Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 160 Death?

"No no no… Don't start now! Fucking goddamit!! Nnnngghh… aAaAAaAAAAHHHHH!!!" Mira cursed out loud and screamed in pain. A pain much worse than her forced reincarnations and the tempering she just went through.

Streaks of lightning roared inside her body, ice started to form around her, and the magma that she had just absorbed and refined trembled and a dragon-like roar seemed to come from her body. It felt like her previous physique was battling for supremacy against this new body of hers, but both sides were unwilling to give in.

Mira was currently struggling to stay conscious from the pain that she wasn't aware of what was happening around her.

The surrounding Qi was being gathered around Mira to help her physique fight against this Magma Dragon Body.

Ice and lightning started to encase Mira inside of an egg, but the magma that surrounded her was also trapped inside of the egg with her.

A storm of elements was currently battling against one another with Mira's body as the battlefield.

Kayda watched all of this in shock and didn't know what to do. Mira hadn't screamed in pain through the entire process, but she couldn't stop screaming now.

Even Kayda's mind might've broken from the pain that Mira and the others had to go through since she's not used to pain.

She was constantly praising Mira in her mind for her mental fortitude and pain resistance, but listening to her now made her skin crawl. She didn't dare imagine what sort of abysmal soul-wrenching pain she was going through right now. Hell, she didn't even know what was going on, but her instincts were telling her that if Mira survives this ordeal, she'll come out stronger.

Hours went by of Mira screaming, but all of a sudden the screaming stopped. Kayda's heart sank as she thought about the possibility of Mira dying.

Tears ran down her face as she looked at the egg in front of her and she dropped to her knees. She just got her first friend and sister not too long ago, but to have her die so soon… She felt like a piece of her heart was ripped out.

She wanted to go on a rampage due to the overwhelming emotions consuming her, but what happened next forced her back to reality.

The ground started shaking, the magma was shooting up, the ice above it soon turned into a frozen wasteland with lightning constantly striking the magma.

There was also something rumbling above the surface and dark clouds started to form over the Black Castle. A flash of majestic golden lightning shot through the dark clouds and was gathering in the center. This caused the ground to shake and all beasts nearby to go into hiding.

Kayda wasn't aware of this as she was too focused on the scene in front of her. The war between Ice, Lightning, and Magma raged on and became more fierce.

The blue lightning would strike the magma and did its best to restrict its movements. The lighting was also a conduit for the ice as the Ice slowly but surely started to imprison the magma.

The imprisoned magma seemed indignant to resign to its fate and kept trying to break out, but the Ice Lightning forced into the egg.

The Ice Lightning was slowly winning against the magma, asserting its dominance. The magma was also starting to learn its place and became a bit more submissive in the face of the crazy Ice lightning.

More ice, lightning, and magma surrounded the egg as a powerful aura radiated out of the egg.

The golden lightning above ground was preparing to strike at any moment and as soon as it sensed that powerful aura, the heavens shook and lightning fell from the sky.

The lightning phased through the Black Castle and the ground below it. It didn't take long for the Golden Lightning to reach the egg Mira was in and strike it. The lightning cracked the egg and phased through it, striking Mira's body!

Kayda jumped far away as soon as she sensed that lightning and became even more shocked.

"Lightning Tribulation?! Did Mira do something that goes against the heavens?! What is happening?!" Kayda yelled in fright as her eyes were fixed on the egg in front of her.

,m Meanwhile, inside the egg, Mira got hit by that golden lightning and her body trembled as it rampaged throughout her body and destroyed everything it came into contact with. Even her new body was nothing in the face of this lightning as a quarter of her body was reduced to nothing in an instant.

But this seemed to anger her mutated physique as her blue lightning started to fight against this golden lightning that was rampaging through her body.

In the next instance, half of her body was reduced to nothing and Mira felt death approaching. But this was a different kind of death. Mira felt like if she were to die right now it would be true death, body, and soul. She didn't know how that was possible, but she instinctively knew that if she died here there was no coming back.

This is the first time in nearly 1,000 years that she's felt this.

'Is this fate? I've been working so hard so I could reach this point, so I can finally enter an eternal slumber and find peace. I've been working so hard so I don't have to fight anymore, so I can join my family and friends in the afterlife. Even if I became immortal, reached the peak of existence, and became invincible what's the point? The reason for that goal was to have my revenge while at the same time setting me free. I don't even know what I'm living for anymore. If I can truly die right now then I'd be able to reach my goal much sooner than I thought.' A true smile blossomed on Mira's godly face, something that has happened in hundreds of years, but that face soon changed.

