Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 158 Magma Dragon Body

While Mira, Maria, and Celaine were talking with Kayda, they also held high expectations for receiving something great! How could they not?! They suddenly appeared in front of a real dragon! How could they not be excited?!

But before they could get too excited, Kayda decided to dump a bucket of ice water on them.

"While I would love to watch you suffer unimaginable pain, unfortunately, I only have items that would cause you to explode. How could I enjoy your suffering if you died so quickly?" Kayda said with a smug look that seemed slightly disappointed.

Mira and the other 2 also seemed a bit dejected hearing that, but what Kayda said next raised their spirits.

"But fret not, weaklings, for this Great One has prepared a technique that can bring about the torture that I desire! Heh heh heh!" Kayda said full of pride, but Maria instantly had a bad feeling about that expression.

Kayda's expression right now was similar to when Mira threw her into a lake full of lava years ago.

"Miss Kayda, pray tell what kind of technique this is. It doesn't have anything to do with all of the lava around us, does it?" Maria asked carefully.

"Foolish mortal! How could this Great One, a Magma Dragon, create a technique based on inferior lava?!" Kayda said with her head held high.

Maria let out a sigh of relief, but it changed when she heard what Kayda said next.

"Naturally, this Great One would make a technique based on my species! This technique requires magma instead of lava! Heh heh heh!" Kayda lightly explained.

"Eh? Is there a difference?" Maria muttered subconsciously, but this seemed to enrage Kayda.

"Of course there is a difference!! Lava isn't even hot enough to bathe in! How could this Great One use lava or anything?! Naturally, magma is much hotter! Magma is also a sub-element of Fire and Earth! What? You think that lava is also a sub-element of Fire and Earth?! Foolish! Lava is a bi-product of magma! How could the two even compare?! I'll be sure you're thrown in first, weakling!!" Kayda roared at Maria which caused her to shrink back and lower her head.

Celaine could help but swallow her saliva watching Maria get yelled at by a dragon. She could only hope that she's able to live, but she didn't dare voice her opinion.

"Kayda, is there anything we need to do in return for such a technique? I'm not one to believe in free lunches after all. Though there isn't really anything we can offer to you with how weak we are." Mira said casually which caused Maria and Celaine to suck in a cold breath and start sweating.

Even Kayda looked at Mira in shock, but inside she was really glad that someone is able to talk to her so casually even though she's the Great Magma Dragon!

'How long has it been since I've talked to someone? Ten thousand years? No, probably much longer. Maybe one hundred thousand years? I don't know, but I love it! More, talk to me more!' Kayda thought internally but kept up her arrogant and prideful tone.

"I naturally have to be a proper ho-I mean, of course, this is for this Great One's entertainment! It's been a long time since I've had such fun toys to play with and you three came right when I was getting bored! The longer you survive, the more entertainment you'll bring me! Heh heh heh!" Kayda tried to keep up the act but almost fumbled.

"Oh? What sort of technique did the Great Magma Dragon, Kayda, come up with that will bring such joy to someone as strong as yourself? If it's as amazing as you say then I'll even call you Sister Kayda hehe." Mira also kept up the act as well. She felt like this would bring them the most benefits and it also wouldn't be a bad thing to be acquainted with a dragon. Even though she doesn't like Kayda's personality, her strength as a dragon is the real deal.

'S-S-S-S-Sister?!?! Hehehe! So, she'll call me sister? Hehehe. I've never had a sister before! Most of my life has been spent here and I can't even remember the last time I talked to someone else. Hehehe' Kayda started giggling like a little girl in her mind while also letting her thoughts run wild.

She pictured Mira and her running through a field, giggling and showing each other flowers. Then the scene would move to them swimming in magma together and eating various beasts. They'd sleep in the same bed, share each other's food, fight enemies together, and enjoy life together while calling each other 'sisters'.

"Hehehe-Ah! Ahem! I've called this technique the 'Magma Dragon Body'. Upon completing this technique, one will obtain the physique and strength of a Magma Dragon! But don't think it's so easy to complete! There are 10 stages to this technique and each stage gets more and more difficult and requires more resources to complete."

"Once one obtains the Magma Dragon Physique, they would be as strong as a Peak Immortal Magma Dragon, such as me! But of course, you would not be as strong as me, a real Magma Dragon! Heh heh heh!" Kayda explained which thoroughly shocked the three of them.

Gain a Magma Dragon Physique?! As strong as a Peak Immortal Magma Dragon?! Amazing! Absolutely amazing! A priceless treasure that would probably be hard to find if not impossible even among immortals! Just knowing this technique would be sufficient for the rest of their lives!

"Heh heh heh! Surprised? This technique was created by none other than I, Kayda, The Great Magma Dragon! Now, let me teach you the steps so I can enjoy your suffering!!" Kayda laughed as she took out a few ancient-looking books.

Mira couldn't even fathom how old these books are, but she could feel a very powerful and dominant aura radiating from them.

Kayda handed them out and the three of them immediately began studying them. Even if they have to go through the worst kinds of pain, it would be worth it! Pain isn't anything new to them anyways!

