Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 176 Mira's Beginning Part 3

The years went by and the relationship between Mira and Aurora grew more and more. The older they got, the closer they became.

Aurora might not have been as talented as Mira nor as intuitive, but she did have something that did make Mira a little jealous. That was being normal.

The older Mira got, the more cynical she became. Her outlook on life started to distort bit by bit as she saw and experienced more things.

She witnessed bloodshed, murder, ****, high taxation, greed, hate, anger, lust, and various other evils of the world. She would often hear stories of war and how people are treated like cattle or some of the men in the restaurant would comment how they wished to have a woman to keep their bed warm at night.

She started to grow disgusted at how sick people were, but also knew that there was nothing she could do.

She wasn't willing to risk her comfortable life by going out and trying to help others. The only thing she wanted was to live a peaceful life with her family. She loved her parents, but more than anything she loved her sister.

Her sister was the only person that she was able to show a genuine smile around. She wasn't sure if Aurora knew of this or not, but it didn't really matter.

Mira also enjoyed taking care of the restaurant as she found it very calming. This was a time where she would be able to let her mind rest and not have to think about anything.

Unbeknownst to Mira, Aurora was usually paying attention to her. She would notice the change in expressions and aura that surrounded Mira whenever she was with her or when she was working.

Usually, Mira was always frowning or agitated about something and her aura was usually distant or reserved. But when she was working or around Aurora, Mira would calm down and relax.

Aurora knew that Mira was a genius among geniuses and she would always deeply think about things. Her emotions grew colder as they grew up, but the warmth that she showed towards Aurora only increased.

Mira spent most of her time training in hand-to-hand combat or spending time with Aurora. She never did find a weapon that suited her and finally decided to give up after having no success with a weapon for over a decade.

Mira was now 15 and Aurora was around 10. Both of them were growing up into beautiful young ladies, Mira especially.

One thing to note is the people in this world mature a bit faster so even though Mira and Aurora are 15 and 10 years old, they actually look much more developed than humans on worlds with longer life spans.

Mira's skin tanned a bit as she spent a lot of time out in the sun, but this didn't diminish from her looks. She was definitely a beauty that would topple nations, if only she wasn't always covered in callouses and sweat due to training or helping around their family's small farm. She is skinny in places that should be skinny and thick in places that should be thick.

Mira has had many suitors, but Mira would always politely decline them saying by giving some random excuse.

Aurora was also growing into quite the beauty, but she still had a childish innocence about her. Her white hair grew down to her waist and her skin stayed fair. She always had a calming aura about her that greatly attracted people which caused many people to eat at their family restaurant just to enjoy this sensation. She wasn't as well-endowed as Mira, due to her body still developing, but she was beginning to look like a young woman now.

A lot of boys, after being rejected by Mira, would go for Aurora, but that's when Mira would give them a fierce look. Almost like she's looking at a dead person, which would cause a bunch of boys to give up.

Mira would never let anyone with ill intentions go near her naive little sister! She'd even go so far as to kill them if she had to which somewhat startled Mira as she's never killed someone before.

Luckily they live in a small town with few visitors and the visitors they do get don't stay for very long.

"Big Sis, you're so pretty, how have you not found a husband by now? Hehe." Aurora asked Mira, who was currently just lazing around with Aurora.

Mira froze and just looked at her little sister incredulously then sighed.

"How can I find a husband when I have such a cute little sister? Not that I want any of those boorish mongrels as a partner anyways…" Mira muttered that last part to herself.

Aurora pouted but didn't look upset. She loved being called cute by her big sister.

"Am I really cute though? Boys have stopped talking to me recently and they always run away when I get near them. Mira, do you know anything about this?" Aurora asked while staring at Mira with a stern but cute look on her face.

Mira just turned her head away and didn't answer. She may have beat all of the little boys into submission until they agreed not to approach Aurora anymore.

"Geez, Big Sis, you can't just scare them away like that! How am I supposed to find a nice guy to settle down with if you keep beating them all up?! You're worse than Dad!" Aurora complained, but Mira just shrugged her shoulders and looked at her with a smug look.

"Go find a girl then! Hahaha!"


Mira laughed while Aurora pouted, but she still had a smile on her face.

She knew that Mira could tell people's intentions just by looking at them and she also knew that Mira doesn't do anything unnecessary. So she trusted Mira, but also knew that sometimes she'd go a bit overboard with this most likely being one of those times.

The two of them kept talking until it got late and decided to go to bed. The night passed by like any other night until Mira heard a scream…

"AAAAHHHH!! Big Sis, Mira!! HELP ME!!! NO NO STOP!"

