Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 239 Meditation, Emotions, And Cultivation Part 2

Now that Mira's condition has stabilized the only thing left for her to do is make a breakthrough and although she may only be a step away, this breakthrough is incredibly important.

However, as long as she pushes herself to the max and continues doing what she's been doing with every breakthrough in the Foundation Ream, then she'll be fine.

Mira proceeded to spend the next few days adjusting her mind and body to their peak state. She didn't want to make any mistakes and it's better to be safe than sorry when making a breakthrough.

After her mind and body reached their peak readiness, Mira started taking out a few items from one of her Spatial Rings. This Spatial Ring was filled with anything related to the ice element. Be it herbs, plants, trees, ores, beast corpses, or even ice itself this ring had almost everything one could imagine when it comes to ice-related items.

Mira proceeded to take out a large slab of pinkish-blue ice and as soon as she did, the entire room's temperature dropped to abnormally low temperatures. The air started to freeze almost immediately and soon the walls surrounding her were being layered in ice. Even Mira felt a slight chill and although she might be affected if she stayed here for an extended period of time, it wasn't life-threatening.

Maria, on the other side of the residence, was even startled a bit by the drop in temperature, but she knew that Mira must be preparing to make a breakthrough. She smiled and went back to what she was doing.

Although both Mira and Elenei had no idea what this slab of ice was, they knew that it was special and that it could not only benefit Mira both in cultivation speed but also in her Dao comprehension. Needless to say, this was a treasure that a puny Foundation Realm expert like her wasn't supposed to have.

After setting down the slab of ice, Mira proceeded to sit on it, and almost instantly the clothes she was wearing started to freeze. Mira sighed in resignation and was forced to remove her clothes and sit on the slab in her birthday suit. She knew that it wouldn't take more than a few seconds for her Sect Robe to turn to ice and start cracking before inevitably crumbling into a thousand pieces.

When Mira sat on the slab of ice without any clothes, she felt the Qi inside her start to become a bit restless, almost like they were screaming at Mira to start cultivating. Mira didn't pay any attention to this but was more focused on the pinkish-blue icy veins forming over her skin. She started feeling some connection with this slab of ice. The more veins formed over her skin, the closer she felt and the more restless her Qi became. The slab proceeded to inject an icy aura into her body and Mira felt her Absolute Ice Dao Comprehension heighten.

Her current comprehension didn't instantly turn her into an unparalleled genius and there were surely limitations to such a magical treasure, but Mira did feel like she could shave off a few years' worths of comprehension just by sitting on this slab.

After she was finished examining her current condition, Mira stopped paying attention to this slab's effects and started bringing out more resources. The first and most common thing she brought out were ice-elemental Spirit Stones. They are basically Spirit Stones that are more beneficial to those with an ice affinity. They won't do anything like increase her comprehension or increase the effectiveness of her affinity but they do make it easier for ice affinity users to absorb Qi from them thus increasing their cultivation speed.

Mira also set down a Qi Gathering Array to further increase her absorption efficiency.

Several more treasures started piling up in front of Mira such as berries that she calls Arctic Berries. These berries contain dense amounts of icy Qi in them, but unfortunately, the amount of Qi in each berry is relatively small. Luckily Mira has a whole bunch of them! However, what's great about these berries is that the Qi inside them is very easy to digest and absorb, making them very useful for cultivators in her realm when used in large batches.

There were also a number of flowers surrounding Mira. Each of them had 5 petals made of ice with a large bulb in the middle that almost looked like some sort of egg. The bulb was violet in color and released a calming aura despite it being extremely cold to touch. Most of these flowers were Mid-Mortal Grade with a handful of Late-Mortal Grade.

Usually, an item of that grade wouldn't be very useful to Mira, but these flowers were special. They had the effect of stabilizing one's foundation as long as that person had an incredibly high affinity with the ice element. Mira called them the Tranquil Yin Flower.

Unfortunately, nobody in this area even knows what a Tranquil Yin Flower is, so making pills out of them is out of the question and she doesn't have enough of these flowers to waste on experiments.

That's it for the main items she'll be using during her breakthrough. However, she also brought out a few other items to assist her in case anything goes wrong. She brought out a few tea leaves that have the effect of suppressing one's emotions leaving only cold indifference.

