Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 162 Confrontation

Kayda dragged Mira, Maria, and Celaine to her bedroom after they fell unconscious and waited for them to wake up.

She had many questions that she wanted to ask Mira, but she knew that she should at least let Mira rest.

After Kayda put them on her extremely large bed, which seemed just like a dog bed except it's the size of a house.

While waiting for them to wake up, Kayda has been feeling rather uncomfortable lately especially whenever she's around Mira. She felt like she's being watched and this feeling only increased when she's around Mira, but it can't be the girl herself because she's unconscious right now.

She also can't feel any presence nearby, so the only remaining answer is someone is watching Mira from far away and consequently she is being watched as well.

A deep frown formed on her face, but she wasn't sure who was watching Mira. Was it that scary smell she found on Mira, Mira's supposed Master? Was it someone with ill-intent? Whatever it is, she feels like it's her duty as the Big Sister to do something about this.

All of a sudden, a mischievous smile appeared on her face. She then took out an ancient-looking crest from her Spatial Ring.

"Hehe, whoever is watching this Great One should surely know what this is, right? Fufu! Do you think this Great One would just forsake her new little sister knowing someone is watching her?" Kayda's grin grew wider as she held the crest in her hand.

All of a sudden a massive pressure came weighing down on her.

"You dare?! You lowly dragon! I'll kill you if you use that thing on Mira!!" An ancient-sounding voice resounded from the void, but Kayda's grin reached all the way to her ears when she heard that.

"So a wretch like you is actually peeping on my dear Sister? You certainly are very strong, but so what? With just this measly strength, do you think that you can actually take me on? Hmmm… Maybe I should call my father to deal with you… HAHAHA! What am I saying?! A measly ant such as yourself doesn't warrant me calling someone as great as my father!! O'Primordial One…" Kayda revealed her canines in a fierce smile.

The man on the other side of the pressure stiffened. His mind was racing as he tried to think of who this woman was, but no matter how much he thought about it he couldn't recall anything! Not only does this woman know of him and his strength, but she also doesn't even put him in her eyes as an opponent! She also said 'father' meaning there is someone greater than her behind her. Now he started dripping in cold sweat thinking about the unknown. For the first time in eons, there is an unknown emotion taking root. An emotion known as fear.

"H-H-H-How do you know my name?! Who are you?!" The man yelled into the void, but the only response he got was Kayda stretching out her hand.

This hand seemed to reach the bounds of the universe and break through the void as it soon reached the man's throat. Kayda's arm has transformed into a scorching hot draconic arm and it grasped his throat with her claws.

Kayda used her other hand to rip open the void and got a glimpse of the man. What she saw was an extremely handsome man with countless women by his side, but what caught her attention is the large projection in front of him that was focused on Mira. Kayda's fearless smile turned into a deep frown and her mind quickly came up with possible scenarios, with none of them being good.

"Hmph! I see you like peeping on little girls you scum! I'll have to politely ask you to please stop peeping on my little sister or I might just have to reveal this location to my father. Hmmm… I think a good excuse will be that you tried to **** me and tried to force me to submit to you using devious tactics. Surely that will enrage my father. I'll just have to turn up the waterworks a bit. Hehehe! Ah! It looks like our visit will be cut short O'Primordial One… Bye~Bye~" Kayda said sweetly as she removed her claws. The void trembled a bit before returning back to normal and Kayda let out a huge sigh of relief.

Her whole body then started trembling, but she forced herself to move. She reached for the crest, input her Qi into it, then tossed it onto Mira's body. The crest soon sunk into Mira's body, causing it to shiver for a minute before finally calming down. The crest disappeared without a trace and only Kayda can sense it now.

"DDDDDDDAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTT!!!" A roar echoed throughout the universe, but Kayda paid no mind to it.

"Huuu~ I'm glad that I was able to bluff my way out of this one. There's no way I could beat that man in a fight. I'd instantly die! Luckily he was too frozen by my sudden threats and the unknown to make a move, otherwise, I might really have to call Father. Luckily I didn't have to do that as it's still too early for me to see him… Mira, this is all I can do for you. I hope when the time comes, you will also be able to help me." Kayda muttered to herself as she stared at Mira.

