Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 190 Improvements

In a dungeon covered in ice, there was godly beauty sitting on an ice throne looking down at two women with an impassive expression on her face.

"Too weak! I even suppressed my strength to your level! Did you two become retarded in the short while we've been in this world?!" The girl on the ice throne, Mira, was yelling at Maria and Celaine while they were both laying on the ground in pain.

"How can you say such a thing with a straight face!? You're just too overpowered! It's not like we've ever beaten you before so how do you expect us to win now that the power gap has grown?! Shameless!" Maria complained as she started to heal her body.

"Maria's right!! Why'd you even force us to spar with you in the first place? Did you just feel like bullying us now that you are so much stronger than us?! Also, why'd you have to use that ridiculous that new ice power on me? I felt like I might die from blood loss!" Celaine yelled with an extremely pale face and also looked a bit skinnier as well.

"Do you see any other beasts or cultivators around for me to use as test subjects? No! Just count yourself lucky that I didn't accidentally kill you. Now stop complaining about your loss and heal up already!" Mira ordered and then ignored the two of them as she thought about her previous sparring session.

She can confirm that her power has increased by several times and that's only regarding how strong her body is combined with her cultivation realm and her Magma Dragon Body. Her ice powers are not even comparable to what they were before she entered this world. In fact, that might be her strongest asset right now even more than her physical body.

Through sparring with Maria and Celaine over the last few hours, she can confidently say that she can probably fight an ordinary Stage 4-6 Core Formation Realm Expert. Though it is a bit hard to tell because both Celaine and Maria are also not too far behind her. They are probably comparable to Stage 2-3 Core Formation Realm experts.

Mira's never actually fought with someone in the Core Formation Realm so she can't say for sure how strong she is, but at the very least she is invincible in the Foundation Realm. It'd actually be a miracle if a Foundation Realm cultivator could even hurt her at this point especially if she covers herself in a set of ice armor.

Another thing Mira noticed is how fucking strong her scythe is! Not only does the thing weigh as much as a mountain due to the increase in grade, but its sharpness is incomparable to what it was before. Mira also found it incredibly easy to channel her ice element through it which is a huge plus.

Sometimes Mira can't help but think that her weapon is actually a club instead of a scythe as she has a constant urge to just explode her enemy's heads with the blunt end of the weapon.

This turned out to be a bit of a problem during her spar with Celaine and Maria because she all of a sudden got the urge to smash their brains in. Due to this urge, Mira stopped using her scythe and entered hand-to-hand combat instead, much to her companion's dismay.

Mira also found her thirst for blood has increased after absorbing the Vampyric Ice Elemental Essence. Even though that may be the case, Mira isn't bothered by it because she's already walked down the path of slaughter.

After testing this new Elemental Essence on Celaine she started to piece together some of the limits, at least from what she gathered. One, she can indeed use other's blood to increase her cultivation, but the efficiency is quite bad not to mention that blood doesn't hold that much Qi even for cultivators in the Foundation Realm. The conversion ratio is around 10-20% in Mira's opinion which is actually quite good, but the real limitation comes after absorbing the blood.

The Qi that she absorbs from the blood is filled with impurities and takes longer to digest and condense than atmospheric Qi and Spirit Stones. Not only that, but if Mira were to absorb too much at a time it may affect her cultivation causing it to turn chaotic. It may even affect her foundation and slow down or even halt her progress to higher realms altogether, but this is just a worst-case scenario.

This didn't cause Mira to worry though, on the contrary, this news made Mira somewhat happy. If she is just careful with the intake and takes her time to digest everything, this will only be beneficial for her.

Mira also thought about the first Ice Elemental Essence that she received as a reward for completing the trial and from what she understood is that the two of them merged together into one, which Mira was somewhat expecting to happen. She initially planned on trying to nurture the Lunar Ice Elemental Essence but figured that she might as well let the Vampyric Ice Elemental Essence absorb it.

Although it didn't increase her power by much, she can feel her control over ice is slightly better while the moon is out and in this world, the moon is always out.

After Mira finished gathering her thoughts she decided to cultivate until Maria and Celaine finish healing.

After a few hours, the three of them are ready to go.

"Well, what do you want to do now? Mira's cultivation has increased by three whole stages after she entered this place and I'm itching to go to a place filled with light to look for my own lucky encounters, but I know this is still a great opportunity for Mira and there may be even more treasures. Who knows, maybe she'll be able to enter the Core Formation Realm before we leave this place for the next world." Celaine said as the three of them started to make their way out of the dungeon.

"Although I am jealous that Mira was able to increase her cultivation by so much in such a short amount of time and I want nothing more than to surpass her so I can finally give her a good beating, I think we should stay in this world a bit longer. Also, it's not like we won't find our own opportunities either, it's just his place is much more suited for Mira due to her elemental affinity and physique." Maria suggested.

"You two can do whatever you'd like, I will be exploring this icy world a bit more. Although I can feel danger looming over us this place is just too good of an opportunity for me to pass up." Mira said with an expressionless face. She couldn't care less if the two of them stayed with her or not as there are advantages and disadvantages to both.

"Don't worry, Mira! How can I leave your side? We've been together for so long and I know you'd get lonely without me here! I can't possibly leave my dear Mira alone now can I? Hehe." Maria exclaimed which caused Mira to frown.

"I won't be leaving you either, not after everything we've been through together," Celaine said.

Mira just nodded and didn't say anything else. Deep down she also didn't want the two of them to leave and if she's being completely honest she'd feel betrayed if they did decide to leave to the next world by themselves.

The three of them kept talking as they made their way out of the dungeon and it didn't take much longer for them to reach the entrance.


All of a sudden a massive roar and the only thing they saw was a white blur rushing towards them.

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