Mira brought these out just in case something happens to her emotions.

Last but not least, and although Mira didn't actually bring this one out of her Spatial Ring, there is a dual element (fire and ice) flower that she was prepared to bring out and eat during her breakthrough. Although the flower itself actually isn't that useful, it does have a special effect that could be useful in body tempering.

The level of this flower is far from being able to temper her body now that she completed the First Stage of the Magma Dragon body, Mira did find a use for it that could help her accumulate more Qi during her breakthrough if used at the right time.

Her plan is to eat the bulb right at the climax of her breakthrough. The bulb will first spread fiery energy across her body, but due to how strong her body is there won't be much of an effect. However, with how much her body will have heated up, her body will become a bit more malleable just like how rubber becomes if you put it over a fire.

She'll then accumulate more Qi thanks to the increased malleability of her body and then once the fiery energy has run out, that's when she'll proceed with condensing her Qi so by the time the icy energy permeates through her body, it won't really do anything.

Elenei tried talking Mira out of doing something insane like this since one slip up and there might actually be a possibility of death, but Mira refused to listen.

Looking at everything around her, Mira nodded in satisfaction.

'Sigh… Possessing wealth is truly amazing.'

Of course, Mira doesn't actually need to use all of this stuff to break through and she could easily make a breakthrough without any help, but now that she's rich, why shouldn't she put all of this wealth to good use?

Most of this stuff won't be very useful to her when she breaks through to the Core Formation Realm anyway, so she might as well use it up while she can!

"Time to get started."

Mira muttered then proceeded to close her eyes. With a deep breath, Mira started absorbing the surrounding Qi like crazy! If not for the Qi Gathering Array and the amount of Spirit Stones around her, she would've started sucking up all of the surrounding Qi within her residence! And she hasn't even started her breakthrough yet!

After that, she proceeded to plop a few Arctic Berries in her mouth and after she finished eating 10 Arctic Berries, she ate a bulb from a Tranquil Yin Flower to keep her foundation steady and prevent the Qi entering her body from going berserk.

The Qi inside her was increasing at an abnormally fast pace and even with all of the Qi surrounding her and the berries she was eating, the surrounding atmospheric Qi started dropping at an alarming rate.

Mira could break through to the next stage right now, but her body can handle more Qi so she kept going.

She continued eating berry after berry and flower after flower until she finished eating 200 berries and 20 Tranquil Yin Flower bulbs.

She also started throwing out more Ice-Elemental Spirit Stones as they were crumbling by the second. She ended up throwing out almost 2,000 Ice Elemental Spirit Stones before her breakthrough reached its climax.

Her body was extremely bloated right now and if one looked closely one would even be able to see cracks forming on Mira's body. However, Mira didn't stop there as she took out the dual-element flower and plopped the bulb in her mouth.

Soon a fiery energy spread throughout her body trying to wreak havoc, but due to her body's strength it couldn't harm her and could only increase the temperature.

Now instead of having just a bloated body, Mira had a red bloated body with smoke coming out of her pores due to the heat contained within her. Right now she was on the verge of exploding into a million pieces while at the same time turning her surroundings into a wasteland, killing anything and everything in it. Right now, she's like a walking miniature nuke.

However, Mira didn't think about this and started absorbing more Qi thanks to her body's current malleability. Her body kept bloating more and more until at some point Mira felt death approaching and approaching fast. She knew that she had reached the end of how much her body could handle so she started stuffing her face with a few Tranquil Yin Flower bulbs and started condensing the Qi contained in her body.

Her current body size was about 4 times the overall size of her normal body. She looked like how a person might look if they turned themselves into a balloon.

After 1 compression, her body reduced to only twice her normal size while the density of Qi in her body doubled.

After a second compression, her body returned to her normal size, but she still wasn't clear of the danger.

After several more compressions, the fiery energy in her body finally diminished and an icy energy coursed through her body. Though, this icy energy was insignificant and did absolutely nothing to Mira other than cooling down her body and healing some of the cracks that formed on her.

Mira proceeded with the breakthrough like normal and continued to condense her Qi until she was unable to condense the Qi within her body anymore.

Now she has finally broken through to the Peak Xiantian Stage of the Foundation Realm.

Mira let out a frosty breath that froze the surrounding air before she started consolidating her breakthrough.

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