I Was Stuck on the Same Day For a 1000 Years

Chapter 81: 1: Achilles’ heel

Chapter 81: 1: Achilles’ heel

1: Achilles heel

After Wu Chen sent a text message to Su Qingying, Su Qingying was very panicked.

Su Qingyings secret was that she was a masochit, but the problem did not lie in being a masochist itself.

Su Qingying had not done anything outrageous, she endured, she dared not, she still maintained her own glory, so the problem itself was not because of what she liked!

Rather! Wu Chen can prove that she was!

The post Su Qingying posted on the forum two years ago was fatal to her!

If it wasnt for the post that couldnt be deleted, Su Qingying really had nothing to be afraid of. If he couldnt prove it, it would be smearing, and Su Qingyings reputation was so good that it was difficult to be smeared easily!

No one would believe it!

But once it could be proven and everyone believed it, then

Speaking of it, Wu Chen found out about Su Qingyings hidden attributes by chance. He had investigated the Su family in detail in the previous years reincarnation, focusing on Su Qingying.

As a result, he found that Su Qingying was almost perfect from the inside out!

A person who was already perfect was almost out of this world!

She was impeccable!

Wu Chen almost believed it.

Then on a certain July 7th, when Wu Chen was investigating Su Qingying again, he stole Su Qingyings personal computer, and he found a very deeply hidden mysterious folder in Su Qingyings computer!

A locked folder that could not be opened without a password!

Wu Chen didnt have a password, he used hacking techniques to forcibly crack the folder, and saw the contents inside. It was some small movies!

For adults in their twenties, thats fine.

It felt unnecessary to hide it.

But Su Qingyings small movie was a type, a specific type!

This was very wrong!

After Wu Chen realized that there was a problem, he found some browsing records and automatically saved account passwords in the browser of Su Qingyings personal computer


He knew when Su Qingying was When is the Bright Moon, and he also knew the post that Su Qingying posted on the forum back then!

He knew everything!

On July 7, the last day of Wu Chens life, that was, four days ago, at the bar at night, Wu Chen once talked about Su Qingying with Mu Qianqian!

Because of the Jinfu jewelry robbery, Mu Qianqian didnt believe Wu Chens reincarnation sleeping with women, so he showed Wu Chen the news and asked Wu Chen if he had slept with Su Qingying.

Wu Chen admitted that he had slept with her.

Mu Qianqian didnt believe it.

Wu Chen said that Su Qingying had a fatal weakness that allowed him to easily take her down!

Mu Qianqian still didnt believe him and asked what the weakness was.

Wu Chen didnt say anything, just let Mu Qianqian guess.

Su Qingying was a masochist, and that post on the forum was Su Qingyings Achilles heel!

The post allowed Wu Chen to get in touch with Su Qingying in private.

Because of her special situation Its really not that difficult to attack her!

As long as you know her well enough, you didnt even need to make too complicated a layout, you could take her down in one day!

Arent you sick! Dont you look at the place? This is on the side of the main road! Although there are few cars, if a passing car sees you and me in the car, where will our shame be? Can you grow up? Use your brain!

Wu Chen scolded Su Qingying, who was in the co-pilot seat, holding his arm.

Su Qingying didnt say a word, her expression was a little aggrieved, but her eyes were not wronged at all. Although there was a bit of pitiful expression, it was more of that special look.

Dont you have any brain? Wu Chen reprimanded her again, raising his hand and pretending to hit her.

Su Qingying suddenly looked frightened and whispered with a hum, I was wrong.

She had been hiding and controlling. She dared not resist her mother, and she would never dare to cross the threshold!

But today, Wu Chen discovered her hidden attributes!

Wu Chen gave her the courage to take this step!

This was not a bad thing for her, at least Wu Chen thought so.

Su Qingyings problems accumulated over time. If she didnt do reasonable counseling and release, then in the future she would definitely suffer from depression, and even commit suicide by jumping off a building!

Come here! Sit upright! Wu Chen ordered Su Qingying to sit upright again!

Su Qingying immediately moved, and looked at Wu Chen eagerly

Seat belt! Wu Chen scolded again.

Su Qingying put on her seat belt.

Wu Chen yelled at her Su Qingying hoped to be ordered like this, of course the order was one that made her feel comfortable. Masochists couldnt accept everything, for example, the various restrictions and arrangements made by Su Qingyings mother made her very uncomfortable!

Lets move. Wu Chen said and started the Lamborghini again.

They hit the road!

Where are we going? Su Qingying glanced and asked in a low voice, her tone was very soft and gentle, she was in a state right now.

Where do you want to go? Wu Chen asked.

Go wherever you want. Su Qingying whispered, and glanced at Wu Chen with a different emotion.

Then lets go to my house! Wu Chen said.

Okay Su Qingying nodded.

Wu Chen stepped on the accelerator, and the speed of the car soared!

They went home!

Su Qingyings ID on the forum is When is the bright moon? In fact, Su Qingying didnt pick up this screen name casually. She expressed her thoughts very cryptically through this screen name.

When would the bright moon be there? Its a poem by Su Shi, Water Tune!

Su Qingyings surname was Su, and her first name was Qingying, and there was such a sentence in Su Shis poem dance to find out how Qingying is in the world!

It had to be said that a well-educated person even had such an excellent and connotative screen name.

So Wu Chen didnt plan to wait now.

He was going to take Su Qingying home, and then

Half an hour later

The blue Lamborghini already returned to the main city, and it should have arrived home, but it didnt. Wu Chen didnt return to Donghai Huafu in the North City, because the apartment had been transferred to him and registered under his name.

He wanted to go back to his old house, which was under the name of his parents.

The Su family was looking for him and will investigate him. The house under his name was not safe, and someone might suddenly come looking for him!

So back to the old house.

In this way, it is estimated that no one would disturb him all day today.

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