Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 314 Rampage

"Hehe~ It's time to begin the slaughter!" Mira chuckled with a sadistic grin on her face.

Now that her Evolved Ice Wings (she really needs to come up with a better name) are completed, she can finally take the initiative in this skirmish without having to always look over her shoulder.

However, she held her desire to rampage in for just a few seconds so she can wait for the right moment for this new ability of hers to make its first appearance in the world!

She waited for just the right moment…


As soon as most of the long-range enemies released their skills, Mira jumped up in the air and used her wings to propel herself a bit further. Once she reached a proper height, she decided to show off her Evolved Ice Wings Ability with a bang!


Mira released the thousands of tiny ice feathers and scattered them in all directions! She wasn't aiming for any part in particular as she wanted to see how much large-scale damage she could cause just by doing that.

As she quickly fell back down, Mira looked around and noticed that hundreds, if not, thousands of beasts now lay dead and many more were injured with large holes through their bodies.

Mira was amazed at the raw power held within each feather! They were like a bunch of Mid to Late-Grade daggers, but they were so much more than that! They could be a shield, a weapon, a pair of wings, a bomb, etc. They could basically be anything she wanted them to be!

Of course, the power of these feathers is only natural due to how much power was pumped into each one of them.

In any normal environment, Mira would never be able to utilize such an ability as just the initial cost of it was over 10 times the amount of Qi she had in her body. That's completely disregarding the cost of maintaining the skill. She'd have to have probably 20 to 40 times as much Qi as she has right now if she wants to utilize the skill freely and without repercussions.

If she were to guess when she'd finally be able to actually use this skill, she'd say that she'd probably have to wait until Stages 5 to 7 of the Core Formation Realm.

Also, she'd need to increase her Ice Dao comprehension as well in order to keep up with the cost and power of the skill.

Nevertheless, Mira was satisfied with its current power. She hurriedly recalled the ice feathers and quickly formed a beautiful pair of ice wings above her back.

Mira also put away the shield as she has no more use for it then charged straight towards the oncoming beasts!

As she was approaching the beasts in front of her, she could sense various attacks coming at her from behind and to the sides, but she didn't need to care about that now.

She simply disassembled part of the wings and transformed them into mini shields that protected her sides and back.

Mira felt numerous attacks land on her shields, but they weren't able to get past them. The feathers were slightly damaged, but she just supplied more energy to them and they'd be fixed up in no time.

Mira smiled knowing that her new ability is working just like it was supposed to and felt even freer about going on a rampage.

A subtle yet thick killing intent started to leak out of her body at the thought of killing so many powerful enemies, but the only other being who seemed to notice this was Robin. Although she's felt Mira's thick killing intent several times before, it still gives her the chills.

However, the beasts weren't in the right state of mind to notice this and kept attacking her as if they were in a frenzy.

Without wasting any time, Mira charged at the nearest beast and swiftly chopped off its head with her scythe. In order to build up momentum, Mira didn't stop twirling her scythe and kept running straight ahead chopping down anything that stood in her way.

Meanwhile, she took full advantage of her Evolved Ice Wings and formed a few ice feather swords on either side of her, then began chopping at anything that came close to her.

Luckily, no allies were around her at this time or they would have surely died. That's one of the only downsides of Mira's attacks; they don't discriminate between friend or foe. She just kills everything around her.

Robin, who is using her cyclone to thin out the crowd, now has the time to watch Mira fight and she seriously wondered how such a little girl could be so brutal.

Heads, limbs, bodies, and guts were flying everywhere around her. It was like she was in a damn meat grinder! Those ice feather swords around her just impaled and sliced everything around her making a bloody mess of her surroundings.

Meanwhile, Robin could see the ice feathers on her back disassemble into small shields to revolve around her as they blocked any incoming attacks.

Honestly, it was an amazing sight. One she'll never forget. It was like watching a living legend. With how fast Mira could react to any signs of danger without even having to see it or with how quickly she could cut down the beasts in front of her. It was a work of art. A masterpiece. Even though it may be a brutal and bloody masterpiece. It's still a masterpiece nonetheless.

