I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 74 - Jacks Plan

Chapter 74 - Jack's Plan

Anne, who was shocked, immediately knelt down while covering her ears. She really couldn't overcome her fear of lightning and thunder.

"When will this trauma disappear, God?" said Anne softly, as she tried to get up from the floor and felt the switch on the wall. She had to turn on the light as soon as possible. Anne really hated the darkness when it rained like this. Even though she usually slept with all the lights off. But she had an exception when it was raining like this, she wanted her room to stay bright, so that when there was lightning she didn't need to be too shocked.

Not long after, all the lights in her room were turned on. Anne quickly went into the bathroom after she put her things on the sofa. Anne had to immediately clean her body before going to sleep. She didn't want to see the lightning again. Usually when going to bed, she would take a fifteen to twenty minutes bath, but this time she only showered for ten minutes. Using a large towel wrapped around her body, Anne walked cautiously up the stairs to the second floor where her bed was.

After she had worn her pajamas, Anne then slammed herself on her favorite bed quickly without wearing skincare first, even though usually before going to bed, she would give a little treatment to her face. But this time Anne didn't have the mood to do that. After lying on the bed, Anne then grabbed the blanket at the end of the bed to cover her body with. Even though she was already in the house, she could still hear the sound of thunder which was quite loud and was preceded by a blinding flash of light. Without thinking, Anne then tried to empty her mind while closing her eyes, as she tried to sleep.

"When will this season change, God? I really hate this season," said Anne to herself, taking a deep breath. Soon Anne was already sailing in her dream world.

Even though England had four seasons, in winter it would often rain like today, winter in England was characterized by cold and often rainy weather. The average highest temperature between December and February was 9° C and the lowest temperature is 5° C. These temperatures were less cold due to the influence of the warm Gulfstream. However, sub-zero temperatures accompanied by snow were also common. Usually winter occurred between January to February. After winter passed, spring would come. Spring was the transition from winter to spring. During this time, the flowers began to bloom and the fallen leaves on the plants began to grow again. The weather could vary from warm and sunny to cold and rainy. In spring, the daily highest temperature ranges from 12° C to 18° C, with the lowest temperature between 6° C and 13° C.

And spring was Anne's favorite season, because usually during that season, a lot of plants would grow. It was like a new life according to her. But to get to the spring, Anne had to go through the rainy season which she was so afraid of. Therefore, when rainy seasons come, Anne chose not to do much outside, as she did two years ago at Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, where usually when it rained, Anne chose to stay in her apartment and entrusted her coffee shop to Jack.

In a bar in a five-star hotel in London, two handsome young men were seen talking in a private room where on the table there were lots of bottles of liquor. They had been in the room for nearly two hours and there was no sign of the conversation to end.

"I'm sorry I had to call you suddenly like this, Aaron," Jack said quietly as he poured his drink into Aaron's empty glass.

"It's okay. After all, I have nothing to do," Aaron replied briefly with a smile and grabbed his glass which was filled with whiskey again.

"I want to invite you to compete in a healthy manner, openly, without having to be hostile," Jack added, reiterating his intention in inviting Aaron to meet.

"How competitive? Our company is a company engaged in different fields, Muller Finance International is a large finance company, while Connery Corporation is a property development company. Our two business ventures are different, Jack, then how do we want to compete hahahaha ... You're funny Jack," Aaron said with a big laugh.

Jack smiled at Aaron's words, as he was about to open his mouth again to tell the truth, suddenly he saw a man who was very familiar to him. A man he had always hated for two years. Although he has never met the man in person. He was Leonardo Ganke, Anne's ex-husband. Not far from where Jack and Aaron were currently sitting, Leon could be seen enjoying his drink at the bar table with two sexy girls. It was clear how Leon's hand was groping the buttocks of the two sexy girls. A sight that really made Jack want to vomit.

"Then what do you think about that man, Aaron …?"

Jack couldn't finish his words because Aaron had already put his head on the table with his eyes closed, from his lips came a word that wasn't clear, indicating that Aaron was drunk. Jack slowly grabbed Aaron's body and he leaned Aaron back on the sofa so that Aaron could sit comfortably, because he didn't want to make trouble, Jack then grabbed Aaron's cell phone that was on the table. Without thinking, he then looked for an outside contact where Daniel's name was seen at the top, he then contacted Daniel, Aaron's personal assistant who he had known before.

After talking for five minutes with Daniel to tell him what had happened to Aaron, Jack then put Aaron's cell phone back in his shirt pocket again. Twenty minutes later, Daniel came rushing in with a man who turned out to be Aaron's personal driver.

