I'll Teach You, Marianne.

Chapter 130 - Be Your Guardian

Chapter 130 - Be Your Guardian

Being hugged like that by Anne made Jack speechless. He closed his eyes for a moment. He did not deny that he had actually waited for this for a long time, being able to be alone with Anne to share stories on the same day. But he realized that he couldn't do it all because he knew that Anne still had enormous trauma with any kind of love relationship. That was why Jack tried to remain a good listener whenever Anne talked about her past.

"Don't go, Jack, don't be mad at me. Help me, Jack, help me to…"


Anne was unable to hold her weight anymore. Being in the bathroom for two hours made her feverish now.

"Anne!" Jack screamed loudly when Anne fell. Luckily, he still had time to hold Anne's body which almost touched the floor.

Jack carefully brought the unconscious Anne to the sofa. He could feel how hot Anne's body was right now. After Anne was laid on the sofa, he quickly looked for the first aid kit to find a thermometer. He had to know her body temperature, so he would know what to do.

"39° C, you have a fever, Anne. This must be because you were soaking in the bath," Jack said quietly when he saw Anne's temperature on the thermometer which he shot in her ear.

Because he was afraid of mistakenly handling her, Jack then grabbed his cell phone and contacted one of the doctors recommended by Erick before to become his personal doctor. Fortunately, the doctor was currently on night duty.

"I just shared the address with you, Doc, please come quickly and bring your best medicine and equipment to the apartment address I just sent you," Jack said quietly before hanging up the phone.

"Yes sir, I'll be right at your place," said the male doctor on the other end of the line, whose name was Pierre.

After hanging up the phone with Doctor Pierre, Jack sat back down on the sofa. He wanted to make sure that Anne's body temperature didn't get any higher.

"Why do you have to choose an apartment like this, Anne, it's very dangerous if I take you to the room on the second floor right now with your condition being unconscious like this," said Jack quietly, staring at the watch on his left hand, which showed half past two in the morning.

Fifteen minutes had passed before a knock on the door of the apartment was heard. Jack quickly approached the door and invited Doctor Pierre to come in. After a brief introduction, Jack then brought Doctor Piere in to check on Anne, who was still unconscious on the sofa.

"This lady just has an ordinary fever, sir, after I gave the drug injection, maybe her fever will get higher but it is a sign that she is fighting the pain from within. So you don't have to worry, I guarantee that tomorrow morning when this lady wakes up, her condition is much better," said Doctor Pierre shortly after he examined Anne's condition.

"So she doesn't need to be taken to the hospital, Doc?" Jack asked worriedly.

"No need sir, I have given the best dose of medicine for this lady. Because my task has been completed, then I'll go now. I am very lucky to meet you, Mr. Jack, and it is a great honor for me to be your personal doctor," replied Doctor Pierre courteously. He thanked Jack for entrusting her health to him. Because after Doctor Pierre injected the drug into Anne's body, Jack immediately asked Doctor Pierre to become his personal doctor.

"You're welcome, Doctor, then be careful on your way back, Doc. Sorry, I can't see you downstairs, I have to take good care of my fiancé," Jack said quietly with a smile.

"Yes sir, you better stay beside your fiancé. I'll see myself out. Then I'll leave now, Mr. Jack, good night," said Doctor Pierre again, saying goodbye to Jack.

"Good night, Doc," Jack replied briefly.

After saying goodbye, Doctor Pierre then left Jack, who was still standing in front of the door and walked towards the elevator. After the doctor got into the elevator, Jack then went back into the room and locked the apartment door from the inside. He returned to the sofa to see Anne's condition.

"You take it easy, Anne. That bastard lion will definitely pay a heavy price for what he has done to you all this time. You have me. I will make sure that the two despicable people will crawl under your feet and beg you for your mercy," said Jack quietly as he wiped. the sweat that came out of Anne's forehead.

Because he was too tired from the work today, Jack finally fell asleep while sitting on the carpet, he leaned his head on the sofa right next to Anne's head by holding Anne's hand.

* * *

Meanwhile, in the office, Erick and Alicia, who had just finished work, looked shaky. Both of them looked very tired. Luckily, there were still drivers on standby at the office so they both had no trouble going home. Erick decided to stay at a hotel not far from the office, while Alicia was driven home by the driver because she didn't want to worry her mother. Because since earlier she had called that she would go home, even though she came home early in the morning.

Erick, who actually wanted to go home an hour ago, suddenly had to add more hours to his work, because he received news from Jack that he was not coming back to the office because Anne was sick. Therefore, he inevitably had to finish all the documents that should have been signed and checked by Jack. He had to finish all the documents because tomorrow morning he had to present again to the client. Therefore, all the documents must be completed immediately tonight even though he had to fake Jack's signature. Actually, this was not the first time for Erick to fake Jack's signature. The reason was that since Jack was at Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, he also had often faked Jack's signature for company purposes, so he didn't have any problem when he had to fake his signature again tonight.

"If it weren't for company business, I wouldn't want to work until this late," Erick said quietly when he finished cleaning himself in the bathroom.

With slow steps, Erick walked to his bed. He then slammed his body onto the soft bed. Shortly thereafter, there was a soft snoring sound which showed that Erick was fast asleep in a soft bed. Even though he had only slept at three in the morning, but he could sleep comfortably, in contrast to Jack who slept sitting up because he was worried about Anne. However, because the air was getting colder, Jack woke up. He then walked to the second floor to take the bed cover to cover his body and Anne's. Jack had shifted one other sofa opposite the one where Anne was, so that now he could sleep face to face with Anne, even though they were on different sofas. But this was much better than his previous sleeping position while sitting on the carpet.

"Good night, Anne," Jack said softly as he took Anne's hand and kissed her gently.

To be Continued

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