She was also entranced in the beauty of it all. Mira's icy feathers surrounded her like stars in the night sky while Mira herself was like a comet piercing through anything that stood in her way.

Robin was so entranced that she almost allowed herself to get hit by an incoming attack!

Luckily, she was able to dodge it in time as it would've been really embarrassing if she actually let it hit her.

However, now that she's been distracted away from Mira's performance, she figured it was time to up her game a bit seeing how fast Mira was butchering her way through enemies.

She also let out a smile and began throwing out her own offensive abilities now that she's taken control of her side of the battlefield.


A few hours later, both Mira and Robin were standing nearly 20 meters apart panting like dogs. Right now, they've killed thousands upon thousands of beasts each, but they still kept on coming.

Not only that, but the beasts only became tougher and tougher over time. So instead of only needing one ice feather to kill a beast, now Mira might need 5 or even 10 if she wants to deal with one beast.

That may not seem like a lot out of the thousands of ice feathers she has, but it almost decreased her killing efficiency by a factor of ten! Maybe even more than that since she needs to use more of her brain to focus on killing the beasts unlike how it was in the beginning when she could just randomly shoot any ice feather or ice feather sword and kill a beast.

She also had to waste a few ice feathers by blowing them up in order to deal severe damage to a few particularly tough beasts. Actually, they were mainly used to injure the sentient plants that kept trying to kill her. Those things were a huge pain in the ass to kill.

For one, their defensive capabilities are ridiculously annoying. They can also use other weaker plants to hide, they can cast illusions, they have great binding abilities, and oftentimes Mira can never tell where the core is. They all look the same to her.

So in order to kill them as quickly as possible, Mira opted to just blow up the surrounding area and then destroy everything that was still alive after the explosion.

It was a very brutish way of dealing with things, but Mira didn't care. She had other things to worry about other than sentient plants.

One of those problems was a group of beings that she called Crystal Golems. These golems are actual golems, not Earth Elementals, and seemed to have been formed by the crystals that covered the walls.

These guys had an insanely high defense when they had the same strength as Mira. Actually, that's pretty much all these golems were good at. Their actual attack power came from how much they weighed, but that amount is negligible to Mira so what should be very strong attacks felt more like pillows whenever they hit Mira. But the thing is, they were incredibly annoying!

Mira couldn't easily kill them without blowing up a few feathers, but doing so would be a huge waste considering their lack of combat power! One has to know that the damage caused by one of her feathers exploding is similar to a Stage 8 or 9 Core Formation Realm expert blowing himself up!

Yet, she has to waste a feather or perhaps even multiple feathers on killing a fucking golem with no real combat power?? Hell no!

…Yet, she was almost forced to do it anyway.

These golems played as the first line of defense between her and the beasts that were trying to kill her. Needless to say, wherever the beasts went, they followed and did their best to block any of her attacks.

She felt extremely bitter about using up her feathers like that, but she had no other choice if she wanted to keep up her killing efficiency.

Another thing to note is that using so many ice feathers for so long caused a huge strain on Mira's mind. Right now, after hours of fighting, Mira felt like her head was going to explode! She was starting to get dizzy and the world around her started to twist. She also felt abnormally tired and knew that if she were to fall asleep now, she would definitely be out for at least a few days.

Now, although both she and Robin have full Qi reserves, they are incredibly exhausted. Though who can blame them. Over the course of the last few hours, Mira probably used several hundred times the amount of Qi her body can naturally hold.

Robin wasn't much better as she's used dozens of times more Qi than she has in her reserves.

Both of their bodies are extremely sore and they probably wouldn't be able to last much longer. Actually, it's a surprise that they could last this long! Normal people would have already fainted by now. The two of them are only holding on due to sheer willpower.

Though, it looks like they won't last much longer as their eyelids started to feel droopy…

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