The three of them read it over and over again. They wanted to make sure that even if they died, they wouldn't forget such a technique.

What they found out after reading it is that this technique is incredibly complex. Especially the First Stage.

The basis of the technique is similar to restructuring one's body to contain the power of a dragon.

They'd have to absorb magma into all of the meridians in their body, forcing the magma to consume all of Qi in their body, then begin restructuring their body into a physique capable of holding the power of a dragon.

Doing this is extremely dangerous since they are essentially destroying their bodies and recreating them with Qi and magma. It isn't just their bones either, they have to destroy and rebuild their skin, muscles, tissue, organs, and blood. Every part of their body needs to be rebuilt!

Not only is this extremely painful, but they are essentially being reborn! They'd need an extreme amount of Qi-rich magma to begin this process and could not be interrupted from start to finish. If they lost consciousness for even a moment, they'd die. If they went too fast or too slow, they'd die. If they didn't consciously control everything, their only end would be death.

Mira figured she'd be capable of such intense pain and fortitude, but wasn't sure about Maria and Celaine. This type of pain was at the point that Mira would be able to feel it. That's saying something since normal pain can't even affect Mira at this point.

Nevertheless, this isn't an opportunity they can pass up and if they want to go through with it, then so be it. She is in no position to stop them.

Mira just went back to studying and memorizing the technique while occasionally glancing at Kayda.

Kayda has been staring at Mira the entire time but would try to avoid eye contact with Mira.

"This is really a great technique, Sister Kayda. I'm sure it was tough, even for someone as great as you, to come up with this. You have my respect and if you need anything then feel free to ask. Though it might be a while before I'm in any position to help." Mira said with a serious voice. She truly did respect Kayda for coming up with something this amazing. She could also tell that Kayda was very pure and innocent even with that annoying personality. Even if this Dragon had lived for hundreds of thousands of years, she's no different than a child in terms of mental age.

Mira felt no ill-intent or hostility from her and only felt good intentions. Calling her 'sister' might be a bit over the top for her, but doing this is the least she could do for such a technique. Of course, Mira isn't going to roll over like some dog just to obtain a technique, but if all it takes is getting acquainted with this little dragon, she wouldn't be so stupid to pass up this opportunity.

This is a deal with no risk and maximum return. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that Mira wouldn't get even if she reincarnated a thousand more times.

"Hehehe. Very well, if you insist on being this Great One's sister then how can someone as magnificent as myself ignore your plea?! From now on, I will refer to you as Sister Mira! Now keep studying this Sister's technique so I can enjoy the suffering that is to come! Heh heh heh!" Kayda said this in an arrogant manner, but inside she was screaming.

'Hehehe! I got a Sister! I finally have someone to talk to! It's just a pity that this new sister of mine is so weak! Hopefully, this technique will allow her and her friends to get stronger. The outside world is scary after all.' Kayda thought to herself and just wanted to do her best to help Mira out. She can't have her new Sister die right after they just met.

Mira could tell Kayda's thoughts immediately since it was written all over her face. She let out a faint smile and went back to studying the technique.


A week went by and Mira finally felt like she memorized all 10 Stages of the Technique to perfection. She can now recall every word and process like it was the back of her hand.

She then turned to Kayda, who was still staring at Mira while slightly drooling.

Mira figured it wouldn't hurt to try and get some information about the Secret from Kayda, an immortal.

"Sister Kayda, why are you staying in this realm? And what exactly is this Realm? The world I come from is only able to access this place every 20 years and I can only stay in here for 3 months before I'm forcefully ejected from this place. How are you still here?" Mira asked a multitude of questions, but Kayda just tilted her head.

"Huh? I found this place when I was traveling as a baby Magma Dragon. I sensed the abundant amount of magma here, made my nest, and spent most of my time getting stronger. You see, someone as great as me doesn't need to cultivate, I only need to live long enough and I'll eventually reach the peak. And finding a nest with such a dense amount of magma that isn't already occupied is quite rare."

"Ah! Now that I think about it, this place is very strange. When I first arrived here, this place wasn't so large, but it seemed to keep growing over the years. It might just be luck that this place even opens for you or maybe someone is in control over this realm and is trying to assist you, mortals. This is about everything I know of this place." Kayda explained, forgetting about her tsundere character.

"Hmmm… Are you restricted to this place or are you able to leave whenever you want?" Mira asked.

"Eh? Why would I want to leave? The outside world is scary! Why would I want to leave my nest to go to such a scary place?!" Kayda refuted, not wanting to leave this place.

"Ah. Nevermind then. Thanks for the information, Sister Kayda. Oh, by the way, I've finished studying this technique. I don't know if you have any place for us to practice it though?" Mira suggested, wanting to start right away.

"Of course, this Great One has plenty of places! Leave it to Big Sister to help you and your servants out! Heh heh heh!" Kayda pounded her chest with her fist in reassurance.

Mira just nodded and waited for the other 2 to finish studying and memorizing it.

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