Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 242 Good Samaritan?

High in the sky, far above even the tallest of trees, soared a massive bird. This bird was flying so fast that most people would barely be able to catch a glimpse of it, yet the strange thing was that no aura emanated off of this beast. One would think that such a massive beast would be exceptionally strong but this beast seemed like nothing but a weak Rank 1 Beast.

However, that couldn't be farther from the truth as this beast flew faster than every bird in the sky.

This beast was Elenei and although she looked like a free and unfettered bird from the ground, the beast in question was feeling anything but free!

Not only was she forced to conceal her aura, slowing down her speed, but she had to carry 3 people and 2 beasts on her back! That's not even the worst of it! She even has to use her Qi to protect the 5 entities on her back because they are flying at such high speeds that their bodies will be damaged without any sort of protection.

Mira, who's now back to her original self, also commanded her to fly without breaks until they see something interesting!

What the fuck is this?! I'm a Divine Beast, you know?! Are we really companions?! Why do I get the feeling that I'm your slave instead?! We've been flying for over a week, at least give me a break!!

That's what Elenei wanted to say, but she decided it'd be better to just shut up and deal with it. She still hasn't kept her end of the bargain, which was making Mira a Core Formation Realm expert and Mira definitely won't help her until that happens.

So although she wanted to voice out her grievances, there wasn't much she could do at this point. She just had to work hard to make Mira a Core Formation Realm expert as soon as possible. Then she'll be able to undergo Nirvana and not have to deal with this insufferable woman for a while!

However, Elenei wasn't the only one who was having a bad time. Maria, Celaine, and Vulcan also weren't having the greatest of times. Mainly because flying at such high speeds is abnormally loud! They can't focus on cultivating, they can't talk to each other, and they can't even move! The only thing they can do is sit and wait!

Vulcan, on the other hand, was so scared that if not for being on the back of a giant Phoenix, he would've already shit himself! Just the aura of a Phoenix is already terrifying enough, but now he's forced to sit on the back of one as they fly across the sky! What if he falls?! He can't even glide, much less fly! He'll definitely die if he falls!

Mira was different from the rest, she was looking at the scenery with a calm expression on her face. It's at times like these when she realizes just how beautiful the cultivation world is. Everything is so full of life! The grass is greener, the trees are taller, the mountains are higher, and the rivers are wider.

Back in those worlds that didn't have any Spiritual Energy, Mira never cared about the environment or how pretty it looked. And although there were plenty of other reasons for this other than her just not caring, the main reason is there wasn't anything that interested her in those worlds.

A cave in a mortal world without Spiritual Energy didn't have the possibility of leading to an Immortal Inheritance. Tea leaves couldn't cause enlightenment and climbing up mountains was akin to suicide with a mortal body.

Everything was just… boring. Being a mortal is boring. Having a lifespan limited to 100 years is… worthless in Mira's eyes. Around 30% of that time is reserved for sleeping. The first 15-20 years of a mortal's life is for growing up and once a mortal gets to around the age of 60-70 their physical and mental capabilities are limited and start deteriorating and that's if you are in good shape! Realistically, a mortal has a good 30 years to live their lives to fullest and even then, 10 of those years have to be used for sleeping.

Thinking up to this point, Mira felt that mortal's really have pitiful lives. However, her opinion on the matter is most likely an unpopular opinion amongst both cultivators and mortals. Cultivators, at least the more experienced ones, think that mortal's lead more fulfilling lives than cultivators. They can live peacefully while chopping wood or some shit as a job, get married, have children, and have a family surrounded by peace and love. You grow old and let your children and grandchildren take care of you, then die peacefully.

However, Mira calls horseshit. What she mentioned as a 'fulfilling life' is the best case scenario! It doesn't matter if it's in a Cultivation world or not, such a peaceful situation is generally nothing but a pipe dream! Wars, famine, disease, infighting, bandits, beasts, lack of resources, and many other things control the lives of mortals. Being able to live a peaceful and happy life is incredibly rare.

As Mira's thoughts drifted off, her eyes caught sight of something below her that caused unwanted memories to surface. Soon she started gritting her teeth and clenching her fists so hard that blood started dripping. She wanted to ignore what was going on down there and carry on with her journey. She's not one to meddle in other people's business even if people are causing wanton slaughter, but this just happened to be one of her reverse scales. So before her mind could even come to a decision, her body did it for her and she jumped off Elenei's back.


"Mira! What the hell are you doing?!"


Maria and Elenei yelled while Celaine looked alarmed but it was already too late.

Mira subconsciously took out her scythe and formed ice wings on her back to prevent her from going splat!

"... H..e…p... M… S… m… n... P…e.. s…e! Help… SomeONE! PLEASE HELP ME! STOP STOP! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?!"

Mira heard the scream of a little girl as she was plummeting to the ground, but she completely disregarded her. She didn't come down to save this girl… She came down to:





"What the fuck?!"

