Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 152 Tornado Tempering

"What shitty luck…" Mira muttered to herself as she looked up.

Celaine and Maria also opened their eyes, realizing they weren't dead yet, but their faces instantly paled.

"W-W-Why did we get teleported here?!" Maria yelled in fright and Celaine was also trembling.

Right now the 3 of them were inside of a massive tornado with lightning streaking across the skies as well as inside the tornado.

To make matters worse, razor-sharp ice crystals were flying everywhere, threatening their very existence.

"This is very troublesome. The thunder wouldn't be so bad, but this tornado is extremely dangerous. We also don't know if this thing is going to remain in one spot nor do we know how long this tornado will last. But looking at the size of it, I'm guessing that it won't be going away anytime soon." Mira calmly explained as she tried to examine everything.

The ice and thunder aren't too much of a threat to her since she controls one of those elements and her body seems to be able to absorb lightning or at least soften the blow. But she felt extreme danger from the winds of the tornado. She knew that she'd die if she were to try and cross it.

Thinking this, they could either be considered lucky for landing in the eye of the tornado rather than getting ripped apart by it. But the fact still remains that they are stuck with no way to get out.

"Let's use this opportunity to temper our bodies. The lightning will be very beneficial for this and with the help from the residual wind and ice, the effects should be even greater. I'll also set my Ice Domain up to increase the efficiency, though I recommend you strip and grab onto me since I doubt you'll be able to handle this lightning yourself." Mira explained as she took off her clothes and stored them.

She didn't want her brand new mask and clothes to get ruined after all.

"Ah! Mira!? What the hell are you doing?! Wouldn't it be better to keep your clothes on?! I mean, you don't want to get chopped up into minced meat do you?!" Maria yelled and Celaine furiously nodded.

Mira just glared at her, clearly annoyed by such a stupid question.

"I'm tempering my body. You better do the same if you don't want to be turned to ash. I'll give you 30 seconds!" Mira yelled at the.


Both of them started stripping and latched onto Mira.

She just nodded and unleashed her Ice Domain. The temperature around the 3 of them instantly dropped, but Mira didn't make her Ice Domain that big, only around 2 meters wide.

This clearly wasn't enough to gather any lightning, so Mira made an Ice rod on top of her head in the middle of her domain. Then she unleashed her blue lightning.

There were two reasons why Mira wanted to temper her body with the lightning here. One, she wanted to know to what extent the lightning in her body can do. Two, she wanted to see if she would be able to unlock more effects.

Right now, she is highly resistant to lightning attacks, can absorb lightning, and use it to temper her body, and her vitality is much higher causing her wounds to regenerate much faster. Did her body gain an elemental affinity? Or is it due to her particular bloodline that combined with her physique after her rebirth in the trial? Mira wanted to uncover these secrets more.

As Mira's blue lightning surrounded them, it started attracting the surrounding lightning. Almost instantly, Golden-green lightning shot towards Mira's Ice Domain and was redirected at Mira.

Mira clenched her teeth as she felt the volatile lightning course through her body.

"AAAAHHHHH!!" Maria and Celaine yelled in pain as they took in the residual lightning that spread out between the 3 of them.

Lightning violently coursed through their bodies as it tried to destroy everything, but their bodies were naturally very tough due to Mira's training. So the lightning wasn't able to turn them to ash, especially since this wasn't actually the brunt of it. They circulated the Qi in their bodies, as they tried to strengthen and heal any injuries that were caused.

Slowly, but surely their bodies were being tempered by this lightning. Muscles, skin, organs, even blood were all being refined and tempered from the constant influx of lightning. Mira's Ice Domain was also doing wonders as it condensed and strengthened everything even more.

Meanwhile, Mira was feeling the changes in her body. Not only was her body strengthening, but the blue lightning hidden in her body reacted as well. It was equally distributing the external lightning that coursed through her body, making it so there wasn't a single inch on Mira's body that wasn't being tempered.

Her regeneration was also spurred, so any injuries that were caused by the lightning were also healed because of it as well.

Furthermore, she could feel her physique mutating bit by bit as well. Part of the Golden-green lightning was being absorbed by her blue lightning to strengthen her Mutated Extreme Yin Physique that has combined with her Kuraokami bloodline as well as the lightning from the Trial, creating something very unique and strange.

Mira was starting to if she should rename her bloodline and physique since they are no longer the same as before. But she shook her head at these thoughts and focused on tempering her body.


Time passed by slowly for the 3 of them as they were forced to withstand this torture. Maria and Celaine kept trying to get out of body tempering, but Mira would ruthlessly send more lightning to them and told them they can stop when they can bear the full brunt of the lightning.

