Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 254 Samsara? Part 2

The second life Mira was experiencing was very different from the first one. She was born in an extremely primitive world where the inhabitants struggled to survive. Mira was born in a small village as the daughter of the Village Chief and grew up being taught how to weave baskets, prepare food, and make clothes.

However, Mira didn't want to do any of that.

It started when Mira snuck out of the village and followed the warriors of the village on their hunt. Towards the end of their hunt, the warriors were able to kill a large boar. At that moment, when Mira saw the blood of the boar sprayed all over the ground, she knew that she wanted to be able to do that as well.

She was only 5 years old at the time, but there was something inside her that screamed at her to become strong, to hunt, to kill. She had no idea why she felt this primal urge to kill when she should be feeling scared at the sight of the dead boar, but she knew that fighting this urge would do more harm than good.

When she ran back to the village that day, she asked her father to teach her how to fight, but he always refused and told her that women have no right to fight. The only thing they are good for is giving birth and cooking.

When Mira heard that, a disgusted and disdainful look appeared on her face. She didn't exactly know what it meant to give birth, but she wasn't stupid. She saw men and women in the village doing weird movements and making weird noises. She knew that doing whatever they were doing somehow made a baby.

But when she saw how the men were dominating, conquering, and pounding the submissive women underneath them, she had never felt so disgusted in her entire life. No, it wasn't because she saw them having sex, but because the mere thought of submitting to someone else made her cringe in revulsion.

If having a baby meant submitting to a man, then she would rather die than have a child!

After that day, she stopped bothering her father about becoming a warrior. Not because she gave up, but because there was no point. Her father would never see her as a warrior even if she became strong. He only saw her as a baby maker.

So she took it upon herself to get strong on her own. She started sneaking around the village to watch the warriors train and would go back late that night to practice on her own.

Life continued until she became 12 years old. Now she was considered an adult in her tribe and was supposed to partner up with one of the males of the village to procreate.

However, Mira had different plans for this day…

Her father called her early in the morning to get ready for the marriage ceremony. Naturally, as the Village Chief, her father chose the strongest warrior of the village for Mira to marry and procreate with.

Mira offered no complaints and did everything her father told her to do. She dressed up in traditional tribal clothes and applied body paint all over her body according to the traditions. Her clothes were rather revealing as they only covered her private parts and Mira couldn't stop trembling in rage and disgust.

But after calming down a bit, a sinister smile soon replaced her rage filled one. She can't wait for what's to come later today…

A few hours later, everyone in the village gathered around the Village Chief's house, ready to celebrate the marriage of his daughter to the strongest warrior in the village.

Everyone stood in a large circle and in the middle of this circle stood three people. Two were Mira's mother and father while the last person was a man. This man was around 2 meters tall, had rippling muscles, scars all over his body that proved his status as a warrior, and an angular face.

This was the strongest warrior in the village, Max, and this wasn't his first time going through a ceremony like this. As the strongest warrior in the village, he naturally has multiple wives. Well, not just multiple, but almost a quarter of the women in the village have slept with Max in hopes of getting pregnant with his child.

There might even be more women cheating on their husbands to sleep with Max in hopes of giving birth to a strong baby.

However, Max was the most excited about this ceremony for several reasons. First, he was marrying the Village Chief's daughter which will improve his relationship and status in the village. Secondly, the Village Chief's daughter, Mira, is a real beauty. She was by far the most beautiful woman in the village. In fact, she looked more like a goddess than a human woman.

As a man, the thought of pushing such a woman down and having her submit to his rod was not something he could give up.

As Max was thinking about what he'll do to Mira later that night, the woman herself had finally shown up to the ceremony.

Max and everyone else was stunned by her beauty and the former couldn't even bother to hide his lust at this point as he examined the beautiful woman in front of him.

He walked towards Mira as Mira walked towards him, both with different thoughts running through their minds.

When the two of them got close enough to touch each other, Mira lowered her hands and reached around her waist. When she got a bit closer to Max, she pulled out two daggers. Before Max or anyone else could react, she used one of the daggers to slash one of the tendons in his leg forcing him to kneel as she held the other dagger at his throat.

Nobody knew what was going on and Max was already on his knees, at the mercy of Mira's daggers before anyone could do anything.

The Village Chief and the warriors were the first to react as they immediately surrounded Mira with weapons drawn.

"Mira! What is going on?! Why did you just attack our strongest warrior, your husband?! Put those daggers down right now before you do something you'll regret!!"

The Village Chief yelled, his face red in anger. Mira sneered as she answered.

"I never wanted to marry a brute like this, 'Father'. I told you before, right? I wanted to be a warrior not some whore who only knows how to give birth. Now, I'll give you 5 seconds to make a decision, o'Great Village Chief. Cancel this marriage and allow me to be a warrior or Max loses his head!"

Everyone was stunned! Why was the Village Chief's daughter acting like this? Why didn't anyone know that she wanted to be a warrior? Actually, why does she want to be a warrior anyways? She's a woman!

The Village Chief's face kept getting more and more red until he became so angry that his face eventually turned black.

"You unfilial daughter! That was years ago! And I told you that you have not the strength nor skills to be a warrior! You are a woman! Your duty is to give birth to strong children for the future of our tribe-!"


