Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 144 Inter-Sect Tournament Resumes

Mira followed the City Lord and the Sect Masters to collect her reward and receive her title. Mira didn't really care about the reward nor the title, but she's not going to say no to a free lunch. Though she isn't very fond of the word 'Hero'. In her mind, a Hero is someone who puts their life on the line so that others don't have to. A Hero is someone who is righteous and strives for peace and equality. A Hero is someone who is idolized for their courage and achievements, and noble qualities.

Do any of the things that make up a Hero define Mira? The answer is a definite no! She doesn't give two shits about some random person in some random city. She kills to make things more convenient for her and she's never been an advocate for peace and equality, though she is tired of being bothered by other people though.

While Mira was thinking about this, she made it to a large building that was still intact even after the war. As they walked in the hall, Mira took notice of all the artwork, sculptures, jewels, tall ceilings, and light grey walls with a gold floor. Mira guessed that this is where the City Lord lives.

She looked around the building, but her face didn't show the slightest emotion and she was impossible for the others to read.

The City Lord made his way over to his throne and faced Mira and the Sect Masters.

"Welcome to my humble abode, Mira. I don't know if you know me, but I'm the City Lord of Lunar Fox City, Ivan Anton. On behalf of Lunar Fox City, I thank you for your contributions during the war. If it weren't for you, the war may have gone a lot differently. Luckily, you took action and selflessly put yourself in the face of danger to save this humble one's city." The City Lord said calmly and slightly bowed his head.

Mira just nodded indifferently as the details of what happened aren't that important to her. It may look like she put herself in danger, but she never once felt like she was in danger while out on the battlefield. This comes from her vast experience along with hundreds of years of living and fighting alone. She also didn't save the city because she wanted to save it, she just felt like it'd be inconvenient for her if the city were to fall. If that were to happen, war might break out on this entire side of the continent which would greatly affect her future. To eliminate such a nuisance, she felt it necessary for her to take action personally. But there was no point in correcting the City Lord as she just wanted to get this over with.

"Due to your overwhelming contributions, we've decided to heavily reward you for your efforts. First off, we'll be rewarding you with 5,000 Low-grade Spirit Stones and 2 Mid-Grade Spirit Stone. You may not know, but one Mid-Grade Spirit Stone is equal to 1,000 Low-Grade Spirit Stones. Though they can't really be compared like that as Mid-Grade Spirit Stones not only contain an immense amount of Qi, the Qi inside is also much purer compared to a Low-Grade Spirit Stone."

"Next, we'll reward you with a Qi Gathering Array, that'll help you with your breakthroughs. We'll also be giving you a replacement mask, but this one is a bit special. This mask will help conceal your aura and make it so people under Stage 5 Core Formation Realm won't be able to perceive your realm. It's also a lot tougher than normal masks as it uses a Rank 6 beast's bones as the foundation with several Rank 6 beast pieces to make the mask much more sturdy compared to a normal mask. We call it the Black Tiger Mask."

"We'll also be giving you a pair of Daoist robes that are similar to the mask. They will also help conceal your aura, but the main advantage of these robes is their defensive properties. They were made with a Peak-Stage Rank 5 Golden silkworms silk. These silkworms aren't known for their combat abilities, but instead for the amazing defensive properties of their silk. Just one strand of it is able to withstand one blow from a Rank 6 beast."

"From what I understand, you value training above all else so for the last reward we have decided to gift you with a set of pills. You'll receive a full set of Mid-Stage Rank 5 Body Tempering Pills. One for your bones, muscles, organs, marrow, and even blood. I'll also gift you with a Mid-Stage Rank 5 Energy Gathering Pill so that when you break through from the Houtian stage to the Xiantian Stage, you'll have a much easier time."

"This is it as far as the rewards go. To be honest, I feel like this isn't much as you saved the lives of numerous Core Formation Realm experts, hundreds of disciples, and the entire city. But if I were to give you any more than this, it may incite greed even among the Core Formation Realm Experts. So this is the best I can do without bringing you more trouble. What do you think?" The City Lord explained everything carefully so Mira hears every part of it. The City Lord truly felt grateful to Mira and didn't wish to see such outstanding youth killed before they could grow.

Mira listened to everything with the same placid and indifferent face, but even she was a bit shocked after hearing the City Lord's explanation. It seems this City Lord is a bit competent.

