Immortality Starts With Diligence(Xianxia Litrpg)

544. Severing the Rules, Accelerating the Collapse of the Holy Emperor Realm!

544. Severing the Rules, Accelerating the Collapse of the Holy Emperor Realm!

"Hmm?" The Holy Emperor furrowed his brows slightly, observing the white light that surrounded him. He felt that this white light had suddenly enveloped him, even isolating him from the outside world. Although there was still a faint connection with the Holy Emperor Realm, this link had significantly weakened, showcasing the extraordinary nature of Lin Fei's Saber World.

"Trying to confine me?" The Holy Emperor gathered his strength, including the power of the realm's laws, and launched a fierce attack from within, striking the barriers of the Saber World.


The Saber World shook violently, its light flickering continuously. However, the Holy Emperor's punch was unable to break through the Saber World.

"Really trapped me?" The Holy Emperor tried various methods, but none had any effect. At this point, his expression finally changed. He realized that continuing his attacks would be futile. He wasn't overly concerned, though, as he believed in his own immortality. Even these powerful outsiders couldn't kill him.

"You can't kill me. Even if you trap me here, what's the point? You ultimately can't do anything to me!" he declared. "Over time, even if I attack little by little, I can gradually wear down your so-called 'Saber World.' Eventually, I will be able to escape."

The Holy Emperor's words were not just a threat. Lin Fei's Saber World indeed couldn't confine the Holy Emperor forever. As the Holy Emperor stated, even with slow and persistent attacks, he could eventually deplete the Saber World and escape. It seemed that trapping the Holy Emperor didn't hold much significance in the long run.

However, Lin Fei had a different perspective. With a mysterious smile, he stood calmly in the void, hands clasped behind his back, his gaze deep and penetrating. He spoke slowly, "Holy Emperor, as I said, our purpose here is to obtain certain things during the collapse of the Holy Emperor Realm. The realm is on the brink of collapse – it might take ten thousand years, or maybe just a few thousand, but that doesn't matter. I can accelerate the collapse and destruction of the Holy Emperor Realm."

This was Lin Fei's confidence, his edge over Sun Blaze True Monarch. While Sun Blaze True Monarch couldn't do anything to the Holy Emperor nor damage the realm to hasten its collapse, waiting for it to deteriorate naturally might take millennia, an unbearably long time. Lin Fei, however, didn't want to wait that long. He had the means and confidence to expedite the realm's collapse.

"True Monarch Lin, how can you accelerate the collapse of the Holy Emperor Realm?" Sun Blaze True Monarch asked, his eyes filled with curiosity. As a True Monarch himself, he didn't know how to hasten the destruction of the realm.

"To accelerate the destruction of a small world is simple," Lin Fei explained. "Just cause as much damage to the world as possible. Though vast, any world relies on its laws to function. Break these world laws, and you can speed up the world's collapse."

As he spoke, Lin Fei extended his hand, and then looked up into the void. His vision seemed transformed, perceiving the world differently. Countless threads, representing the realm's laws, intertwined throughout the void, connecting innumerable lives and converging into the world's origin. These threads were the manifestations of the laws that kept the world in motion.

"Sever!" Lin Fei's palm transformed into a saber-like form, and with a swift motion, he slashed down.


The invisible threads in the void began to snap apart one after another. As these threads broke, the entire Holy Emperor Realm seemed to shake violently. Lin Fei didn't stop at a single strike; he continued to slash, repeatedly cutting through the threads in the void.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

With each severing of the threads, the void trembled more intensely, and the Holy Emperor Realm vibrated along with it. Gradually, a sense of destruction began to permeate from the void. Sensing this immense and growing aura of destruction, the Holy Emperor's face turned pale.

"Is the Holy Emperor Realm really going to be destroyed?" The Holy Emperor couldn't believe it. But the overwhelming presence of this destructive force left no room for doubt.

The world was indeed on the brink of destruction, and with it, the Holy Emperor's end was approaching. Being the Holy Emperor, he would perish with the realm's destruction. But he was powerless to change the course of events.

It was Lin Fei who accelerated the collapse, yet the underlying reason was that the Holy Emperor Realm was already close to breaking down. Lin Fei could only hasten this process because the realm was already vulnerable. If the realm had been stable, Lin Fei's actions wouldn't have shaken its foundations.

Sun Blaze True Monarch, on the other hand, revealed a hint of surprise and relief in his eyes. His initial decision to seek Lin Fei's help was more a trial than a certainty; he hadn't held much hope and was prepared for a prolonged war of attrition in the Holy Emperor Realm. However, Lin Fei's intervention had remarkably hastened the realm's collapse.

At this rate, the Holy Emperor Realm's imminent destruction was a matter of mere days, perhaps less than a month. For True Monarchs, such a short duration was almost instantaneous.

Thus, Sun Blaze True Monarch waited patiently alongside Lin Fei. Days passed by – one day, three days, five days, ten days...

Lin Fei maintained his actions, consistently severing the threads in the void. This was not an overnight endeavor; to accelerate the destruction of the Holy Emperor Realm required such persistence.

A month passed quickly, and the void was now pervaded with an aura of destruction. In the Holy Emperor Realm, countless ordinary beings knelt in despair, praying. Even the most mundane of creatures could feel the impending doom, understanding that their world might soon be destroyed. Their only recourse was to kneel and pray.

During this period, some powerful beings, like those from the Twin Holy Alliance, attempted to attack Lin Fei and Sun Blaze True Monarch, hoping to "rescue" the Holy Emperor and save the realm.

However, unbeknownst to them, even saving the Holy Emperor would have been futile. The realm was destined for destruction, and even the Holy Emperor had given up.

Of course, these attempts to rescue the Holy Emperor were unsuccessful. The attackers couldn't even get close, as Sun Blaze True Monarch alone could easily overpower them. These beings, at best, were at the Martial King or Martial God level, and even Martial Gods were few and far between, easily suppressed by Sun Blaze True Monarch.


The void trembled. Lin Fei looked up and saw the void tearing apart, continuing to split. The laws of the Holy Emperor Realm had completely collapsed. The realm itself, at most, had only a few more years before its total destruction. It was already in its "end times."

"About time," Lin Fei remarked, turning to Sun Blaze True Monarch. "Sun Blaze True Monarch, you sought the laws related to the stars. Now is the time to act!" He spoke slowly, indicating that it was the moment for Sun Blaze True Monarch to seize what he came for.

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