I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 947: Two Main Matters

Chapter 947: Two Main Matters

Yuei Vu was a little surprised when the Aigami siblings and the Ishtar siblings came in together.

"Hey, it's quite a coincidence that you guys arrived together."

Marik took the lead and said, "Mr. Yuei Vu, long time no see."

"It's been a long time indeedyo, you've grown up a lot."

Marik smiled: "People always have to grow up. After all, we have always been taken care of by Mr. Yuei Vu"

After saying that, he suddenly had a strange question.

Wait a moment, Mr. Yuei Vu said who has grown up a lot?

Are you talking about me or my sister?

Mr. Ma was surprised to find that this question was a bit difficult to answer.

Sera came up next: "Mr. Yuei Vu."

"Sera? Oh, you are reallya lot taller." Yuei Vu looked her over.

Indeed, although she was still very petite compared to others, at least Sera had grown a lot compared to herself back then. In Yuei Vu's impression, Sera was still a little lolita, but now she could be considered a slim woman.

It's just that her development seemed to be limited to the vertical direction, but no horizontal waves. Especially when compared with the big-hearted sister Ishizu standing side by side, the gap became even more obvious.

Yuei Vu then glanced at the last person present. Aigami seemed to be trying to reduce his presence since he entered the door. Now seeing that he couldn't hide anymore, he stepped forward and said, "WellMr. Yuei Vu, my deck is still the same Cubic as before, there is nothing new"

Yuei Vu couldn't laugh or cry.

Good guy, do you think I came all the way to ask you to send me a deck?

Am I so boring?

Besides, who doesnt know that your Cubic is so limited? I dont want to be given this kind of thing whose ornamental value is greater than its practical value

"By the way, although there are no new Cubic monsters, there are still some other cards." Sera took out a few cards from nowhere and handed them to Yuei Vu, "You can see if you are interested."

Aigami: "!"

Good guy, my sister secretly prepared a gift for him!

Why dont I, the older brother, know this?

Before Yuei Vu could say anything, Marik also took action: "By the way, Mr. Yuei Vu, I told you before that there are some new cards that you might be interested in, and I brought them all today."

He also took out a few cards and handed them to Yuei Vu.

Aigami was even more shocked.

Wait, what's going on with Mr. Ma? I heard that he was beaten to a pulp by Mr. Yuei Vu that his God cards were robbed and the organization he found was destroyed. Shouldn't they hate each other?

Is it possible that after his deck was taken away, this person has developed some kind of strange dependence on Duel King?

Sister Ishizu seemed to see that the opportunity was almost there. She raised her hand and took out a golden pendant from somewhere under the loose robe.

"I have been studying alchemy for a while in my spare time these past few years. I have gained some experience. My technique should be much more advanced than before." Ishizu said, "This is the spiritual weapon I have recently refined by myself. I hope it can be useful to Mr. Yuei Vu."

Aigami: ""

Good guy, after all this time, it turns out Im the only one here empty-handed?

"Ahem, you misunderstood. I didn't call you here this time for this kind of thing."

Yuei Vu coughed, accepted everyone's gifts, and stuffed them into the desk drawer while explaining.

"I have two main matters today."

He thought for a while, working out the order of the narrative, and then turned his eyes to Aigami. The latter sensed his gaze, his eyelids twitched, and he subconsciously took half a step back.

"The first is the Quantum Cube"

"No more!" Aigami quickly interrupted, "The Quantum Cube is a unique artifact left to us by Lord Shadi, and it exists for the purpose of achieving a dimensional leap'.

It cannot be reproduced and there is only this one. It has been given to you. We really dont have it anymore! "

Yuei Vu: ""

Why do you sound like a kid who is scared?

"I know there is only one." Yuei Vu said helplessly, "I mean, the Quantum Cube' has been kept in the hands of Kaiba Corp and is the key to the development of the Duel Link' system.

But recently it was stolen. "


Aigami and Sera showed surprised expressions at the same time.

"Stolen?" Sierra asked, "By whom?"

"A certain high-level executive of Kaiba Corp, but it's obvious that he was just being manipulated." Yuei Vu said, "The real mastermind is still under investigation, and Cube's location is also unknown."

After a pause, he glanced at the two of them: "But when it comes to the Quantum Cube, there should be no one in the world who is more familiar with it than you. So I thought, maybe you can help?"

Aigami and Sera looked at each other.

"Well although we no longer have the power of Prana, we still have a relatively thorough understanding of the operation of the Quantum Cube." Sera thought for a while, "If we use the technological equipment of the Kaiba Corp, as long as whoever stole the cube used its abilities, we should at least have a way to locate it.

She nodded and said, "Diva and I are happy to help."

Aigami: Wait a minute, why dont I remember I expressed my opinion

"That's great." Yuei Vu said, "I'm planning to go to the Kaiba Corp later, so you can come with me."

Aigami tried to resist for the last time: "I can do this kind of thing, but Sera doesn't have to"

"No, this is of great importance. If someone wants to abuse the power of the Quantum Cube, then it is also my responsibility to stop him." Sera's attitude was very firm.

Aigami: ""

Mr. Ma glanced at Aigami, and somehow seemed to understand this man's mentality.

To be honest, when Yuei Vu and his sister were locked in the room all day long, learning alchemy from morning to night, Marik's mentality was actually a bit similar to Aigami's now.

But then Mr. Ma had already thought about it.

After careful reflection, he discovered that it was actually all his own random thoughts, and he was making up some random things in his head all day long.

Mr. Yuei Vu is a gentleman!

After all, if you see how superb his card skills are, you will know that he definitely doesnt have a woman in his heart. There is no need for you to have such unnecessary worries (cross out)

To be honest, now Marik was starting to worry about his sister. After so many years, his sister has become more and more beautiful, but she has never found a partner, which made him, her younger brother, very worried.

Sometimes he even felt that if Mr. Yuei Vu had done something else when he was locked in the room with his sister besides learning alchemy, then he wouldn't be so anxious now

After the matter was finalized, Yuei Vu immediately continued: "The next thing is"

At this point, he paused for a moment, then took out a silver-white round badge from under the desk and threw it on the table. The word "GX" was engraved on the badge.

Marik picked up the badge and asked curiously: "This is?"

"Tickets for the GX' competition." Yuei Vu crossed his fingers and rested his chin, "I need you to participate in this competition duel with my students."

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