"What just happened?! What just exploded?!"

"Boss!!! Boss!! Are you okay, boss?!"

Mira looked down and noticed that when she landed she accidentally crushed the man who was trying to r*pe the little girl. Well, crushed is saying it mildly… The man is nothing more than a pool of blood and flesh right now.

It can't be helped. The man was only in the Qi Condensation Realm and Mira's physical body is abnormally dense after going through the Magma Dragon body tempering. That combined with her speed at which she fell, it would be a miracle if the man wasn't squashed like a bug.

However, the girl didn't come out of this inscathed. She was flung back from the explosion, but the damage was minimal. She has plenty of cuts and bruises, but at worst she'll have a few fractures and maybe a broken bone. The girl was also in the Qi Condensation Realm, but she was only at the first stage unlike these… scum who were at Stage 4 or higher.

Mira looked over her shoulder and finally got a good look at the girl. She was probably around 15 or 16, had dirty blonde hair, olive skin color that showed she stayed out in the sun for long periods of time. She wasn't the prettiest girl, but she wasn't ugly either. Her body was also normal-looking as well. She looked how a 15 year old girl would look… young.

However, Mira didn't pay any attention to these things as the only thing she noticed was the girl was stripped naked. She was still wearing clothes, but they were clearly ripped to shreds to show off her chest and sacred region.

The girl, who was frightened by everything that was happening, regained her bearings as quick as possible in hopes of running away until she felt a gaze so terrifying that it made these r*pists seem like upstanding citizens.

Her body froze, unable to move, as her body started shivering in fright under those blood-red eyes. Her eyes frantically looked around for anything that might help her in this situation, but she accidentally looked into those blood-red eyes. What she saw in those eyes was something far worse than what she could've ever imagined.

Blood… Rivers of blood.

The ground itself looked like it was made out of the flesh of people and mountains of corpses and limbs as far as the eye can see.

That's all she could see when the scene disappeared and her consciousness was back in her body. The girl immediately started puking after witnessing something so horrific.

Mira stopped looking at the girl, but she felt her rage rising as memories of being in the same position as the girl surfaced in her mind.

She looked over at the remaining 6 men and sneered in disgust. These people were really too ugly.

"Wha-What do you want?! You just killed our boss!!! How are you going to compens-AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!"

Mira didn't say anything and chopped off the man's legs with her scythe. She wasn't here to listen to nonsense. Blood sprayed out of his stumps as the man fell to the ground in agony.

"What the fuck, bitch?! I'll kill you! Guys! Kill this bitch! We can have fun with her body even after she's dead!! I bet she's a real looker! Jijiji~"

"Hehehe~ You're right! GET HER!"


The men surrounded her and dashed forward to attack, but Mira didn't pay attention to these weaklings. They won't even be able to create a scratch on her robe, much less her body.

She just walked forward towards the man holding his leg stumps screaming in agony and held her scythe like a hammer before slamming her scythe down.



The man's body exploded into a million pieces as blood and flesh came raining down on everyone as a small crater formed on the ground. However Mira wasn't done with the man…


She slammed her scythe in the same spot over and over again until the man's blood was now a mist.

















The remaining men didn't even have time to scream as Mira shifted her focus onto them and for the next couple of minutes mini-explosions happened several times per second.

A blood mist covered the surrounding area and no bodies or even flesh was in sight. Only blood…

The ground was also covered in cracks and craters that looked less like the cause of a person and more like a giant monster ran through the area.

Maria, Celaine, and Elenei made it to the scene and watched everything unfold from the very beginning. They didn't know why, but Mira seemed incredibly angry right now. When they saw the girl, they instantly understood the situation but they were still confused why Mira helped.

Even if this girl was getting tortured, Mira wouldn't have cared and would've turned a blind eye to it. However, now all of a sudden she's feeling charitable? Suspicious…

They could also tell that Mira didn't give 2 shits about the girl which only made them more confused.

However, the person who was the most bewildered was the girl! All of a sudden this masked woman comes from the sky and starts beating her assaulters into a blood mist! Sure, the girl wanted nothing more than to kill them herself, but she would've only slit their throats or stabbed them in the chest a few times to vent her anger.

But this maniac kept slamming the ground with her scythe until even their blood was disappearing! They didn't even do anything to this lady!! It was me they were trying to r*pe! Why does it seem like you're angrier than me?!

At least that's what the girl wanted to say, but she was afraid she'd end up like them.

Everyone watched as Mira continued her rampage for another 10 minutes until Maria had enough and decided to intervene!

"Mira!! Mira!! That's enough! They're already gone! Not even a pool of blood is left for you to smash! You're going to kill the girl you just saved if you keep going like this!"

Hearing Maria's words, Mira finally stopped smashing the ground but she decided to do one final thing. She waved her hands and froze all the surrounding blood then shattered it causing it to scatter in the wind.

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