Mira was also secretly dragging the 3 of them closer to the edge of the tornado. She wanted to use this terrifying wind to help as well.

The other 2 girls didn't notice since they were already having trouble withstanding the lightning and didn't have time to think about how their skin was constantly getting torn to shreds and repaired over and over again.

Mira also noticed that she could send her blue lightning into Maria and Celaine to help with tempering their bodies. Doing this only helps spread out the lightning coursing through their bodies more evenly. And as Mira kept absorbing more of it, her control was getting better as well.

This helped to lighten the load on Maria and Celaine.

Hours soon turned into days as they spent every second tempering their bodies. The lightning in the tornado wasn't reducing either and like the heavens were angry, the sky would often shoot lightning towards the 3 of them. Though, this only helped them speed up their body tempering session.

After an undetermined amount of time, the 3 of them stopped feeling pain from the lightning as their bodies got accustomed to it.

The 3 of them opened their eyes, and they were no longer holding onto each other. Their bodies were covered in blood and burns, but most of their wounds have healed. Occasionally they had to take a rejuvenation pill to heal some of the more serious injuries, but that was it.

Mira frowned as they were still in the tornado and it didn't seem like it had any plans of going away. She stuck her hand closer to it, but when it got too close, her skin started to rip apart. Her frown deepened since their bodies still weren't strong enough to escape from here. It's also not easy to temper the body using this kind of violent wind.

"Why don't we try attacking it?" Celaine suggested, but Mira was a little hesitant. This tornado is way out of their league. Breakthrough with strength? Destroy the tornado? Run through? As if!!

"Hmmm… Why don't we try digging under it?" Maria suggested and Mira's eyes looked at Maria a bit strangely.

"Since when were you capable of good ideas?" Mira asked in a serious voice.

Maria got flustered by her comment as she tried to refute it.

"I'm full of good ideas, you just don't appreciate them! Hmph!" Maria took out her sword and slashed at the ground, but her sword barely penetrated the earth. She kept swinging harder and harder, but nothing barely anything happened.

"Well, it would've been a good idea… Hehe… Heh." Maria averted eye contact and pouted, storing her sword.

"Sigh… If we did try to make a tunnel, we'd spend the rest of our time here trying to dig a hole to get out. Plus, we don't even know how large this tornado is. But the eye has around 10 meters in diameter of space inside, so I'd presume that the tornado is much bigger than 10 meters wide. I guess we can only continue to temper our bodies with this wind. How many rejuvenation pills did you bring?" Mira said calmly.

"150," Maria answered.

"125," Celaine answered.

It seems both of them prepared a lot, and Elder Bridget probably gave Maria quite a few supplies.

"That'll do for now. Try not to use them that often since we don't know what we'll encounter after this. Just make sure you don't die." Mira said as she walked closer to the tornado.

Skin started to peel off and her blood got soaked up into the tornado. Mira used her Qi to help heal these injuries and would slowly inch her way forward as her skin and flesh tempered.

The other two groaned but joined Mira as they were tired of being here.


"Huuu… Huuu… Finally! We're out of that damn tornado!" Maria yelled as she gasped for air!

"Finally… We… Don't have to… Suffer!!! No more torture!!! OOOHHHH!!" Celaine gave a battle cry as they finally made their way out of the tornado.

They didn't know how long it took, but they knew that each of them spent around 50 rejuvenation pills during this time, along with retreating to heal their injuries on their own to save their pills.

They also had to take quite a few Blood Restoration pills as well due to their overwhelming amount of blood loss. On top of that, they ended up eating quite a bit of their rations as well to help restore their lost blood.

But after all of that pain, they were finally able to make it out of that damn tornado! And as soon as they made it out, they ran as far away from it as possible. Even Mira was quite tired of standing in the middle of a tornado as it ripped her to pieces.

But of course, Mira didn't want to lose out on such a perfect training ground. So while they were in there, Mira would often start attacking them out of nowhere, forcing them to spar as they were in the middle of tempering their bodies.

Mira looked at the massive tornado in the distance that was probably at least 100 meters in diameter and was glad that they made it out.

She felt like her skin was like refined steel that was several times more durable than before. Her body was also at least twice as powerful due to the lightning as well. She also felt her physique and bloodline were stronger than before, but the offensive capabilities were still very low.

"Hmmm…" Mira narrowed her eyes when she got a good look at the surroundings.

The only thing she could see is an endless desert, but not a normal desert. There was no sand, only cracked ground, fire tornados, and she also noticed giant worms that spit poison at nearby entities.

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