I Shall Cuck Everyone

Chapter 301 Prime Minister

Suddenly, we get teleported into a fine building inside a long narrow path, painted all white and illuminated with several white lights. There are also many Celestial Monkey soldiers walking around, some clad in beast gears and strange weapons, all of which are white in color.

Upon seeing commander Lolan, they bow their heads in respect and quickly make way for us to pass. After what seems like a minute of walking, we reach a small hall that's bustling with people. There are several chairs situated around, most of them filled with individuals engaged in discussions.

Walking behind Commander Lolan, with Arthur and Stella by my side, we stop in front of a long white seat that can effortlessly accommodate about five people.

"Sorry for the inconveniences, Prince Jake. Please take a seat here while I go inform the prime minister about your visit. As you can see, this whole building is where all the higher-ups live and where their offices are located. Most of the people walking around with files in their hand are workers, and the people sitting are visitors or families," Commander Lolan explains, his voice polite and informative.

While he explains, I gently stroke the single strand of hair that's sprouting out of my chin wearily. Even Arthur and Stella look bored and tired of Commander Lolan's explanations. It's a lot of information to process, especially after our recent encounter.

"Kyu~(Stop disturbing papa)," Gogo suddenly lets out a small voice, giving Commander Lolan a disgruntled look.

"Aye~ the commander is trying to explain something to me," I say, cautioning Gogo. But inwardly, I'm a bit relieved that Gogo's interference has temporarily halted the flow of information.

"*Cough* Ahem, I'll go and inform the prime minister now," Commander Lolan says before disappearing from our sight.

"Phew, that annoying guy..." Arthur mutters as he takes a seat on one of the chairs, looking a bit frustrated by the lengthy explanations.

"Waaah, I am hungry..." Stella mumbles, rubbing her stomach as it lets out rumbling sounds.

"Ah, but I bought something for you a while ago!" I mention with amusement, remembering the little treats I got her earlier.

"Waaah, it disappeared, master..." Stella lets out a loud yawn.

Gogo, on the other hand, seems to have taken a liking to the chair's soft cushion. The hall is a mix of people, some engaged in serious discussions, others glancing curiously at our group, likely wondering about our identity and purpose here.

"Master, I'm tired..." Stella's voice trails off as she leans against my shoulder, seemingly on the brink of falling asleep.

"Rest for a while, Stella," I say, placing a hand on her head in a comforting gesture.

Arthur, on the other hand, seems to have found some entertainment in observing the people around him. He smirks as he watches a group of Celestial Monkeys engaged in what appears to be an intense debate, their gestures animated and their expressions passionate.

After what seems like thirty minutes, Commander Lolan comes back, perspiration glistening on his face as if he had just run a thousand-mile race. I can't help but wonder if something unusual occurred during his absence, noticing his damp clothes as well.

"Mmm, did some weird shit happen in there?" I ponder silently, eying Commander Lolan's wet attire with curiosity.

"Prince Jake, the prime minister asked for you to come in. He said only you," Commander Lolan informs me, his tone respectful.

"I have to go along with him, you can't treat Royals from the vampire kingdom like that!" Arthur interjects, rising from his seat and glaring at Commander Lolan with intensity.

"Okay, I'll go alone with you," I reply to Commander Lolan, shooting Arthur a glance that communicates the need for composure.

With a swift and gentle grip, Commander Lolan takes my hand, and in the next moment, we are enveloped in the teleportation process.

In the blink of an eye, we materialize within an expansive room, its walls adorned in white paint and bathed in the glow of white lights. As I survey the surroundings, I notice the room's simplicity, highlighted by a single table and chair positioned prominently. An impressive holographic display computer occupies the table's surface.

Seated in the chair is a bald celestial monkey, his strikingly large white beard commanding attention. Most remarkable, though, are his white eyeglasses and attire, which only serve to accentuate his dignified appearance.

Utilizing Stella's wind ability, I position myself in front of the man, locking eyes with him. My action prompts Commander Lolan to instinctively grip the handle of his Ki gun, visibly prepared to defend the prime minister from my sudden movement.

"No need to draw your weapon, Commander Lolan. If I truly harbored malicious intent, your fate would have been sealed before your awareness caught up," I assert, my voice steady as I shift my gaze to meet the commander's startled one.

Commander Lolan retreats a few steps, his legs betraying his unease.

"D-Don't underestimate the Celestial Monkeys!" he retorts, teeth gritted in a mix of defiance and anxiety.

"I didn't underestimate you. You were the one ready to draw your weapon," I retort evenly before redirecting my attention to the man before me.

For a while, I simply gaze at the man who is none other than the prime minister. My silence speaks volumes as I allow my presence to convey my message.

"*Cough* Ahem, welcome to our planet, Prince Jake. I've heard much about you, and it's a pleasure to meet you in person," the prime minister finally speaks, rising from his seat and offering a respectful bow. I reciprocate with a nod before extending my hand for a handshake.

"I must admit, for a moment there, I wondered if the Celestial Monkey race had forgotten their place," I remark casually as I shake the prime minister's hand. My grip is firm, a display of strength meant to convey more than just a polite gesture.

"The Celestial Monkey race is not to be underestimated, Your Highness. There's a reason why we were chosen as the guardians," the prime minister retorts, his words carefully measured, but the gleam of resentment and disdain is unmistakable in his eyes.


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