I’m Only A Defense Against The Dark Arts Professor

Chapter 110: For The Greater Good

Chapter 110: For The Greater Good

The Stunning Charm came from behind, and Fleur didn’t have time to react. She was directly hit by the spell and passed out. Claire sneered and walked toward Fleur, and his face had undergone a change.

Her face twisted like plasticine, her features blended and quickly reshaped, and her hair was changing its color, length, and shape. In just a few seconds, her entire face changed dramatically and changed into a man’s face.

It was the wizard who was suspected by Fleur yesterday and had something to do with the loss of her wand, Jonathan.

“What a bitch. It took a lot of effort for me to catch you.” Jonathan lost the attitude that he had before.

Under his feet, the grass suddenly turned into vines like snakes, spreading up from his calf at a very fast speed. By the time he realized that something was wrong, the vine had spread to his waist, and before he could raise his wand, he was already tied.

Sherlock removed his Disillusionment Charm. Since he’s become increasingly proficient with Transfiguration, he doesn’t like to use spells directly. No matter what kind of offensive spell, whether that be a petrification spell, a Stunning Charm, or a Disarming Charm, it would take him a while to swing it.

Even with a high level of mastery of this type of spell, nonverbal spells can be used without affecting their power and disregarding the time needed to swing the wand.

For sneak attackers, mistakes may occur in this small window of time. The technical requirements are high, but the Transfiguration will not have this problem. As long as it is within his range, Transfiguration can help him in certain situations by changing the things around him.

Jonathan had no room for resistance at all.

“You’re a peculiar wand thief.” Sherlock walked over to Jonathan and picked up his wand.

Jonathan glared at Sherlock fiercely, “When did you realize it?”

Sherlock said while letting go of some of the vines on him and taking out a bag from his pocket.

“Yesterday, your necklace and tattoos were unique. I remember seeing them somewhere. Can you tell me about them?”

He opened the bag he had gotten from Jonathan’s body, which had apparently been cast on the Extension Charm. It is illegal to use this kind of spell on something that is not permitted.

Because normal wizards have no way to determine whether the Extension Charm they use is reliable, if there is an accident, it is easy for the things placed inside to be directly squeezed out, injuring the wizard themselves or the people around him.

Sherlock found about fifty wands in the bag with the expanded space. They were placed in five wooden boxes, ten in each box, and there should also be one that Fleur had lost before.

Hearing where Sherlock noticed it, Jonathan sneered, “You don’t know that sign? It seems that not many people remember the man who once swept the entire European magic world and changed the whole world by himself.”

“Oh? Him?” Sherlock tilted his head and thought, “Could it be the lord whose head can catch fire?”

Jonathan was taken aback by his words, “What do you mean?”

“Sorry, I’m just babbling. You can continue.” He waved his hand to indicate that he didn’t care much and placed the wooden boxes of wands on the ground one by one.

Jonathan scowled, “I advise you to stay out of your own business and let me go. I’m from the Alliance.”

“The Alliance?” Sherlock recalled some impressions of the term. He touched his chin and recalled the records in the history of magic, “It seems to be a wizarding organization in the early twentieth century, led by Grindelwald. The man who was called the Dark Lord before You-Know-Who?”

“Since you know about it, you should know if you shouldn’t mess with us!” Jonathan threatened.

Sherlock shrugged, “I admit that Grindelwald’s ambition is much better than that of his next-generation Dark Lord, but this does not prevent him from becoming only a piece of history. Isn’t he still imprisoned in Austria?”

“Seeing how young you are, shouldn’t you be a remnant left over from his era?”

“From what history book did you read about Grindelwald’s deeds and the Alliance? Have you fantasized about joining them? I don’t think people like them would be doing by stealing wands.”

Sherlock’s words made Jonathan’s face turn red, and he growled angrily, “What do you know? Wands are the most noble works of art in the world! Especially those wands used by excellent wizards! You lowly wizards don’t understand such art at all!”

Sherlock looked at him. Although he had guessed in advance that this man was a thief with a weird preference for wands, he didn’t expect him to be like this.

“Speaking of which, since you like wands so much, why do you want to attack Fleur?” Sherlock asked.

He didn’t expect Jonathan to say it honestly, but he didn’t expect him to hide it at all.

“The price of a mixed-race Veela in the black market is much higher than the price of a pure Veela. If she was a baby, as long as you know where to go, you can get as much as six figures of-“

Before Jonathan’s words were finished, his figure flew in the air. Sherlock withdrew the foot he kicked out, and after he landed on the ground again, he walked next to Jonathan, who had been rolling several meters on the ground.

“It turns out that you are also a part-time human trafficker.”

Sherlock kicked Jonathan, and blood was flowing from his nose and mouth. But he was still in the mood to laugh and even sneered.

“What? Do you think I’m a bad person? How can things be achieved without the worst means possible?”

“Do you know what Lord Grindelwald’s motto is? For the greater good, this is a sentence that a person like you will never understand.”

Sherlock stepped directly on his face, causing Jonathan to let out a miserable wailing, “It’s disgusting for you to say it. Even if I only read a little bit of his history, I know that the meaning in Grindelwald’s words has never been his personal interests but the interests of all wizards in the entire wizarding world.”

“For your ridiculous desires like you, you’re just using it as an excuse for yourself and I find it really hilarious.”

“You are not a follower of him at all. You’re just a lowly fanatic, and you used their name for nothing.”

Jonathan’s wailing gradually became weaker, and Sherlock talked there for a long time without seeing any response from him. After lifting his foot, he found that he seemed to have broken the bridge of his nose and fainted.

He stared at Jonathan’s face, “How weak you are to just pass out from this.”

Sherlock walked over to Fleur, making sure she just passed out and had no other injuries. The hand was clenched tightly, and blood-red crystals could still be vaguely seen between the fingers.

Sherlock shook his head and smiled. Just as he floated both Jonathan and Fleur with magic and was about to take them out of the woods. A bright red spell suddenly shot out of the corner and hit Sherlock.

In an instant, Sherlock’s wand and the fifty wands he had put away in the bag were forced to fly out and scatter away from Sherlock. An ugly goblin staggered and came out of the corner of the bushes. It pointed its finger at Sherlock.

“Don’t move.” Sherlock raised both of his hands with a calm expression and gave him a look to show that he was not a threat.

“I thought Harry had dealt with you.”

The goblin didn’t seem to be in good shape. He walked to Jonathan’s side to check his condition. At the same time, he uses a spell on Sherlock to tie his whole body with a rope that is transformed by the spell.

“Your student’s Stunning Charm is terrible.”

Sherlock raised his eyebrows and defended Harry, “He was only in the third year. You can’t expect him much. Even if you can use it at that stage, you’re already talented enough.”

Looking at Jonathan, who was unconscious and could not be awakened by magic, the goblin gritted his teeth and grabbed Jonathan, Fleur, and Sherlock.

“Are you going to take all three of us away?”

“Shut up! You disgusting wizard!”

“Well, I don’t seem to be the disgusting one here.” Sherlock shrugged and looked behind the goblin. Dozens of wands had already floated in the air.

He blinked and uttered the incantation, “Petrificus Totalus.”

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