"Thank you, Mr. Muller, you have been willing to take good care of my young master until I come," said Daniel gratefully to Jack.

"It's nothing, Daniel, I just feel responsible for Mr. Connery," Jack replied with a smile.

"Actually, the young master is not fit, sir. Two days ago he was just admitted to the hospital because of a recurrence of chronic gastritis and actually he was supposed to rest at home. However, due to the large amount of work that cannot be postponed, like this afternoon on UAL campus, the young master is still working actively, "added Daniel again telling Jack the true condition of Aaron.

"Oh my God, Mr. Connery is sick?!" Jack asked incredulously in a rising voice.

"Yes sir, but there's no problem. He does have an ulcer which is quite annoying, but it has been handled well by his personal doctor, sir," Daniel replied with a smile.

"Sorry, I really don't know that Mr. Connery just got out of the hospital. If I had known, I would not have asked him to go out for a drink like this," Jack said regretfully.

"Never mind, sir, you don't need to feel sorry. Young master is fine. Indeed he's sometimes like this when he is not fit. But when his condition is good, he can certainly accompany you to drink until you're satisfied. Then we will excuse ourselves, sir, thank you again for contacting me, "said Daniel to Jack.

"I thank you, Daniel. Please convey my apologies to Mr. Connery when he wakes up tomorrow morning," asked Jack sincerely.

Daniel nodded his head slowly in response to Jack's words. He then went away with the driver supporting Aaron, leaving Jack alone in the VIP room.

After Daniel disappeared behind the elevator, Jack then returned to sit on the sofa while enjoying the whiskey straight from the bottle. He still didn't blink his eyes at Leon, who was now sitting on the sofa with the two previous sexy women, who were currently sitting on his thighs.

Remembering what Leon did to Anne made Jack's emotions go up again. But because he didn't have any problem with Leon, he had to rack his brains to find a way to destroy the man he hated for two years.

When Jack was closing his eyes, suddenly a sexy woman entered his VIP room. Apparently, that woman had been watching him when he was with Aaron.

"Do you need a friend to drink, sir?" asked a sexy woman slowly to Jack, who still closed his eyes.

Hearing the voice of a woman suddenly beside him made Jack open his eyes. When he opened his eyes, it was clear that a beautiful woman with large breasts sticking out behind her tight clothes was sitting beside him with a smile.

"Paula, sir, my name is Paula," said the beautiful woman, introducing herself to Jack.

"A good name for its owner," Jack replied curtly.

Hearing Jack's words made Paula smile broadly. She then felt Jack's thigh up to Jack's groin. However, just as she was about to touch the little mound between the tips of his groin, Jack suddenly held Paula's hand in a quick motion.

"Not now, Paula," Jack said quietly.

"Why not sir? Am I not attractive?" Paula asked sadly, as she spoke she deliberately bent her head down so that Jack could clearly see another part of Paula's breast that was still hidden under her clothes.

"You see that man?" Jack replied briefly, changing the conversation while pointing to Leon who was groping the breasts of a sexy girl who was sitting on his lap, while the girl had already pulled her breasts out from under her skimpy clothes, so Leon could freely play with them.

Paula, who was looking down, immediately lifted her face and stared at the direction Jack was pointing. Her face was immediately excited when she saw the man Jack was pointing at.

"You want Paula to do that sir? I can do that much better than my two friends, sir," Paula said quickly as she pulled her sexy dress in one motion so that her big breasts were clearly visible in front of Jack.

"That's not it, Paula. I want you to approach that man for me. I have an important job for you to do ..."

"Sorry sir, in this bar there is already an unwritten rule that we can't seize clients of our own friends, sir," said Paula quickly interrupting her words, while squeezing her own breasts in front of Jack with a seductive expression.

Seeing what Paula was doing made Jack smile. He then reached for his wallet and took out several 100 dollar bills in Paula's lap.

"Nice to meet you, Paula, but sorry I'm not in the mood to make out," Jack whispered softly as he grabbed his cell phone on the table and walked away, leaving Paula, who was still holding her breasts, alone.

"Sir ..."

Jack just waved his hand in the air in response to Paula's call. He then stepped into the elevator while staring at Leon, who was enjoying the services of the two women that night on the dark sofa in the other VIP room, where one girl seemed to be giving a blow job and the other girl was giving up her breasts to be devoured greedily by Leon.

"Lucky you! Cheer up, Anne, or else you would have a very sad life to have a bastard husband like Leon," said Jack quietly.

To be continued.

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