Immortality Starts With Diligence(Xianxia Litrpg)

532. The Frenzied Conquest of One Hundred and Three Small Worlds!

532. The Frenzied Conquest of One Hundred and Three Small Worlds!

With Purple Paradise True Monarch's departure, the numerous Martial Gods and Deity Transformation cultivators around him wore complex expressions. Yet, none spoke. They merely watched Lin Fei in silence.

Lin Fei cast a deep glance at Purple Paradise True Monarch. He knew that Purple Paradise True Monarch would never reveal who had sent him to kill Lin Fei, and Lin Fei had no means to force this information out of him; after all, even the illusory arts of the Shen could not control Purple Paradise True Monarch's mind.

Thus, under the augmentation of the Saber World, Lin Fei directly shattered the void.


The void fractured, revealing a spatial passage.

In a flash, Lin Fei stepped into this void corridor. In the blink of an eye, he vanished without a trace.

Seeing Lin Fei shatter the void and traverse space in full view, no one doubted anymore that Lin Fei had achieved the power to shatter the void. Only a True Monarch could navigate through the void!

Lin Fei returned to the Ancient Covenant, but the rumors about him quickly spread throughout the entire Divine Realm. The emergence of a True Monarch was not an extraordinary event in itself.

But to repel a True Monarch as a Martial God, and then, to achieve the status of True Monarch with only five thunder tribulations was truly legendary.

Regardless of how his feats were celebrated in the outside world, Lin Fei remained indifferent. Upon returning to the Ancient Covenant, he immediately headed to the mission hall in Great Dream City. He sought more origins of the world.

To achieve this, Lin Fei had to venture into numerous small worlds and plunder their origins. For this purpose, he spared no effort, even if the worlds were weak.

Lin Fei was unapologetic now. Because he could traverse the void, and even hasten the collapse of small worlds. Therefore, even the weaker worlds would not delay Lin Fei for long.

Thus, Lin Fei began a frenzied journey, constantly traversing between the small worlds and the Ancient Covenant. One by one, two by two, three, four, five...

World after world, Lin Fei's figure appeared time and again. In every small world where Lin Fei emerged, all the Martial Gods and cultivators as if by unspoken agreement swiftly departed those worlds.

No one dared to contest with Lin Fei. Eventually, over time, no one even sought to explore the small worlds.

"The one hundred and third small world..."

Lin Fei kept traveling tirelessly. In a matter of months, he had visited every known small world. And then, he could find no more small worlds.

The Martial Gods and cultivators seemed to have understood his intent. Knowing that before transcending his tribulation, before stepping into the realm of a True Monarch, Lin Fei would frenziedly plunder the origins of small worlds. Thus, they stopped searching for new worlds.

After all, even if they found them, it would only serve to benefit Lin Fei. So they simply ceased their searches. Over time, when Lin Fei had looted all the existing small worlds, no new worlds were discovered.

Lin Fei had no solution to this. He couldn't force these Martial Gods and cultivators to search for small worlds. That was simply unrealistic. And it would have taken a long time.

So, Lin Fei ceased his pursuit. He understood perfection is unattainable in any endeavor. Now, having plundered the origins of one hundred and three small worlds, plus the source from the Heavenly Secret Realm, he had amassed even more over a hundred origins of worlds.

For Lin Fei, this was nearly sufficient. For any Martial God, this was an unimaginably vast amount of world origin. If Lin Fei utilized them all, he even felt confident that he could withstand nine heavenly thunders during his sixth thunder tribulation! And do so with ease.

Before undergoing his tribulation, Lin Fei harbored a crucial question. Having become a True Monarch, could he still return to the Ancient Continent?

This matter was of great importance. If he couldn't return to the Ancient Continent after becoming a True Monarch, he would need to visit it one last time. He couldn't bear the thought of being eternally separated from his loved ones there. It seemed the Ancient Covenant was concealing information about the Ancient Continent. But Lin Fei couldn't find any details.

After pondering, Lin Fei decided to personally visit the Great Dream Sect for answers. He went to Great Dream City and found a Martial God of the Great Dream Sect.

"I wish to inquire about some information regarding the Ancient Continent. May I request an audience with the Great Dream Ancestor?"

