Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 293 Bronze Rank Mercenary

"Here's your badge, Miss. Now let me tell you what this badge does. For one, it can be used as a form of identification, but with you being a Bronze Rank, nobody will really care. Next, your contribution points are shown on the front and your active missions are displayed on the back. Lastly, this badge also allows us to track if you died during a mission. This way, we can simply reissue the mission without having to waste time searching for your dead body. Don't worry though. It doesn't track your location or anything like that. Technically, it doesn't even keep track of your life or death. The badge is set to cancel your active missions if you were to die or unbind the badge. That's about it, do you have any questions?"

After receiving the payment, Robin took out a bronze hexagonal badge and handed it to Mira. The latter bit her finger and a drop of blood fell on the badge, binding it to herself. She double-checked the badge to make sure it was working properly and then put it in her Storage Space.

After binding the badge, she looked back at the receptionist who twitched in response under her cold, unfeeling, murderous eyes and started asking the questions that really mattered.

"Do you have any books related to herbology, metals, ores, minerals, and things of that nature? If so, can I pay for it in Spirit Stones, or do I have to purchase them with Contribution points?"

The receptionist almost subconsciously blurted out 'Why?' because it was truly an odd question, but she quickly restrained herself.

"Yes, we do have such items, but unfortunately everything within the Mercenary Association can only be bought with Contribution Points. Fortunately, very few things in this location are locked for Silver Ranked Mercenaries and above so you should be able to find exactly what you need by completing a couple of missions."

Luckily, Mira wasn't a fool and suddenly understood something crucial based on this interaction. She could buy higher ranked items as a Bronze Rank, but it would cost significantly more Contribution Points than if she were a Silver Rank. Why else would they not limit the products Bronze Ranks can buy?

Most of the people here probably don't give a shit about the Mercenary Association and even if they completed the 100 missions, passed the test, and paid the required number of Contribution Points, they still wouldn't give a shit.

How can the Mercenary Association, a place based on mutual benefit, allow such people to rise through the ranks? They can't simply because of the fact that a Silver Ranked Mercenary means infinitely more than a Bronze Ranked one.

From what Mira understood, this was merely a branch location of the Mercenary Association. The headquarters is most likely located somewhere on the Central Continent and has branch locations all over the world.

Such a large and powerful group might have billions of Bronze Members, making the Bronze Badge effectively useless anywhere other than a Mercenary Association building.

But then what about Silver Rank? How many of those Bronze Rank Mercenaries actually strive to become Silver Rank? How many Bronze Ranks actually become Silver Rank? A few million maybe? Probably not even that many.

Then what about Gold Rank? How many Gold Rank Mercenaries are out there in the world? Mira had no idea, but she guessed that there probably weren't that many. Based on the nonexistent barrier of entry, Mira could easily assume that the requirements to rise through the ranks only got harsher the higher up one went.

Now that she thought about it, the 100 mission requirement seemed a bit too easy…

"It's not so simple to become a Silver Rank mercenary, now is it? I doubt they would make the requirements to rise through the ranks so easy. What's the catch?" Mira asked, but to Robin, it felt more like a command.

Robin was also surprised that the little girl in front of her figured this out with only basic information.

"It seems like you're smarter than you look. You're right, there are a few hidden requirements needed to Rank-up. For example, the 100 mission requirement. Not just any mission will go towards this count. Only missions rated above your Cultivation go towards this number. Not only that, but ten of them have to be a full Major Realm above you in cultivation. Lastly, only kill missions go towards this count. Herb picking, mining, scouting, none of these count towards your progress even if you are in an area recommended for those above you in cultivation. It's not that these aren't important, but there are plenty of cowards who are afraid to fight more powerful foes. The Mercenary Association doesn't need cowards rising through the ranks. Anyways, those are just a few of the hidden requirements. There are more, but I'm not supposed to tell you as that would defeat the purpose."

Mira nodded in understanding and wasn't shocked by this information. With those requirements, unless you were an exceptionally rare talent or had really good friends then rising through the ranks would be impossible.

Mira also made some connections about these other so-called hidden requirements but decided not to voice her thoughts. From what she understood, she didn't need to worry about them. At least for now.

The same couldn't be said for the mercenaries around the room listening in on their conversation. They were shocked, bewildered, and angry because many of the missions they've been taking are meant for those with weaker cultivation. So, hearing that most of their hard work was useless, of course, they'd be angry.