"You truly deserve the title of City Lord with such foresight. It also seems like you did your research beforehand so you didn't give me something that I didn't need. These rewards are more than enough for me. My biggest worry was breaking through to the Xiantian Stage of the Foundation Realm, but it seems you've mostly taken care of that for me." Mira said with a bit of respect as it's not often you find someone who isn't fucking braindead like the rest of these monkeys.

The City Lord was satisfied with Mira's answer as he also felt like Mira was much smarter than she seemed. She gives off an air of wisdom and experience, but he knew from what Sect Master Jane said that she has quite the temper and will be harshly blunt with her answers. The City Lord felt a bit more prideful after Mira mentioned his foresight abilities.

He then motioned with his hands for one of his servants to come over. This servant came walking in with a spatial ring in his hand. He walked over to Mira and gracefully handed the ring to her then retreated behind the City Lord.

Mira checked the contents of the spatial ring to make sure everything was there and sure enough, all of the rewards mentioned were there.

She nodded her head and looked at the City Lord waiting for him to continue talking.

"Very good. Now all that's left is to grant your title of hero to the city, but first I think you should get cleaned up first. We can't have our Hero covered in blood and guts now can we? Just follow my maids to the bath and you can wash yourself up there. And don't worry, the room is completely sealed off so nobody will be trying to come for you. If anybody does try anything then I will personally kill them to show my sincerity!" The City Lord said with a serious face and Mira just lightly nodded. She did want to go back to her room to bathe, but really just wanted to get this whole thing over with.

She followed the maids to the bathroom with Rhydian and Dominique. The maids also offered to help, but Mira coldly declined.

Mira then proceeded to spend the next 45 minutes washing off all of the blood off of her, Rhydian, and Dominique. Halfway through the bath, the two of them woke up, albeit in a groggy state, and continued with their bath.

After Mira finished washing up, she took out the Black Tiger Mask and her new Daoist robes that were also black and decided to wear them as her main outfit.

She walked out of the bathroom with Dominique and Rhydian in tow and made her way towards the hall that she was previously in.

The City Lord's servants told her to follow him as he led the 3 of them to where the City Lord was currently at.

When Mira got closer, she could hear the City Lord giving a speech to the residents. He was talking about the war, how it ended and how it affected the city. He then talked about the recovery of the city and his plans for that.

The servant that led Mira walked over and informed the City Lord of her arrival. He nodded but continued on with his speech.

"... And now for the person who risked her life to fight against the army of the Soul Devouring Sect! Not only did she and her beast companion nearly singlehandedly kill off their army, but she also saved not only me but the Sect Elders and Sect Masters as well. I would even go as far as to say that she was the sole reason for us winning the war and with such an overwhelming victory on top of that! I proudly present to you, Battle Maiden Sect Core Disciple and the Hero of Lunar Fox City, Mira!" The City Lord proudly announced as Mira also made her way out and stood next to him.


The crowd started cheering like crazy as soon as Mira made her way out and faced the crowd. How could they not cheer for the person that saved the lives of their family members and home?

This went on for a while before the City Lord made them calm down a bit.

"Now, I'll allow Mira to say a few words to you." The City Lord said and glanced at Mira.

Mira shot a glare at the City Lord as she was very displeased by this, but it wasn't out of her expectations. It wouldn't make sense for the Hero to just show up, wave hello, then leave.

"Residents of Lunar Fox City, while I may be given the title of Hero, I do not feel like I did anything heroic. What I did was purely out of self-interest. If part of the continent went to war because I decided not to intervene, then my future would also be greatly affected and personally, I don't feel like being in a constant state of war. The world is a dangerous place and only those that are strong are allowed to survive. I was strong enough to handle the army, but what if I wasn't here? What would you have done when an army of a million soldiers suddenly teleports to your front door and nobody here is able to take control? You lot are too weak to even protect your homes from outside forces. Pathetic! Whether you reflect on this situation and learn or continue to be complacent has nothing to do with me, but don't think someone like me will always be around to carry your dead weight." Mira spoke without any emotion then walked off the stage, leaving a stunned and silent crowd. Even the City Lord was stunned by Mira's words, but he soon felt grateful. What she said was true, they really are too weak.

After they came out of their stupor the City Lord walked back onto the stage and continued speaking. He also announced that the Tournament would resume as soon as the City was recovered to a certain degree.

Mira walked back to the inn she was staying at so she could sleep. She was mentally and physically drained after fighting for so long. Dominique and Rhydian were also drained as well and the only thing on their minds was sleeping.


Two weeks went by and the City Lord along with the Sect Masters announced that the Tournament will resume!

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