If Mira or her group saw Kayda like this they'd surely think they are looking at an entirely different person. But in reality, Kayda isn't as dumb as she looks, though she may not be that great at actually talking to people. She actually has a very keen observation and isn't quite as naive as Mira might think she is. Though, that might be debatable since she is truly terrible at interacting with other people.


5 Days Later

Maria and Celaine woke up with newfound vigor. Their minds felt refreshed and their bodies felt stronger than ever!

Before they even spoke to each other, they wanted to thoroughly examine their new bodies.

After spending a good 30 minutes looking at their new bodies they couldn't help but be amazed. Their blood was flowing through their bodies like magma, their bones were black but looked like hardened magma, their skin was incomparably smooth though a little more tan than what they used to be, and their organs felt like mini volcanos.

They felt like they could take on the world right now, but knew that this was just their imagination to their newfound strength.

Their cultivation also made a breakthrough. Celaine was now at the Peak of the Mid-Houtian Stage and Maria broke through to the Peak-Houtian Stage.

So not only has their body been strengthened and remade, but their cultivation also underwent a breakthrough.

This was a very unexpected boon, but they weren't going to complain!

The two of them turned to each other and let out huge grins!

"We did it! We survived! Haha! Miss Kayda is really the best! Amazing! I wish I could become her little sister!" Celaine yelled in delight to which Maria nodded.

"I agree! Miss Kayda really is amazing! To be given such a technique… I will surely engrave this favor into my heart and be sure to repay it someday!" Maria said with conviction.

"Eh? You weaklings want to repay this Great One? What a joke!" A sneer resounded beside them. They both froze and looked at Kayda, who was looking at them with contempt, but knowing that she was there didn't change their thoughts.

"That's right! Even if I can't now, I will surely repay this favor in the future! Not only for providing us this amazing technique but for also being nice to Mira. You're probably the first person to do something nice for Mira in a very long time. Though she'll probably never admit it…" Maria said with a little bit of a self-deprecating smile. She wished she could do something like this for Mira.

This time it was Kayda's turn to freeze up. Seeing the innocent-looking Maria making such a claim with such conviction was truly a sight for sore eyes. No deceit, no lies, just pure and honest innocence.

Her gaze softened as she looked at Maria and she subconsciously let down her guard against her.

"Hoh? Can you tell me a bit more about Mira? She does seem like she holds a lot of secrets." Kayda asked, but Maria looked a little reluctant and let out a bitter smile.

"It's sad to say that I've been traveling with Mira for around a decade now, but I actually know very little about her. I know her parents were killed by bandits not long after she was born. She's extremely cold to other people, especially men. Uhm… She's also killed a lot of people and acts a lot older than what she looks like, sometimes it feels like I'm talking to my Grandma. I've been told that she's much older than she actually is, but she doesn't talk about that. Other than that, I think you should ask Mira." Maria lightly answered her question and just provided general information about Mira, but she honestly doesn't know much more than this.

Kayda narrowed her eyes slightly and started trying to come to conclusions. The only thing that she could conclude is that her life up until now has probably been something worse than hell. In fact, Mira probably wished she could be in hell right now just to escape her current situation.

She could see that much from Mira's eyes, especially when she was on the brink of death due to the Lightning Tribulation lightning. There was no panic or sadness when she was about to die, just pure bliss. Almost like she was looking forward to it.

She doesn't know what Mira has gone through, but she could tell that Mira just looked done. Kayda also got a feeling like 'Even if I die, it won't change my situation' kind of vibe from Mira.

Kayda looked over at the sleeping Mira with sympathy and pity. She also vaguely sensed Mira isn't something that is supposed to be here, but it was just a vague and ambiguous feeling that may or may not be reliable.

This only made her gaze soften even more towards the sleeping Mira as she truly couldn't tell how old Mira might be or what she's gone through.

Her thoughts were brought to an end by Maria.

"Umm… Is Mira okay? Usually, she wakes up before us." Maria asked worriedly as she looked at Mira.

"Ah! Yes, she'll be fine! Her feeble mind just accumulated too much stress." Kayda answered.

"I see… I'm glad." The two relaxed after hearing that and decided to wait for Mira to wake up before deciding what they should do next.


A few more days passed and Mira's eyes suddenly opened.

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