Although just about everyone in Quake City only saw the Mercenary Association as a means to an end, that didn't mean they didn't want to rise through the ranks! Who wouldn't?! With all the added benefits that come with being a Silver Rank mercenary, why would they not want that?!

"Bullshit! Are you telling me that the 50 missions I've done up til now were all a waste?! Fuck you!"

"I worked my ass off to do these missions only to find out they don't count? What the fuck?! What a scam!"

"Explain yourself! What do you mean we have to take missions above our cultivation level?! How do you expect us to do that when even the Missions below our cultivation are already hard enough?! That's simply impossible!"

The crowd grew louder and louder as they stormed Mira and the receptionist. Mira noticed the slight smile on Robin's face and felt even more annoyed.

'It seems this receptionist is quite the character…'

Mira thought, but she didn't really care. What she did care about was that a bunch of nasty men started crowding around her like a bunch of beasts.

'Maybe I should just cut them down? Hmmm… Killing a few shouldn't hurt. I can also loot their bodies as an added benefit.'

Mira accidently let out some of her killing intent as those thoughts flashed through her mind which caused the surrounding people to shiver uncontrollably.

Luckily, the receptionist came to their rescue as they felt their lives flash before their eyes.


Robin yelled and right after an immense pressure came crashing down on the mob of people crowding around her forcing them to back off.

Seeing this, Mira let out a sigh of disappointment and stopped doing whatever it is she was about to do.

"Like I told this little lady, the Mercenary Association doesn't need cowards or weaklings! You lot are all lucky enough that we settled down in this shithole and are even given the option to benefit from us! If you don't like how we set things up, so what? Do you think we care about your useless opinion? If you have any complaints, feel free to take it up with the President of the Mercenary Association on the Central Continent. I'm sure he'll love to have a 'nice talk' with you about the way we run things. Now piss off!"

The mercenaries scurried like rats after Robin's little outburst. In the end, only Mira and Robin were left on the First Floor.

Robin stared at Mira with a complicated expression, but Mira could tell what emotion she was feeling the most: fear. It was well-hidden and concealed within the depths of her eyes, but Mira has seen that expression more times than she can count. Even more so if you count the alternate lives she experienced in the F.LD.I.L.

It seems the slight killing intent she released just then frightened the girl, but Mira couldn't really blame the girl. Counting the deaths she's caused in her alternate lives and her past lives, the number reaches the billions or maybe tens of billions. Maybe even more than that. Honestly, Mira didn't know because at some point it doesn't matter.

Her killing intent, if released at full force, is tangible at this point and is something that normal people wouldn't be able to handle. Even strong-willed people wouldn't be able to handle it.

This receptionist girl is probably pretty tough for being able to stay in a place like this, but that's about it. From this brief interaction, Mira could tell that this girl has yet to truly experience the horrors of this world. No, that's not quite right.

It's just that she doesn't understand the extent of what this world and its inhabitants are capable of.

After Mira was finished examining the girl, she spoke up.

"Where can I look for missions?"

"O…On the Mission Board, right over there." Robin shakily replied.

Mira nodded and walked in the direction she pointed to and started searching for missions to take.

Robin almost let out a deep breath now that the little demoness was away from her, until she heard her voice again.

"How many missions can I take at one time?"

"Ah! Five. You can take five missions at a time, but you can also take more if they are all located in the same area. You'll just need to get permission if you want to do that." Robin explained to which Mira nodded again and continued searching for missions.

Robin waited a few more seconds to see if Mira had any more questions, but seeing the little girl absorbed in looking for missions, she let out a deep breath that she didn't know she was holding in.

A few minutes later, Mira walked back to the counter with five missions in tow. Robin barely gave them a glance before signing off on them. She was mentally exhausted right now and just wanted Mira to go away.

"Oh, one more thing. I'd like a list of the things I can buy with my Contribution Points." Mira commanded and Robin followed her orders.

She reached under the counter, pulled out a jade slip, and tossed it to Mira.

"That jade slip should tell you everything you can buy as a Bronze Rank Mercenary."

Mira put the Jade Slip in her Storage Space and nodded. She didn't have any more questions so she left the building without saying another word.

Robin released another deep breath now that the little demoness was gone and soon a serious expression was plastered on her face.

"I must notify the Head about that little girl. She's… dangerous."

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