"You wouldn't dar-!


"Don't make me do this, Mira! If you don't stop this right now, I'll-!


"Guards! Get her!"


As soon as the Village Chief's words fell, Max's head flew. Everyone stood there, stunned. They didn't know how to react. The Village Chief's daughter just killed the strongest man in the tribe without batting an eye!

"Tsk tsk tsk… Father, I thought you'd be smarter than that. The man didn't have to die if only you granted my two requests. Oh well, I predicted this would happen. Hehe~"

Everyone felt a chill run down their spine when Mira laughed and when they saw her sinister smile on her face, they gasped in horror.

They didn't know the Village Chief was harboring such a demon who would enjoy killing her own tribe members!

"Anyways, it seems I'm no longer welcome here, so I'll be on my way."

Mira dashed out of the encirclement before anyone could react and by the time the Village Chief and the villagers regained their wits, Mira was already gone!

"That damned worthless daughter!!!!"

That's the last thing Mira heard as she ran out of the village. However, she was unfazed by that and even had a smile on her face as she left.

From that point on, Mira lived like a complete savage. She would hunt anything that moves. From frogs, to birds, to even bears. She spent pretty much all of her time hunting. It got to the point where even the animals and predators in the nearby area feared her. Not necessarily because of her strength, but because she reeked of blood and death.

Over a decade later, an adult Mira was facing a pack of nearly 100 wolves. This may seem like a lot, but this pack originally had 300 wolves in it. Yes, that may sound like a lot, but these wolves did it for survival! Mira was hunting everything in the area to extinction so they were essentially forced to group up so they won't die for no reason.

Mira slaughtered her way through the wolves with nothing more than stone weapons and leather clothes.

Blood and guts sprayed all over the place and Mira was also covered in wounds. Some even went down to the bone.

Mira knew this would most likely be her last moment so she held nothing back and stopped caring about her body. Her reason for doing this?

She was bored and dying. Even though she was only 25 years old at this point, she could tell she wouldn't live for much longer. All of the injuries she accumulated over the years had worn down her body. However, Mira didn't want to go down as someone else's prey! She was going to choose how she dies and fighting a massive pack of wolves seemed like a glorious battlefield to die on!

That's why she hunted everything in the surrounding area to extinction and forced these wolves to gather! All so she could present herself with a battlefield and an enemy worthy of dying to.

Mira slaughtered her way towards the Alpha and several hours later it was only her and the Alpha facing each other. The Alpha wolf had bloodshot eyes as it looked at Mira in fury, but other than that, he was perfectly fine. He used all of those beta wolves to tire Mira out so he could finally take her down when she was exhausted.

Mira, on the other hand, was basically dead at this point. Her body was covered in wounds, many of her bones were broken, and she had an immense amount of internal damage. However, she still had a slight smile on her face that proved she was happy. If she were to die right now, she would have no regrets.

The Alpha wolf couldn't take it anymore and rushed at Mira, but his instincts screamed at him to run when he got close to Mira, however it was too late. Mira pulled a stake out of her ass and aimed it at the wolf's head. The wolf knew that if it stopped now to try and back away it would die so instead it charged forward and went for her neck.


The wolf grabbed her neck as Mira jammed a stake into its head. The wolf died instantly, but Mira had a few breaths left in her before her eventual demise. She used the last of her strength to take the stake out of the wolf and jab it into her own heart.

With her dying breath, she said:

"Only I, myself, have the right to kill me. You, I'm afraid, are not worthy! HAHA!"

Mira let out one last maniacal laugh before her heart stopped beating and she died.

Back in the black room, the real Mira watched and experienced everything that happened with a weird but proud look in her eyes.

"Damn! This version of me was a fucking savage! What a great line at the end there! As expected of me! Too bad the skills and knowledge I inherited are basically useless to me. I don't need to know how to make stone weapons or hunt weak ass animals. But that version of me was quite clever and sneaky unlike me who is a bit more straightforward. Too bad she didn't live long enough for me to actually inherit something useful. I just hope, if there's another one of these, that the next version of me actually learns something useful. I really wonder if I'm actually watching versions of me or if this is all an illusion…"

Mira's thoughts were stopped as a fetus appeared on the screen and she started experiencing a new life.

But Mira was disappointed to learn that she was born in another Mortal World with no spiritual energy. She really wished she could just skip these experiences as the amount of knowledge and experience they provide her is essentially useless.

Okay, maybe not useless as they set a good foundation for her in case she ever wants to progress these skills in the future, but in the short term, they are useless. Even in the long term, they aren't incredibly useful.

Take sewing for example, seamstresses in the cultivation world don't even use the techniques that mortals use! Not only that, but silk, leather, wool, and other clothing materials are vastly different from those that mortals wear. These things only get more extreme the stronger one gets, as well.

So the 50+ years of knowledge Mira has on sewing isn't incredibly useful and is not nearly enough to warrant her practicing this skill in the future. After some studying and practice, she might be able to make clothes that are slightly above average, but that's it. She'd have to put in a lot more effort if she wants anything amazing. Doing that will take away too much of her time from training!

Well, that's a thought for another time as Mira was now experiencing her third life… Or her third parallel self's life…

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