I’m Only A Defense Against The Dark Arts Professor

Chapter 107: Flamels Visitors

Chapter 107: Flamels Visitors

Having lived in the wizarding world for a year, Sherlock always felt that this world was behind Muggles by a full century in terms of social structure. In the wizarding world, the thing that can make the characters in the photos come to life has been invented for so long, but no wizard has thought of applying it to other aspects.

Like making a movie or something, therefore, the entertainment activities of wizards are scarce. When they were young, they would play Quidditch. When they were old, they could only sit in a bar, drink two glasses of wine, and brag about something.

This also resulted in the existence of bars on the streets because it is profitable to open a bar in the wizarding world.

Fleur took Sherlock and Harry to push the door and walked into a bar called “Astral”. It is said that the owner of this bar was opened by a retiring man from the French Ministry of Magic, and some of the food in it tasted very good.

“Are you going back to England after visiting Mr. Flamel? Aren’t you going to stay and play for another two days?” Fleur asked, dangling the orange juice in the glass with a straw.

With Sherlock, he wouldn’t let these two minors drink, and even he didn’t drink it to set an example but asked for a glass of lemonade.

“We’re going to continue to visit Sweden,” Sherlock said, making a temporary plan. After all, we made a trip. Harry and I planned to go to Sweden and then come to Paris. Since we saw you on the road, then we’ll have to make a change of plans.”

Harry had no problem with Sherlock’s plan. He could go anywhere, and the longer he returned to the Dursleys, the better.

Fleur struggled as if she wanted to say something, but when she was struggling for a long time and was making up her mind to say it, a voice beside her suddenly called her name.

“Sister Delacour?” They turned their heads and saw that a girl with freckles was speaking to Fleur.

“I didn’t expect to meet you here.” She said happily.

Fleur looked at her face with a confused look, “Who are you?”

“I’m Beauxbaton’s fifth-grade student, Claire Marlene. You may not know, but I have always admired you!” She said with bright eyes.

There are not many students in Beauxbatons. Of course, it is impossible for Fleur to recognize all of them, but almost no one knows her in school. The unique appearance of the Veela blood has made her always the center of the student’s attention.

“Hello, Claire, your home is also in Paris?”

Although Fleur didn’t want to chat with others when she was having afternoon drinks with Sherlock and others, she was a junior at her school, after all. It was not good to ignore her directly, so she just asked a question casually.

Claire shook her head, “No, an elder in my family gave me a letter telling me to come to Paris to find Nicholas Flamel. But I went to his house and found that he was not there, leaving a message saying that he would not be back until tomorrow. I came here to find a place to live first, but I didn’t expect to meet you here as well.”

Hearing her words, Sherlock and Harry glanced at each other quietly, and Fleur said in surprise, “You also came to see Mr. Flamel?”

“Are you also going to visit Mr. Flamel?” Claire looked surprised and slid something into her arm, “Can we go together tomorrow? We will meet in front of his house.”

Sherlock frowned as he looked at her arm. Fleur has no objection to her request.

“We’ll be at Mr. Flamel’s house at nine o’clock tomorrow morning, and you can go with us.”

“Thank you. Then I won’t disturb you and your friends for long. See you later!” Claire also seemed to have noticed Sherlock’s eyes. She pulled her sleeves back to their original positions, said goodbye, and left.

Sherlock looked at the back of her leaving with a thoughtful look on his face. Harry looked at him suspiciously.

“What’s the matter, Professor?”

Sherlock came back to his senses, shook his head, and said nothing. He seemed to have seen the same tattoo on the girl’s arm as the necklace and logo on the chest of a wizard named Jonathan.

It may have been a coincidence, or he may have seen it wrong, but Sherlock memorized the sign in his mind, preparing to go to the bookstore to find information about it.

“By the way, what were you going to say just now?” Sherlock turned to look at Fleur, indicating that she could continue what she had not finished.

“Oh, nothing.” At this time, Fleur was like a deflated ball, not as determined as before to say what she wanted to say.

They sat in the bar for a while, and Sherlock went to look for books at the bookstore while Harry and Fleur were waiting for him with something to eat. However, Sherlock didn’t find out which book he was on and saw the sign. In the end, he could only leave with this question in mind and drove Harry and Fleur back to Delacour Manor.

Sherlock and others will be staying at Fleur’s house tonight. Madame Delacour prepared dinner, and Fleur’s father joined them after getting off work at the Ministry of Magic.

Mr. Delacour is a fun-loving person. After dinner, he chatted with Sherlock about many interesting things about the French Ministry of Magic and learned from him about the professor’s life at Hogwarts. The house elf had already packed out the two guest rooms, and Harry and Sherlock went to bed early.

Not only will they visit Flamel again tomorrow, but they will also take a tour of Paris.

At dawn, Sherlock woke up on time. The biological clock he developed at Hogwarts kept going even during the holidays.

After waking up and washing his face, he left the manor, took a walk on the road outside, and came back. Madame Delacour is busy with breakfast in the kitchen. Although there are house-elves in their family, it may be her hobby to do so. The meals that Fleur’s mother makes the family eats.

Gabrielle was walking out of her bedroom when she saw Sherlock, and she said hello in a dreary tone.