'But why? Why do I feel so angry? Is it because I don't want to die? Is it because I haven't killed that bastard who's done this to me? Is it because I'll be leaving behind those that were controlled and manipulated by that bastard? I'll also be leaving Maria and Dominque. Dominque… What a good little child. If things were different, I might have wanted to adopt that little girl. Maria… An idiot that always follows me around, but no matter what she follows me through fire and ice, thick and thin. A good girl that I saved nearly a decade ago. She is probably the only person throughout all of my lives that I feel like I can finally trust.' Mira let out a bitter chuckle just thinking about those two. The golden lightning has now consumed most of her body with the only thing being left in her heart and head.

'Am I really going to leave those two alone? Am I really going to just accept death right now? What will I do even if I live? Have a family? No! Fuck that! Focus on my revenge? Yeah, if I live I'll still be within that bastard's grasp. Hmph! This is all that bastard's fault to begin with! I was living a peaceful life with my parents, but that asshole just had to try and play god and fuck with me! How can I think about dying right now?! My scythe has yet to cut that bastard's head off!! I will fucking kill him! Only then will my soul be at peace!! I guess I'll also take care of Maria and Dominque in the meantime as well! I'll be sure to turn them into the strongest warriors throughout all of the realms!! Warriors that I can trust my back to during the war between me and that bastard! AARRRGGHHH!!' Mira roared in her mind as spatial fluctuations emitted from her.

Red haze was coming out of what's left of Mira's body and it subdued everything in its path. The rampaging Ice Lightning, magma, and even the golden lightning halted for a second. Mira subconsciously ordered her body to begin repairing itself while dealing with this troublesome golden lightning.

The area outside the egg started to calm down and everything became eerily quiet. Even the raging elements dared not move.

"Hehe…" A guttural chuckle resounded throughout the area and echoed throughout this part of the Secret Realm. Things became extremely quiet and most beings stopped moving as they looked up towards the sky.


"Whatever… Comes… My way… Shall… Die!"

Killing intent sored as soon as those words were said.

Kayda, who was now shaking, paled when she heard those words combined with the killing intent.

It wasn't the pressure or the words said that caused her to tremble, but who said it. She was wondering what happened to her new Sister while she was in that egg and was internally freaking out.

She had no idea what she should do or how she should face Mira or if Mira would still be the same when she comes out.

She couldn't bring herself to move and just stood there looking at the multicolored egg in front of her.

Inside the egg, Mira's body was being steadily reformed as the Golden Lightning was forced out of her before it could consume her. She wasn't able to absorb it, but she also didn't dare to try. This was lightning from a Lightning Tribulation after all.

This time, ice, lightning, and magma all reformed her body. Her body was absorbing the surrounding magma, ice, and lightning to recreate her body.

After a while, the egg around her began to crack and break down only to be absorbed into her body, reinforcing her new body.

After everything settled down, Mira got a good look at her body. She felt slightly stronger than before, but the biggest difference was how comfortable this body was compared to the Magma Dragon Body. This body felt like hers; like it was meant for her. She also noticed that she was at the Peak of Stage 1 in the Magma Dragon Body Technique.

While observing the changes in her body, Mira caught sight of something interesting. Her once, Extreme Yin Physique, which mutated after being reborn in the trial, now has 3 elements associated with it; Ice, Lightning, and Magma. But the interesting thing is the color of the magma in her body changed from a bright red color to an icy blue color. She currently has ice, blue lightning, and icy magma flowing through her now.

Mira figured that this must have something to do with the Extreme Yin Physique. Maybe it doesn't only provide Mira with an unrivaled Ice comprehension, but now that it's mutated it can absorb other elements and convert them from yang to yin? This may require more testing and research.

After briefly examining her new body, she looked over at Kayda, who was now on her knees staring at her with wide eyes and her mouth agape. Mira could also tell that she had been crying and she let out a faint smile.

'Perhaps this little dragon isn't half bad either.' Mira thought to herself then called out to Kayda.

Sister Kayda, I'm feeling… A bit… Tired…" Mira couldn't even say what she wanted to say before she collapsed.

Kayda jumped forward and caught her. She held Mira in her arms and let out another tear.

"I'm glad you came back to this Big Sister. Leave the rest to me." Kayda said with a smile and picked up Maria and Celaine and started making her way towards the Black Castle.

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