Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 252 Introspection

When everything went black, Mira found herself in a strange place. This place was about the size of a bedroom and was entirely black except for one of the walls. This wall was almost transparent, but for some reason, it reminded Mira of a T.V. from Earth.

She looked around a bit more but saw nothing else. She then checked herself out and instead of seeing her normal body, she found herself floating in mid-air with the body of a wisp. Or at least something similar to a wisp.

This wisp body of hers was a mixture of colors, but the main colors are red, black, and blue. From the red, Mira could feel boundless hatred, anger, and killing intent. From the black, she could feel death, a desire for power, along with something evil. And from the blue, she could sense a frosty aura emanating from it. Except this aura didn't only contain her ice powers, but emotions as well.

There was one more color that was faint, but perhaps contained the most mysterious feeling and that color is a Royal Purple. This color seemed to represent her ambition and pride which gave off a sovereign feeling.

There were other colors there as well, but these four were the most prevalent. Looking at this, Mira felt like she could understand herself a bit better and she wasn't sure how to feel knowing this information.

She's basically a walking bundle of anger whose sole goal in life is to kill her oppressor. She can feel that the only reason that the purple color even showed up is that the person who has made her suffer for all these years has god-like power.

It's a bit sad to know that her only redeeming features are her desire for power and vengeance. Everything else is merely secondary or inconsequential. Even though Mira felt it was a bit sad, she didn't think too much about it.

So what if she desired power?

So what if she desired vengeance?

She just wants to be in control of her life! If she wants to die then she should be able to do that! If she wants to live, she should be able to do it on her terms!

Some might say she's naive for thinking of such a thing. Sure, let's say that this god-like entity wasn't constantly trying to push her to the limit, she wouldn't necessarily be in control of her fate.

All those things that have happened to her might still have happened even without that god's intervention. Who knows if her life would've turned out better or worse without his intervention, but that doesn't matter to Mira.

If she didn't have some god-like entity constantly interfering in her life, then she would be able to make her own choices! Even if said choice means committing suicide! She would be able to choose and would only be able to blame herself for her fate.

However, Mira was never given a choice! Sure, she can choose to keep committing suicide, but is that really a choice? At that point, her choices are to either constantly live in a state where she has no body for who knows how long until she goes insane? Or, she can live in whatever hell that god has planned and done her best to escape such a miserable fate.

Either way, she loses.

Not just lose, but utterly defeated. At least if she decides to live, she has a chance to escape her fate. At least that's the case in a Cultivation World. There's pretty much no chance for her to escape her fate in a Mortal World without any Spiritual Energy.

That's because she can gain power!

Power! Power!! POWER!!!

As long as she has power, she can kill that son of a bitch and free herself from his grasp! How she gets there, doesn't matter.

Friends? Family?

Those things have lost their value a long time ago. Sure, she enjoys spending time with Maria and Celaine, but that's on the premise they never stop growing stronger. She has no use for weaklings. That may sound rather elitist and cold, but Mira couldn't care less.

A strong friend will not only be able to take care of themself, but will also be able to live as long as she once she reaches the peak, or at least near the peak, of power.

Be that as it may, Mira knows that this is somewhat cold and harsh. I mean, shouldn't friends care for each other regardless of their strength or status? At least, that's what most people think…

In all honesty, Mira wishes she could think like that too. Friends aren't supposed to care about that kind of stuff, but Mira doesn't have that luxury. She's literally up against a god-like entity and so most, if not all, of her time goes into raising her individual power.

So if that god-like entity doesn't kill her friends then their short lifespans will because Mira won't stop pursuing power until she kills him. Naturally, the pursuit of power is a long and arduous journey that may take thousands or even tens of thousands of years. Maybe even longer than that. With that being the case, she either has to not make any friends, make strong friends, or raise strong friends.

Mira decided on the latter with Maria and Celaine as both of them have a rather high affinity with her. Celaine, with her drive for power and reaching the peak with her Saber.

While Maria… well, she's like a psycho girlfriend who can't stand the thought of leaving her lover. Mira knows she feels indebted to her for saving her life, but that's most likely only secondary.

In truth, Maria most likely just wants to spend time with Mira and if training and cultivating allow her to do that then she won't hesitate to get as strong as she needs to be in order to spend more time with her…

See? Fucking crazy!

Yet, this is the trait Mira likes the most. It may be annoying sometimes… no, a lot of the time, but at least she's reliable in her thoughts and intentions.

Just as Mira was about to continue further with her introspection, the 'screen' in front of her lit up and showed a fetus on the screen. Without even knowing what was going on, Mira instinctively knew that the fetus on the screen was her, or at least it will be. Maybe…

Honestly, Mira's not sure what the hell is going on! How can that be her when she's right here? Is this some sort of dream? Did she actually die? Will this be her new body? Why is she still in this room if that body is hers?

To make matters worse, Mira started to be able to feel what the fetus was feeling and see what the fetus was seeing. Yet, at the same time, she had no control over the fetus' mind or body. The only thing she knew was this place is not the place she's normally sent to when she dies. However, Mira wasn't sure whether that was a good or bad thing at this point…

She only had one question on her mind at this point:

"What the fuck is going on?!"

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