find worlds on the brink of collapse at the True Monarch level, which was exceedingly difficult. The encounter with the Holy Emperor Realm was a stroke of luck; hoping for another such collapsing True Monarch-level world seemed far-fetched. Unlike smaller worlds, which could be rapidly destabilized by numerous Martial Gods and Deity Transformation cultivators, True Monarch-level worlds don't have as many True Monarchs to hasten their collapse. They must evolve and reach the brink of collapse naturally, making it a rare and luck-dependent occurrence.

Lin Fei realized that he couldn't always count on luck to encounter True Monarch-level worlds on the brink of collapse. It's just not realistic. However, if he could induce life in his 5,200 Particle Worlds, it would be a transformative leap. If all these worlds birthed life, it would significantly boost Lin Fei's physical strength, making it easy to withstand the eighth and ninth heavenly lightnings.

Therefore, practicing the Great Dream Heart Sutra seemed worth trying. Currently, Lin Fei had only reached the second level of the Great Dream Heart Sutra, with just 1% progress.

However, if he could access the content of the third level, he would immediately step into it. In the third level of the dream realm, the time flow speed is a hundredfold. That means one day in the Divine Realm equates to one hundred days in the third level of the dream realm!

The challenge was that the third level of the Great Dream Heart Sutra was costly, requiring one hundred thousand contribution points, and the fourth level even more so, demanding a million contribution points. As for the fifth and highest level, the exact number of contribution points needed was unknown, but it required personal transmission from the Great Dream Ancestor.

Lin Fei decided to first exchange for the third and fourth levels of the Great Dream Heart Sutra, then try to obtain the fifth level from the Great Dream Ancestor. He wanted to see if the ultimate level of the Great Dream Heart Sutra could accelerate time in his Particle Worlds.

With his decision made, Lin Fei closed his eyes and soon entered the dream realm. Inside, he arrived at the Great Dream City, bustling as always with many members of the Great Dream Sect, mostly Martial Gods. True Monarchs were a minority in the Great Dream City.

Lin Fei headed straight to the mission hall to earn contribution points by taking on tasks. He went to the second floor, where True Monarch-level tasks were assigned. These tasks offered significant contribution points, equivalent to ten or even more Martial God-level tasks.

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