Immortality Starts With Diligence(Xianxia Litrpg)

549. Directly against the Nine Heavenly Thunderbolts

549. Directly against the Nine Heavenly Thunderbolts

Inside the formation, Lin Fei was slightly surprised by the power of the seventh thunder.

"The seventh thunder already possesses True Monarch level power? It seems the strength of the seventh heavenly tribulation has indeed increased significantly," Lin Fei murmured to himself. He vividly remembered that during his last tribulation, it was only the eighth thunder that reached the True Monarch level. But now, the seventh thunder had already achieved this level of power.

This advancement wasn't trivial. It represented a qualitative change, a leap from Martial God to True Monarch level. Such an increase was not just a mere step up; it was a monumental surge in power, many times over.

Despite his surprise, Lin Fei was not overly concerned. Even if the seventh thunder of the seventh tribulation had reached True Monarch level, it still posed no real threat to him. He proceeded to summon the eighth thunder.


The eighth thunder struck swiftly, directly hitting Lin Fei. He did not use his Saber World; his current physical strength was more than sufficient to withstand the eighth thunder without employing his particle world.

As expected, while the eighth thunder was terrifyingly powerful and annihilated a significant portion of his physical particles, it only destroyed about forty to fifty percent of them. For Lin Fei, this was not a threat at all.

"Too weak," Lin Fei shook his head dismissively. Standing quietly in the formation, he let the eighth thunder strike him, feeling almost as if it were just a mild itch. It posed no threat to him whatsoever. So, he moved on to claim the ninth law, summoning the ninth thunder.

Lin Fei stood still, not using his Saber World, curious to see how much the ninth thunder could damage his physical particles. As the ninth thunder struck, his physical particles began to annihilate rapidly.

One tenth, two tenths, three tenths... until around six tenths of his particles had been annihilated, the thunder's power began to wane noticeably. By the time eight tenths of his particles had been destroyed, the power of the ninth thunder was almost completely spent.

Yet, Lin Fei remained calm. In an instant, his particles began to regenerate. The speed of annihilation couldn't keep up with the rate of recovery, and soon, about three tenths of his particles had been restored.

Effectively, only about six tenths had been permanently destroyed. With the last trace of the thunder's power dissipating, Lin Fei was unscathed, his particles rapidly regenerating.

Despite the apparent danger when eighty percent of his particles had been annihilated, Lin Fei had never felt any real threat. His regenerative ability was on par with that of a True Monarch. Standing still, he had withstood all nine thunders - a first for him.

But even after surviving the nine thunders, Lin Fei remained stationary, looking up at the sky. He was waiting for the reward from the source sea, which typically followed after enduring all nine thunders. Last time, the reward had allowed him to witness the birth of a world in an illusion. What would the reward be this time?

Lin Fei quietly waited, but outside the Ancient City's tribulation area, the crowd was in a state of fervent excitement. Many had come specifically to witness True Monarch Lin face his seventh tribulation and withstand the nine thunders. Now, having seen it with their own eyes, they were in a state of disbelief.

Despite witnessing the event, many still struggled to comprehend how True Monarch Lin had managed to withstand the nine thunders with such ease. Throughout the tribulation, True Monarch Lin had simply stood still, allowing the nine thunders to strike him without making a single move. The thunders seemed to have no effect on him, which was astonishing given that he faced them with his physical body alone.

"True Monarch Lin's strength is beyond comprehension," one spectator commented. "To withstand the nine thunders of the seventh tribulation purely with his physical body is unimaginable!"

"Each thunder in the seventh tribulation is supposed to be ten times stronger," another added. "Yet True Monarch Lin didn't even lift a finger against them. What has he encountered in these past months?"

People speculated about the possible fortuitous encounters True Monarch Lin might have had recently and what rewards he might receive for surviving the ninth thunder. They were all amazed at the simplicity with which True Monarch Lin had faced the tribulation. To them, facing a tribulation without moving seemed like the simplest thing, but they knew all too well that it was far from easy.

Martial Gods who had gone through tribulations themselves understood the immense preparations and caution required. The idea of standing still and enduring the thunder was unthinkable for them – they would likely have been annihilated instantly.

As everyone waited with bated breath for the reward that might appear following the ninth thunder, True Monarch Lin also waited in calm anticipation, curious to see what his perseverance against the thunder would bring him this time.

The colorful light enveloped Lin Fei, drawing him into an illusionary realm. This time, he found himself in a nascent world, one that seemed to connect with the experience he had in his previous illusion where he witnessed the birth of a world from chaos. However, unlike last time, where the world was unstable and chaotic, Lin Fei now observed the emergence of the world's origin within the disorder.

As the origin of the world began to manifest, it gave birth to various laws. These laws, represented by threads, began to harness and direct the world's internal forces, gradually stabilizing the once turbulent and chaotic world. As the world gained stability, it stopped appearing as if it were on the brink of collapse.

A mysterious force started to operate through these threads, feeding back into the laws, thereby strengthening them. This cycle of reinforcement between the world's stability and the fortification of its laws led to the growth and expansion of the world's origin, ultimately culminating in the formation of a complete world.

Lin Fei realized, "So, the origin of a world can give rise to laws, and these laws in turn control and develop the world. When the world stabilizes and grows, it further reinforces its laws, making them stronger and allowing the world's origin to expand. This is the path of a world's development!"

His understanding deepened, and Lin Fei felt as if he had grasped something profound. This experience in the illusionary realm illuminated the intricate relationship between a world's origin, its laws, and its development, enhancing his comprehension of the universe's fundamental principles.

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