“Good morning, Mr. Sherlock.”

“Good morning.” Sherlock stroked her head.

“Why do you have to get up so early?”

“Mom said to take me to the garden to find goblins today.” Gabrielle said cheerfully, “After you catch those goblins, you must throw them away, or they will still be there in a short time to cause trouble in the garden.”

“Oh, Good luck with that.”

While Sherlock was chatting with Gabrielle, Fleur also came out of the bedroom. She seemed to be a little confused when she slept, forgetting that there were more of her sister and her mother at home. The pajamas were a little bit revealing when she walked out.

Sherlock turned his head and went to Harry’s bedroom to wake him up.

Fleur also noticed just now. She didn’t didn’t panic and turned away quickly. It’s just that her cheeks were a little blushed.

Harry was lifted from the bed by Sherlock. Ever since Sherlock took him out of the Dursleys, he has been eating more and prefers to sleep in more.

“Don’t sleep anymore. We have things to do today.”

Harry nodded. With his hair like a chicken coop, he reached for his glasses from the bed and went to the bathroom.

Today’s breakfast is toast and grilled sausage. Madame Delacour’s cooking is good, and the toast taste is not as bad as Sherlock’s meal at Beauxbatons.

After the breakfast, they said goodbye to Madame Delacour. After visiting Flamel with Fleur, they planned to spend a day in Paris and left, not planning to return to the Delacour Manor.

When going out, Gabrielle was held by her mother, who waved goodbye to them. Madame Delacour invited them to come back to their house the next time they came to France. Sherlock took Harry and Fleur together to go to Flamel’s residence again.

On the way, Fleur asked them hesitantly, “You don’t plan to stay at my house for another night tonight?”

Sherlock drove the car and said casually, “No, when I brought Harry out, I talked to his aunt. If I only take him out for two or three weeks and stay in Paris, I won’t have time to go to Sweden.”

Harry said, “Actually, Professor, you don’t necessarily have to send me home on time.”

“I hate people who don’t keep their word, so I won’t be the person who doesn’t keep their word. You’d better be an honest child and don’t ever think about doing things without their knowledge.” Sherlock taught Harry a lesson.

Although this trip strengthens the relationship between Harry and Sherlock, he still remembers that this was his most beloved professor.

Fleur listened to the conversation between the two of them. For some reason, she seemed to be in a bad mood. But Sherlock and Harry didn’t care too much. Before they got to Flamel’s house, Sherlock and others saw several people dressed as wizards wandering around.

Harry said suspiciously, “Why don’t they go in? Has Mr. Flamel not come back?”

Sherlock parked the car on the side of the road and took Harry and Fleur to the front of Flamel’s house. The people lingering in front of the door were clearly wizards. They wore long robes, and some even wore pointed hats. If there had not been a Muggle Repelling Charm near the house, it would have attracted a lot of passersby.

Fleur looked among the wizards but did not find Claire. Sherlock asked a wizard about the situation.

“Mr. Flamel had come back. A house elf came out and told us to wait outside for a while. He will come out to talk to us when he is ready.”

“Come out and talk to us?” Sherlock asked suspiciously.

“Yes, because the people we came to visit happened to be a lot, and Mr. Flamel’s house doesn’t have such a big place, so he can only take several at a time.”

Sherlock thanked the wizard and returned to Harry and Fleur, “They said that Mr. Flamel had returned, but he needs time to prepare things.”

Harry looked at the wizards waiting in front of the door, about a dozen of them. “Even though there are many people visiting Mr. Flamel, why did they all come here on the same day?”

Fleur thought for a while and said, “Maybe some people came early and didn’t see Mr. Flamel, but they saw the message he left on the house, so they came here today.”

They stood in front of the door and waited for a while, but Fleur still didn’t see Claire.

Sherlock shrugged, “It may be that she has something to do beforehand and a bit late.”

Just as Sherlock finished speaking, in Flamel’s courtyard, an old man with white hair came out and opened the door. The wizards who were waiting at the door gathered around.

“Mr. Flamel?” They greeted respectfully.

This is the first time Sherlock has seen, with his own eyes, a wizard who is more famous than Dumbledore. Nicholas Flamel was a French-born wizard in the 14th century. The alchemy item he made, which is the Sorcerer’s Stone, is a magical item that can turn stones into gold and create a life-enhancing elixir.

Relying on this, he and his wife have lived from the fourteenth century to the present.

There are legends about him, whether in the wizarding world or on the Muggle side. Flamel is idolized in many countries as the first and only person in history to create the Sorcerer’s Stone, and many wizards grew up listening to his stories.

After learning that he destroyed the Sorcerer’s Stone and planned to give the fragments out, the wizards who used to be acquainted with him asked their relatives to come over, hoping to get a piece.

These wizards also showed great respect after seeing Flamel themselves. Sherlock and the others did not immediately surround him like the others, and Fleur frowned at the visitors.

“Jonathan didn’t come either.”

“The wizard you suspect has something to do with the goblin who stole your wand?”

“Yes, when we first met, he wanted to go with me so that he would also come to visit Mr. Flamel. But for some reason, he didn’t come today.”

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