Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 174 Mira's Beginning Part 1

Nearly 1000 years ago on a distant unknown planet




"Waaaaahhh!!" A baby's cry resounded through the room as the midwife held the newborn baby that just came out of the womb in her hands.

"It's a girl! Congratulations on giving birth to a beautiful baby girl!" The midwife announced which caused the mother to start tearing up as she reached for her baby.

The midwife handed the baby girl to the mother and looked at the baby full of love.

"Haa… Haa… My beautiful baby girl, you finally came out! Mama can't wait to shower you with lots of love so please don't grow up too fast." The mother muttered lightly while gazing at her child.

The father tried to reach for his newborn daughter, but the mother didn't notice him and kept holding her baby.

"I'm glad that everything went smoothly, Alyssa. Our baby girl is definitely going to be a looker in the future. I guess I'll need to work harder to prevent any boys from pursuing my baby girl." A glint passed through the father's eyes as he thought many years in the future.

"Hehe, stop it, Kevin. That's too far into the future and also she'll need to get married so she can give me some grandbabies, hehe." The mother, Alyssa, lightly punched Kevin, the father, as she handed over the baby to him.

Kevin held the little girl in his arms and felt his heart melt. Even though the baby was still crying, it was almost like they couldn't hear anything as he swayed his daughter in his arms and looked at her with eyes full of love.

"Thanks for your help, Jessica. It would've been a lot harder on me had you not been here to help." Alyssa said to the midwife, Jessica.

"Thank nothing of it, Alyssa. This is what friends are for. So, what are you two thinking of naming her?" Jessica answered with a sweet smile.


Both Alyssa and Kevin answered at the same time.

"Mira, huh. That name suits here very well." Jessica felt that it was the perfect name.

The three of them passed around Mira for a while before finally, she landed in Alyssa's arms and she and Kevin fell asleep with the baby.


5 years passed in the blink of an eye for Mira and her family.

Alyssa and Kevin were around 30 years old now and Mira was now 5.

Mira now looked like the most adorable little girl. She had long brown hair, almond-shaped eyes with ocean blue iris'. She was only about 100 tall, which was a tad on the short side, but it only made her more adorable.

She always wore long dresses or skirts that her mother, Alyssa made in her free time.

Her favorite activity is to help out with the restaurant that her father, Kevin, runs. One can almost always spot Mira serving tables or helping her Dad out with small tasks, which helped boost restaurant sales as many people would come just so they can see the adorable little Mira.

Mira's family lived in a small town called Liver Town. Their main commodity is being a rest stop along with being a place that you can buy various kinds of food.

Liver Town was located on the outskirts of Suzdal Kingdom and they generally don't get many visitors other than the occasional merchant or traveler.

For the most part, Liver Town is a self-sufficient town that doesn't need any outside help. Most of the residents of the town do some kind of farming and if they don't then they are either restaurant owners, apothecaries, stonemasons, blacksmiths, etc.

The stuff that gets sold to merchants is just the extra that wasn't used.

Mira's family owned one of the more popular restaurants in the town and business was almost always booming.

They were making enough money that the restaurant could probably be very successful in the capital.

"Can I get another jug of ale?"

"Yes sir, on my way!"

"Mira, can I order the steak and potatoes?"

"Of course! I'll be there in a second!"

"Mira can I…"

"Mira I'd like to…"


Mira was currently serving as a waitress at the restaurant and soon got very busy as it was dinner time.

Mira is a very hardworking girl that almost always exceeds everyone's expectations.

In a world where most of the population doesn't know how to read or write, Mira asked her parents if they could get her something to help her learn this for her fourth birthday.

Kevin and Alyssa were very surprised to hear this request from a child that wasn't even four yet, but they ended up buying something the next time a merchant showed up.

It wasn't much, just the alphabet, correct pronunciations, and a short picture book to help her study. Just these things alone cost her parents a chunk of their savings, but they would do anything if it was for their daughter's future.

Mira was ecstatic when she received the items on her fourth birthday and would study almost all day every day.

Her parents wanted to scold her for studying too much, but Mira was already one step ahead of them and also spent some time outside.

Sometimes she would play with the other children, but usually, she would collect things like around the village, talk to people of other professions, or sometimes she would even watch the guards practice with their swords.

One might think that the kids avoided her due to how weird she was, but she also had a decent relationship with the other children.

Mira wouldn't talk to the other children like she was better or smarter than them and just treated them normally. This combined with how cute she was kept her relationship with the other children at a good level.

But Mira also had a good relationship with the adults of the village for different reasons and that was because of how knowledgeable and mature she was at such a young age.

Her parents often talked about how fast their daughter was growing up and constantly thought about sending her to the capital to broaden her horizon.

They eventually brought it up to Mira, but she just said…

"It's fine, Mom and Dad. I want to inherit the restaurant when I grow up, not live in the capital."

They were shocked to hear that.

"If you are worried about us, don't be. If you want to go to the capital, I'm sure you'd make it big. You might even be able to become the king's advisor or some high-up position." Alyssa asked with a reassuring smile.

"That's not it, Mom. It's just that everyone in the village is always so happy. It's different whenever I see or overhear travelers or merchants though. They don't ever look happy or satisfied, they look dejected or stressed. Even if they are making much more money than us, they don't look any happier than us. Why would I want to throw away happiness for monetary success? I also enjoy living in this village!" Mira said with a big smile on her face, but this answer shocked her parents.

'When did she learn things like this? This daughter of ours is really too smart for her own good.' Both her parents thought and smiled wryly.

"If that's what you want, then I guess there's no helping it. But if you ever change your mind, then let us know and we'll support you." Kevin answered with a loving smile.

"Un! I will!" Mira smiled.

"Also, Mom, when is the baby due?" Mira changed the subject which caused Alyssa and Kevin to freeze.


"I've talked about and seen a lot of things around the town and I've learned and seen how pregnant women act. Sometimes I catch you throwing up, but you aren't sick. You are resting a lot more than usual and Dad is taking care of your every need. Unless there is some special occasion, which there isn't to my knowledge, then this can only lead to you being pregnant!" Mira explained her reasoning like it was something any 5-year-old could figure out.

Kevin and Alyssa just stared at her with their jaws wide open for a while before answering.

"Your Mother is 2 months pregnant so the baby should be born in around 6 to 7 months," Kevin said blankly and Alyssa nodded.

"Yay! I'm glad that I'll be getting a younger sibling! I hope it's a little sister!" Mira exclaimed and ran off.

"I guess we have nothing to worry about regarding Mira…"


Seven months passed by quickly and Mira grew a little more, but that wasn't the big difference. The biggest change in Mira was her intelligence. She grew a bit bolder and would often ask travelers or merchants to help her learn the basics of math. She could only learn bits and pieces at a time, but it didn't take long before she was able to practice on her own.

She'd often write down the problems that she tried and bring them to others to confirm. She'd learn from her mistakes if she got it wrong and would make sure to remember what she got correct.

Mira also started testing out an easy version of the guard's training. One would usually see her jogging around the area at sunrise and then see her carrying buckets of water or small logs.

One of the blacksmiths also made her a wooden sword to practice with in secret. Mira accepted it and would constantly swing it around during her morning training, but something just didn't feel right. Regardless, she still swung the wooden sword around.

Right now, Mira was studying in her room when all of a sudden she heard her mother screaming.

She ran into her room and saw that her Mother was now giving birth to her new sibling.

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