I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 927: Want To Duel?

Chapter 927: Want To Duel?

Duel Academy.

Last night, the fight between outer space visitors on the island continued to escalate, attracting more and more attention. While this incident proved to everyone the real existence of aliens from the universe, it also made many people start to think about whether there is a connection between aliens and Duel Monsters.

Astronomy and aerospace experts have also begun to think about whether it would be more appropriate to focus their research on star exploration in the field of dueling monsters in the future.

At times like this, President Seto Kaibas far-sightedness could be highlighted even more. As early as six years ago, President Kaiba had already started to get involved in the aviation field. Although many people have always questioned that a game company engaged in aerospace research was like adding points to the wrong tech tree. Now looking back, it seemed that the president was the right one.

The senior leaders of Duel Academy also mentioned this matter again at the meeting held today.

"Don't worry about Judai." Yuei Vu said, "He has completely controlled those visitors from the extraterrestrial world. He can control them. Those Neo Space residents are not a threat."

All the leaders nodded.

Since the Duel King expressed this, everyone naturally had no objections. No one ignorantly said the opposite, saying that Yuei Vu was abusing his power and that aliens must not be trusted and we had to capture them for testing and research.

It was well known that behind Yuei Vu was the Duel Academys financial backer, President Seto Kaiba. The president said that he was not concerned about the accident at the academy and that he didn't care about what happened here, but you couldn't really take his words seriously.

Otherwise, if you really tried to go against Yuei Vu, it guaranteed that there would be a hundred ways for you to fail in the academy.

So everyone wisely did not bring up the topic of Judai anymore, but shifted their focus to the other side, that was, the alien who fought against Judai.

The Neo Space friends patiently told Judai the story of the confrontation between good and evil and the battle between light and darkness in the universe. Judai also told this story to the academy leaders earlier.

So now everyone knew that there was something called "The Light of Destruction" that was eyeing the Earth. This time, what Judai destroyed was only the vanguard soldiers they sent to explore the road, which were no more than scouts at best.

In case the Earth aroused the other party's interest, the next time it came, it may be a mighty cosmic army!

No one knew the true appearance of "The Light of Destruction", and no one knew how powerful it was. However, according to the description of Neo-Spacians, it was an indescribably powerful evil force whose goal was to "destroy everything in the existing universe."

Destroy the universe!

You could tell he was an awesome BOSS as soon as you heard it. After all, even for a BOSS as awesome as the Great Evil God Zorc, his scope of vision was only this Earth at best. As a result, The Light of Destruction, who would wipe out the entire universe as soon as it came, must not be weaker.

However, what made everyone happy was that this round of battle between Judai and the alien at least made them sure of one thing

Aliens also play cards.

As long as they were willing to play cards, its easy to say. What humans were afraid of was that aliens didn't play cards at all, and if they came up with Star Destroyers, the Earth would obviously not be able to withstand it

Of course, Yuei Vu had no worries about this. After all, whether it was the earth or the universe, as long as they were still in the Yu-Gi-Oh world, they would still have to play cards no matter what.

"Since it can be solved through a duel, then there is nothing to be afraid of." A senior executive flattered him half-jokingly, "With Mr. Yuei Vu and the Duelist Alliance here, there must be nothing to be afraid of even if the aliens invade in large numbers! "

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately aroused the agreement of senior executives.

But Yuei Vu was not so optimistic.

At this time, he didn't know how many times he had cursed the whole family of the screenwriter of GX Animation who dug a hole but didn't fill it. It was because this guy had dug a sinkhole for centuries and never filled it up in the end that Yuei Vu's understanding of "The Light of Destruction" was almost zero, and he didn't even have a clue what deck they use.

90% of the duelists regarded Yuei Vu as a god, thinking that he represented the pinnacle of the Duel Monster game, the ceiling that could be achieved by technical strength in this card game, and was synonymous with invincibility.

But Yuei Vu himself knew very well that he was still far away from that.

Its true that he could be on the top of Earth, but what if the Light of Destruction himself directly played "Red-Eyes Fusion" and flew out a "Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon"?

Then Im going to be cold

Oh, wait a minute, even if he takes out the Red Daddy, I think I can turn it into a sea turtle?

(Liked by Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju)

Then thats okay.

However, after so many years of development of Yu-Gi-Oh cards, the advanced decks in the later stages have become more and more vicious. Powerful high-level decks could often create ultra-luxurious lineups that duelists in this era could only dream of, integrating burst-damage OTK, interruptions, endurance, and pressure resistance capabilities.

It's okay if ordinary players held this kind of deck, but if a BOSS with a Duelist Rank of ten or above popped up with this kind of deck, it would be a big problem.

So Yuei Vu deeply felt that he still had a long way to go toward the goal of a full-card library. He must not be complacent because he stood tall, he must still be down-to-earth and pay attention to the accumulation of every bit.

In addition, Judai, who was one of the most powerful generals on their side, could not be left behind.

Yuei Vu has already contacted President Kaiba and Tenma Yako. He planned to combine the capabilities of the two top printing card manufacturers, Kaiba Corp and Industrial Illusions, with black technology and metaphysical power to help Judai develop a new universe series of cards that have not appeared in the original animation as soon as possible.

Luckily for Judai, both Kaiba and Yako were very interested in the "Neo-Spacian", an alien deck series. Both parties immediately allocated a large number of manpower and invested a large amount of money to set up a special team to develop the hidden potential of Neos day and night.

The joint efforts of these two printing card factories would surely yield results soon.

Another thing mentioned at the meeting was the recruitment of a new batch of mentors.

Since the guidance of the first batch of tutors last semester was very good and the students' strength has indeed improved significantly, Yuei Vu decided to expand the scale this year and recruit more players into the school as student tutors.

But this decision caused some controversy.

I agree with Principal Yuei Vus decision. Someone said, For schools, improving the quality of students is always the most critical thing.

"But those teachers don't look like teachers at all!" Some people objected, "They behave strangely, gossip, and sometimesa bit immoral"

Many people agree with this point. They have long felt that these instructors are out of their minds.

Thats why I wont let them enter the classroom. Yuei Vu said, We can also further improve the rules and regulations to constrain their behavior.

Teachers expressed doubts: Will they obey the rules?

In their impression, they obviously thought that players were geniuses who were informal and whose brain circuits are different from ordinary people, and geniuses were often not willing to follow rules.

"Don't worry, they are very cooperative. They will do anything you ask them to do, and you can put them into any pose you like." Yuei Vu smiled, "You just need to find the right method."

All the teachers looked at each other as if they felt a little weird.

Others have doubts: "According to school regulations, such a recruitment review does not comply with the rules. There must be more stringent assessment and review steps. A written examination must be conducted first and then two rounds of interviews"

The school rules also say that when there are differences of opinion, the decision can be decided by a duel.

Yuei Vu took out the Duel Disk from somewhere and placed it on the table in front of him.

He did not continue, but the meaning conveyed by his eyes and movements was already very clear

If you have any objections, how about we follow the school regulations?

Sure enough, no one spoke.

Okay, then its unanimously approved. Yuei Vu smiled, Its been decided happily!

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