I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 155 - Confirming

Chapter 155 - Confirming

When Aaron was busy with his work that had to be checked this morning before the big meeting later this afternoon, suddenly the door to his room opened from the outside and Daniel entered with his trademark annoying smile.

"Yoo, Boss! I'm back!" Daniel greeted Aaron without hesitation as he waved his hand at Aaron.

"I know," Aaron replied curtly.

Daniel, who was still standing in front of the door, immediately lowered his hand from the air. He then walked slowly to Aaron, who was busy with the important papers on the table again.

"What's going on that I don't know?" asked Daniel directly.

"A lot, while you were at Northampton I have disciplined the employees," Aaron replied lightly without taking his eyes off the file he was holding.

"I've known you for a very long time, Sir. You might be able to lie to other people but you can't deceiving me," said Daniel quietly with a smile.

Daniel's words made Aaron put down the pen in his hand at once. He slowly lifted his face and looked at Daniel who was still standing at his desk.

"Anne is a widow, Daniel."


The bag containing the vegan pizza made by the La Pazienza restaurant that Daniel brought fell to the floor when he heard Aaron's words.

"I'm serious, Daniel, Anne told me herself," said Aaron again.

"D-did you check yourself, Sir? I mean, did you check the truth of her widow's status at the civil registry office?" asked Daniel quickly.


Aaron, who had been cranky since yesterday, was immediately silent at Daniel's words, his eyes were immediately rounded.

"Civil registry, check ..."

Yes, you can check someone's status by asking the civil registry. Don't tell me you don't know about this?" Daniel asked quickly interrupting Aaron's words.

"Y-you're here, so why would I be checking at the civil registry office?" Aaron replied, quickly interrupting Daniel's words.

"Tch! Just say that you didn't even think about this, right?" Daniel sneered irritably as he walked to the fridge for a drink.

Aaron burst out laughing at Daniel's words. This was the first time he had laughed again since he learned of Anne's status. When he managed to find the mineral water in the bottle, Daniel then drank it halfway while standing up. He seemed like he'd just run a marathon that needed a lot of water.

"My mind was messed up, Daniel, I couldn't think straight when Anne told me her status. My world was dark, Daniel, I really don't know what else to do," said Aaron honestly.

"That's why you need to share, if you feel unable to solve your problem you can share with other people. Share problems and find the solution together," Daniel replied quickly with a smile.

"Yes, you're right, luckily you come, Daniel. If you don't come, I don't know what will happen to me," Aaron said back.

Daniel, who was being praised by Aaron, looked so happy. He knew that Aaron couldn't do anything without him. Even though Aaron often got him in trouble, he knew that Aaron really appreciated him, because when he just finished a task from Aaron, he could master the field that Aaron gave him. Indirectly, Aaron had honed his skills.

"Yes, so give me the full identity of Miss Anne, let me check it directly at the civil registry office," asked Daniel quickly without further ado.

"Her name is just Marianne and…"

"And what?" Daniel asked impatiently.

"She's a German, you can't check her data here," Aaron replied quickly.


Daniel swallowed his saliva slowly at the words of his master. He forgot that Anne was a foreigner in England.

"Well, then I will go to Germany today to check in person at the civil registry office in Berlin," said Daniel again.

"I'll go with you. I want to check for myself the truth about her status, Daniel. I have to know whether she was lying or not, I want to know if this is just an excuse to reject me or she's honest," Aaron said quickly in response to Daniel's words.

"Are you sure you want to come with me to Berlin? Isn't there a lot of office work to do, sir?" asked Daniel incredulously.

"Yes, I'm coming with you, as for work in the office, you don't need to bother. Besides, I have more than a hundred employees in this building, I'm sure they can take care of it while we go to Germany," Aaron replied quickly as he tidied up. file on his desk and led him out to the employee desk in front of his room.

Hearing Aaron's words made Daniel speechless. He could only smile when he heard Aaron giving the managers in their respective rooms the tasks that had to be checked today.

"Okay , I'm done, let's go. We can't be late, I have to get my passport at home as well," Aaron said excitedly from the front door.

"Yes, I know," said Daniel quietly as he reached for the bag he had previously brought from Northampton.

After saying that, they left Aaron's office to the elevator to get down to the basement. In the elevator, Aaron was busy calling his private pilot to get ready to take him to Germany. Meanwhile, Daniel could only remain silent while occasionally eating the vegan pizza that was in the bag.

"You are so gross, Daniel, you don't eat in the elevator like this," scolded Aaron irritably when he saw Daniel was eating his pizza voraciously.

"My hands are clean, I've cleaned them with an antiseptic solution without rinsing. So I'm free to eat now," Daniel said quickly with a mouth full of pizza.

"You give lots of excuses. Let's get out," Aaron said quietly as he walked out because the elevator had reached the basement.

Seeing Aaron and Daniel getting out of the lift, Gary got ready. He immediately opened the car door for Aaron and Daniel who used to sit beside him. After the master entered, Gary then walked quickly to his seat and immediately got ready.

"Let's return home, Gary." Aaron spoke briefly as he fastened his seat belt on the back seat.

"Yes sir," said Gary curtly.

Not long after, Aaron's favorite Royce-Roll Drophead Phantom car slowly left the Connery Corporation office area towards the highway. Daniel, who was still busy eating and enjoying his pizza alone, seemed to ignore Aaron in the back seat. He continued to eat the food he had brought all the way from Northampton.

Behind, Aaron seemed to be leaning on the seat with his eyes closed. He really didn't think that he could actually check and confirm for himself the truth of Anne's words.

"If you lie and deliberately make this excuse to stay away from me, then I swear I will immediately drag you in front of the altar, Anne. I won't let that Muller bastard have you," Aaron said to himself as he opened his eyes slowly with a sweet smile on his face.

To Be Continued

PS. Don't forget to give us PS every day and read my another novel His Soul thank you

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