Lin Fei met with Zuo Yuan. He directly posed his question. Zuo Yuan, a disciple under the Great Dream Ancestor, naturally had access to the Great Dream Ancestor.

Zuo Yuan smiled slightly and said, "Please wait a moment, True Monarch."

Zuo Yuan now directly addressed Lin Fei as "True Monarch." Clearly, Zuo Yuan was aware of the rumors about Lin Fei. After all, one could hardly be unaware that Lin Fei had recently been too audacious, plundering over a hundred small worlds, making him the foremost among all Martial Gods!

Moreover, the news of Lin Fei repelling Purple Paradise True Monarch had already spread throughout the Divine Realm. Everyone regarded Lin Fei as a True Monarch.

"Thank you, Zuo."

Lin Fei was respectful. Though Zuo Yuan's strength was not overwhelming, his position was delicate, being able to meet directly with the Great Dream Ancestor. Anyone would be courteous in his presence.

Zuo Yuan arrived at a grand hall. Inside the hall, an elderly man with white hair and a beard sat cross-legged on the floor, appearing to be in meditative rest.

Zuo Yuan softly reported, "Ancestor, True Monarch Lin Fei seeks an audience with you, wishing to inquire about the Ancient Continent."

"Lin Fei?"

"Indeed, he hails from the Ancient Continent. It's natural for him to have some questions about it."

"Let him in."

"Yes, Ancestor."

Zuo Yuan then approached Lin Fei. With a slight smile, he said, "True Monarch Lin, you are fortunate. The Ancestor wishes to meet you as well. Please follow me."

"Thank you, Zuo."

Lin Fei's heart stirred. He was finally going to meet the Great Dream Ancestor. Now, Lin Fei could practically be considered a True Monarch. He had the power to shatter the void. He had no more doubts about being a True Monarch. But regarding the Martial Ancestors, he still harbored many uncertainties. Or rather, he couldn't find the path to becoming a Martial Ancestor. He could only proceed step by step.

But meeting a Martial Ancestor in person, even witnessing the "Dao" of a Martial Ancestor might profoundly influence him. The Martial Ancestor Lin Fei was most hopeful of meeting was the Great Dream Ancestor!

The Great Dream Ancestor was also a figure of legend. Lin Fei had been anticipating this meeting for a long time.

"By the way, will I meet the Ancestor in person, or in the Great Dream City?" Lin Fei asked.

Zuo Yuan smiled slightly and replied, "True Monarch Lin, naturally, you'll meet the Ancestor in the Great Dream City. No one can meet the Ancestor's true form. The Ancestor founded the Great Dream Heart Sutra. He always appears in dreams. That is to say, the Ancestor perpetually wanders within dreams. Even staying within dreams for millions of years. That is the Ancestor's way of cultivation!"

Lin Fei was deeply struck by this revelation. To dwell in a dream for millions of years, did that not imply that the real-world Great Dream Ancestor was in perpetual slumber?

Of course, for others, sleeping for such an extended period would not be a favorable situation. But for the Great Dream Ancestor, sleep was cultivation. The dream state was his means of cultivation. The stronger the dream, the stronger the Great Dream Ancestor became! The dream realm was the way of the Great Dream Ancestor!

Of course, this was merely Lin Fei's conjecture, and also a speculation shared by the outside world. The Great Dream Ancestor seldom took action, and those who knew the true extent of his capabilities were few.

Thus, in the entire Ancient Covenant even throughout the whole Divine Realm, the most mysterious Martial Ancestor was probably the Great Dream Ancestor.

No one knew the true extent of the Great Dream Ancestor's capabilities. But once he truly took action, the Great Dream Ancestor was undoubtedly formidable! After all, the few instances he had revealed his power were terrifyingly impressive.

Soon, Lin Fei, following Zuo Yuan, arrived at the mansion of the Great Dream Ancestor in Great Dream City. This was the residence of the Ancestor in the city.

Upon entering the great hall, Lin Fei immediately saw an elderly man with white hair and beard, sitting cross-legged.

Seeing this elder, Lin Fei was profoundly moved. In his eyes, the elder seemed to be connected by countless "threads" to the entire Great Dream City, or perhaps, to the entire realm of dreams. It appeared as though the elder was supporting the whole Great Dream City with his solitary strength!

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