A scream was heard across the hall and Mira's eyes shot open with a murderous light.

"Hehe, little girl, just hold *hic* still and let this *hic* big brother play with you! Haha!"

Mira rushed out of her room and heard a drunk man in Aurora's room while she was still screaming for help.

Mira busts through the door to mind a half-naked Aurora and a middle-aged drunk man pulling down his pants.

Her anger spiked and she rushed towards this man with all of the power she could muster and gave him a nice right hand to the cheek.

"Guh! Who?! You bit-!" The man yelled in anger, but Mira didn't say anything and just kept punching him in the face.

"Argh!! Stop you fucking bi-!"

Mira started breathing heavily, but her fists never stopped raining down. Teeth were flying and blood was spraying as the man's nose shattered, but Mira didn't stop.

Mira grabbed the man's hair and started slamming it against the ground while using her knee to crack his ribs.

Mira's eyes were now bloodshot and the only thought in her mind was to kill this man for laying his nasty fingers on her pure little sister.

By this time, her parents came running into the room and saw beating a man on the ground and a half-naked Aurora crying in her bed. They immediately knew what happened and felt their blood boiling, but seeing as how things were dealt with now, they went over to Aurora and started comforting her.

Luckily the man wasn't able to go all the way, but it was still a traumatic experience for a little girl.

What they failed to notice while comforting Aurora is Mira taking at a small dagger that she always keeps on her body.

Mira definitely wasn't in the right state of mind, but even if she was she only would've pulled out this dagger sooner instead of taking it out now.

Mira saw a small little stick hanging out of this man's groin and slashed, cutting off this man's dick.

"Argh!" The man became conscious again due to the pain. He barely had time to know what happened when he went back unconscious. Blood was spraying everywhere, but Mira didn't care as she raised her dagger towards the man's neck.

"Mira stop! Don't kill him!" Her father yelled, but it was too late as Mira sent the dagger into the man's neck, killing him.

Mira's eyes turned back to normal and then she looked over to see her family staring at her with scared expressions. Only Aurora looked at her with trust and love. Mira let out a faint smile and passed out from exhaustion.

"Mira!" All three of them yelled and ran over towards her.

She was covered in blood, but this mostly came from the man. Her hands and knuckles were bleeding and bruised due to how much she beat this man, but that was it.

They sighed and were relieved that she was fine and only passed out from exhaustion, but now they weren't sure how to handle this situation.

That is until the guards showed up and started to investigate.

Luckily it's a small town and the man wasn't anyone important. Due to eyewitness accounts and testimonies from the neighbors, they decided that the man was in the wrong. He broke into someone's house, and not only tried to **** someone but a young girl at that. He would've been killed regardless if Mira had or hadn't killed him.

Overall, the residents couldn't blame Mira as they would've done the same thing as her. They also felt pity for Aurora, but luckily the man wasn't able to go too far thanks to Mira.

The days after that day wasn't the same, but they didn't change that much. People were more scared of Mira as she had actually killed someone and her parents constantly asked if she was okay, but Mira would always reassure them that she's fine, which only made them worry more. In fact, they wanted her to not be fine like any normal little girl would, but they knew that Mira was anything but normal.

Aurora also grew closer to Mira and the two almost became inseparable. That is until unfortunate events started to surround Mira's household.

At first, it wasn't much, people would be a bit rowdier in the restaurant or would curse and defame Mira's family behind their backs, but things started to get more violent.

Nasty men were constantly trying to go after Aurora so Mira now slept beside her. Almost every day she was forced to beat some people up.

Not long after that, they started going after her Mother, which only increased Mira's anger and stress levels.

Nothing as bad as what happened to Aurora before happened, but things only continued to get worse.

Sometimes other men would try and get into fights with her father and he'd often come home with bruises all over and even sometimes broken bones.

This happened for almost a year until one day, he didn't come back that day. Mira knew something was wrong and ran out of the house, searching popular areas that her Dad went.

She passed by a dark alleyway, only to look over and see a group of men stabbing her father to death.

Mira's anger and stress levels reached a peak until they finally popped like a balloon. She was eerily silent, but just took her, now double daggers, out and ran towards these men.

These men did not have a good ending as they were torn apart, limb from limb. Flesh and blood was all over the alleyway by the time all of the men died. Mira knelt down next to her Father and let out a small tear.

"I'm… Sorry… Mira… Please… Take care… of your mother… and sister…" He said these final words before his eyes went blank and died.

"I will. I promise." Mira grabbed her father and carried his body back to her house with a heavy heart.

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