Immortality Starts With Diligence(Xianxia Litrpg)

540. Joining forces with the Sun Blaze True Monarch

540. Joining forces with the Sun Blaze True Monarch

"Well?" Lin Fei's eyes brightened, intrigued by Sun Blaze True Monarch's revelation. "You have a lead on a True Monarch-level small world that's about to collapse?"

Sun Blaze True Monarch nodded earnestly, "Yes, True Monarch Lin. True Monarch-level small worlds are indeed hard to collapse, but over a long enough period, some are on the brink of destruction. I'm sharing this with you because this particular world contains True Monarch-level life forms. I've entered it before and engaged in several battles, but without exception, I was unable to defeat them.

Now, as this world is nearing collapse, I'm interested in the laws related to the stars contained within it. Once the world collapses, there's a chance to fully extract these laws. I only desire the laws related to the stars and have no interest in the world's origin - you can have it all, True Monarch Lin. The condition, however, is that you and I together must defeat the True Monarch-level life forms within the world. Otherwise, even if the world collapses, we'll gain nothing."

Lin Fei understood Sun Blaze True Monarch's intentions. He was planning to monopolize a collapsing True Monarch-level small world, known only to him. But having faced the True Monarch-level beings within and failing to defeat them, he now sought Lin Fei's assistance.

Considering that Lin Fei needed world origins for his tribulations, Sun Blaze True Monarch surmised that Lin Fei would likely agree, especially since he only wanted the star-related laws and not the origin.

"Agreed, let's do it," Lin Fei responded without hesitation. "When do we depart?"

This opportunity was too good for Lin Fei to pass up. It was exactly what he needed.

"Let's depart now," Sun Blaze True Monarch suggested.

"Alright, I'll meet you in Ancient City, and we can set off together from there," Lin Fei agreed, then left Great Dream City.

Back in his own space, Lin Fei pondered briefly. He hadn't heard of Sun Blaze True Monarch before, but given the number of True Monarchs in the Great Dream Sect, it wasn't surprising. His main focus was on finding a True Monarch-level world and obtaining its origin.

Soon after, ripples of space spread outside Lin Fei's residence, and a figure stepped out from a void passage – it was Sun Blaze True Monarch himself.

"Sun Blaze True Monarch, are we ready to leave now?" Lin Fei asked as he stepped outside.

"Yes, True Monarch Lin. Keep up with me," Sun Blaze True Monarch replied, his body emanating a powerful force that cracked the space around him, revealing a void passage. This was how Martial God True Monarchs traveled – by shattering the void to create a passage. Sun Blaze True Monarch stepped into the passage first, followed closely by Lin Fei.

Traveling together in the void passage, Lin Fei was slightly surprised. It was his first time moving through space in a void passage alongside another True Monarch.

"If you find the pressure of the void passage too much to handle, let me know. We can exit and rest temporarily," Sun Blaze True Monarch cautioned.

The pressure inside the void passage was immense, especially after traveling several steps. Not all True Monarchs could withstand it for long distances. The distance a True Monarch could traverse in one go in the void passage was often indicative of their strength.

"Lin understood clearly," he nodded in agreement. Thus began the Sun Blaze True Monarch's traversal through the void. He took a sudden step forward, followed by Lin Fei, who mirrored the action.

One step, then two, three, four, five...

With each step, the Sun Blaze True Monarch's pace was unwaveringly steady. The first ten steps posed no challenge to the True Monarchs. But beyond the tenth, the journey differed.

In times past, before Lin Fei had ascended to True Monarch status, relying solely on the power of Saber World, he could only manage thirteen steps. However, now as a True Monarch, Lin Fei's strength had undergone a complete transformation, increasing manifold, incomparable to his former self.

The Sun Blaze True Monarch continued his steady pace: ten steps, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five, thirty...

Until the thirtieth step, even the Sun Blaze True Monarch began to feel the immense pressure. Yet Lin Fei kept pace effortlessly, a fact that sent a chill through the Sun Blaze True Monarch's heart. Despite his astonishment, he had to admit: Lin Fei's strength might surpass his own! Such was the power of a True Monarch who had survived the nine heavenly tribulations.

In total, the Sun Blaze True Monarch took thirty-six steps before halting. "We've arrived," he declared, and as his words echoed, the void passage shattered instantaneously. Lin Fei and the Sun Blaze True Monarch swiftly exited the void passage.

Thirty-six steps in the void passage signified an extraordinary distance traversed. Now, both stood suspended in the void, with Lin Fei unaware of their exact location. All he knew was that they were far, far from the Ancient Covenant. Below them lay an endless forest, dense and lush. The surrounding void bore no distinct features, suggesting they were not in a forbidden zone, but somewhere within the Divine Realm.

With a whoosh, the Sun Blaze True Monarch vanished in a flash, descending towards the forest below. Soon, the pair arrived at a vast valley, where remnants of human influence lingered amidst the natural grandeur. These ancient ruins, evidently ravaged by time, left only fragments of walls and foundations barely protruding from the earth.

"This place is a relic of an ancient power," the Sun Blaze True Monarch revealed. "In my past pursuits, I stumbled upon their traces. Unexpectedly, while the ancient relics offered little of value, they concealed a gateway to another world."

"Likely, this hidden portal was a secret of the ancient power," he continued. "Upon entering, I discovered it led to a True Monarch-level minor world."

The Sun Blaze True Monarch shared these insights, his fortune was evident in his tone. He hadn't anticipated that his search for ancient relics would lead to a True Monarch-level world - a discovery far more precious than any ruin. Just revealing this information could reap significant rewards.

However, the true prize lay in the resources of this minor world, far surpassing any immediate gain. Thus, the Sun Blaze True Monarch schemed to monopolize this world.

"This minor world is known as the Holy Emperor Realm," he informed Lin Fei. "Its mightiest being is the Holy Emperor, though he seems rather unique, different from ordinary True Monarchs. You'll understand once you enter the Holy Emperor Realm."

With these words, an immense power radiated from the Sun Blaze True Monarch.

"Break!" he roared, and the void shattered.

This time, it revealed not a void passage, but a world channel leading to a True Monarch-level minor world. The Sun Blaze True Monarch entered first, with Lin Fei hesitating not a moment before following, his figure vanishing into the world channel in the blink of an eye. The two figures disappeared without a trace.

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