Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 204 Introductions

Reluctantly, the group from the 8 Profound Elements Sect made their way over towards Maria, who had already butchered a beast and started cooking.

This wasn't because they decided to trust Celaine, no, the main reason why they decided to play along with Maria and Celaine, for now, was because of their group leader.

The feeling he got from Celaine was the same feeling he got when was in front of the Sect Leader, maybe worse. The look in her eyes and the aura she gave off were anything but simple. For some reason, he felt like if they tried anything funny it wouldn't even take a fraction of a second for his head to roll.

Another huge deterrent is knowing that crazy devil, Mira is a part of their group. If these two are already so strong then surely Mira wasn't any weaker than them. The only difference is she's a psychopath.

The other four in the group also felt somewhat suffocated in Celaine's presence, but seeing Maria act so casual and carefree eased some of their worries.

Soon, more food was cooked and the 7 of them sat down together.

"Why don't we introduce ourselves? I'm Aaron, the leader of our little group. Pleased to make your acquaintance." The leader of the 8 Profound Elements Sect, introduced himself.

Aaron was rather tall, around 180 centimeters, short brown hair, brown eyes, and gave off an earthly feeling. It wasn't too hard to guess that his elemental affinity was Earth. Everything about him screamed average but reliable.

"The names Flint! I have a fire affinity, I'm 190 centimeters tall, Mid-Xiantian Foundation Realm, and I'm single! I'll be in your care!" Flint, the second guy, introduced himself.

Flint had long red-orange hair that was tied up in a bun. He had sharp eyebrows and it seemed like his personality matched his element. He had decent-looking features, but nothing too eye-catching.

"Stop being an idiot, Flint! Sorry about that, he's been desperate to get a girlfriend for a few years now. Anyway, my name is Vivian. Nice to meet you." Vivian smacked Flint upside the head then introduced herself.

Vivian has long beautiful purple hair, hazel colored eyes, a serene yet beautiful face, and a well-endowed 160-centimeter tall body.

"M-My name is Valery. Please take care of me!" Valery nervously stated.

Valery was a meek-looking 155 centimeters tall girl. She had brown hair with blue highlights, royal blue eyes, and was most likely had a water elemental affinity.

"Ike." Ike, the last guy, and member of the group introduced himself.

Ike was around 175 centimeters tall with black hair and black eyes. He seemed to be the quiet type seeing how he only stated his first name.

"Pleasure to meet your all. My name is Celaine, from the Battle Maiden Sect." Celaine said, keeping her introduction short.

Meanwhile, Maria, who was now gorging down food didn't seem to realize it was her turn to introduce herself.

"*Ahem* Maria, why don't you say something to the people who are treating us so nicely even after you ate their 'unwanted' food." Celaine said while rubbing her temples.

"Eh? It's my turn already? Very well! My name is Maria Zaria from the Battle Maiden Sect and Mira's best friend! Don't forget that 'Mira's best friend' part, okay? That's very important! If you need anything, feel free to ask me or Celaine, preferably Celaine! Thanks for allowing me to eat such delicious food!" Maria greeted with a somewhat serious look on her face, especially when describing herself as Mira's best friend.

Celaine just stared at Maria exasperated. She was seriously considering if she should just ditch her and go off on her own, but then again Maria might really do something stupid if left alone.

She was also wondering why Maria said that she'd prefer them to come to her if they have any problems, but soon understood why.

'Ugh! You can't just push the responsibility onto me because you're scared of Mira's punishment if you said anything stupid or unnecessary! I also don't want to get another beating! Dammit!' Celaine soon started cursing at Maria inside her mind.

"Ahaha! So you're pretty close with Mira, huh? I witnessed some of her fights during the tournament and they were pretty impressive even though she was significantly weaker than her opponents. Speaking of which, where is Mira right now? Did you three get separated?" Aaron started trying to probe them and before Celaine could even say anything Maria spoke with shining eyes.

"Naturally we're close! We're like sisters, no, closer than sisters! And I guess you could say we got separated, but that was intentional since Celaine and I are supposed to be out here gathering experience while she's… well I'm not exactly sure what she's doing right now." Maria said with fervor while pointing in the direction Mira's in. Celaine, who was listening hurriedly spoke up before these people go and get themselves killed.

"I wouldn't head in that direction though. She will most certainly kill you as soon as you enter her senses. The only question would be whether you know how you died or not. Don't get me wrong, I'm not looking down on you, but she's seriously terrifying to the point where even if Maria and I gang up on her we wouldn't even be able to scratch her. Even if we were to accompany you five, there is still an 80-90% chance that she'll kill you on sight. You 5 seem like decent people so I'm just giving you a little heads-up." Celaine explained with a serious expression.

The faces of the 5 of them started to change drastically after hearing her explanation. They went from shock to anger to surprise and in the end, they weren't sure what to think.

"I see. Well, I knew she was definitely crazy but it seems I underestimated it. Anyway, thanks for the heads-up. Now, onto what I really wanted to ask. What are your plans after this? Are you going hunting, looking for treasures, or just exploring? Or are you just here to eat out food? Haha!" Aaron asked.

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