I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 1031: The Deck Becomes The Target

Chapter 1031: The Deck Becomes The Target

While Judai was taking swimming lessons, Yubel was hanging in the air above the swimming pool like a ghost, staring into the distance in a trance.

As a spirit, her abilities were more outstanding than those of humans. Looking up from a high place, she could clearly see the coast of the island from here, and see the waves hitting the hot sand like broken gold in the sun.

The carefree Judai didn't notice anything, but Yubel had been a little uneasy since the battle with the Light of Destruction.

Because of the last words the Light of Destruction said before it disappeared.

Yubel was very sure that the guy stared at Judai for a long time before being destroyed, and then said "The future has not changed."

What does this mean?

Who did he say this to? This planet? Or Judai himself?

Or… both?

Others might have heard it, but only Yubel might have a vague idea of ​​what he was referring to.

If it was about Judai's fate, Yubel knew clearly what fate was waiting for him in the future.

Or maybe it's not about fate, but about Judai's own identity.

He was the "Supreme King", a man who was destined to reign at the top of 12 dimensions and become the ruler. But that soul was still sleeping in Judai's body, and it was not time to wake up yet.

Judai was still young, and there was still a long way to go. Sooner or later, the power of the Supreme King would awaken, because that was who he is.

This was also Yubel's mission all along, and her duty in her past and present lives. She gave up her human body and merged with the dragon, which was how she became what she was today.

Her mission was to carefully protect Judai and watch him grow until the moment when the Supreme King woke up.

Now that the Supreme King has disappeared, his former territory has been torn apart. Twelve dimensions had become a mess, and in each dimension, there were strong duel spirits who have re-claimed their thrones. The former Supreme King's subordinates fought and killed each other all day long, snatching resources and territory, and there were countless refugees suffering from war in each dimension.

Sometimes Yubel even felt lucky that Judai was born in such a relatively safe dimension in this life.

Although she gradually discovered that this place was not as safe as she thought at the beginning, and she would meet super bosses that were rare in countless dimensions every now and then, at least there was no war here normally.

And Judai also had a reliable and good teacher to protect him.

Although Yubel was very reluctant to admit it, the fact was that Yuei Vu was indeed a good umbrella. Many crises that Judai might have encountered so far were resolved thanks to him.

Over the years, Yubel found that she seemed to be a little shaken.

Did she really want to see the Supreme King wake up like she did at the beginning?

If the Supreme King's soul really resurrected and returned to the world to purge the traitors in all the worlds… what would Judai be like now?

Would his personality be erased?

This made Yubel feel a little uneasy.

If the Supreme King really woke up, she thought the answer should be without a doubt – this immature personality named "Yuki Judai" was absolutely not qualified to compete with the Supreme King who ruled many worlds.

The current Judai will undoubtedly disappear, right?

Yubel was thinking wildly and was suddenly pulled back to reality by a strange intuition.

She noticed that someone seemed to have entered the locker of the swimming pool.

It seemed to be a student, wearing an Obelisk Blue school uniform, and his figure was a little thin.

Because it was class time, the students were in the swimming pool, so the figure that appeared in the locker seemed a little abrupt.

Yubel noticed that the student came straight to Judai's locker.

The man slowly stretched out a hand, opened his five fingers, and a dark magic circle condensed in his palm. Some kind of invisible force field enveloped the entire locker, like a big hand wrapped around it.

Then the student raised his hand and pulled back, and the magic was pulled, and the force actually…actually…

…pulled up the entire locker fixed on the wall!

The duel disk and the deck obviously could not be carried with you when swimming, so the entire deck of Judai was lying quietly in the locker.

This person actually wanted to take Judai's deck away!

Normally, this was difficult to do. After all, Yuki Judai was not an ordinary person, and there were a lot of spirits in his deck.

If someone wanted to snatch this deck while he is away, his spirits – such as Ultraman – would come out to fight back.

But this person seemed to have expected this, and the spell he cast not only lifted the entire locker, but also set some kind of restriction. The spirits in the deck were still in a dormant state and were bound, and they couldn't even materialize from the cards.

But the invader missed a detail.

Not all the spirits of Judai were sealed in the deck.

The student held the locker behind him, turned his head, and snapped his fingers, and a magic circle immediately opened beside him, which turned out to be a portal.

Just as he was about to step into the portal with his loot, he suddenly felt his hand lighten. When he looked back, the locker captured by his magic was actually tied up by several tentacles and was pulled over by someone.

Yubel took the heavy metal locker in his hand, and looked at the other person with cold eyes: "What do you want to do?"

Only then did she see the appearance of the person coming.

He was a pale and thin young man with clean skin, even a little lacking in blood color. Those eyes were empty and deep, and when they looked at each other, it was like looking directly at the stars, making it impossible to see his thoughts.

He was obviously surprised when he saw Yubel, and then smiled.

"It appears, the dragon that protects the king." He said.

Yubel's mind moved.

"Who are you?" she asked, "What do you know?"

This made Yubel temporarily give up the idea of ​​killing him directly – so far no one has ever known the story of her and Judai's previous life, and the story of the Supreme King was a secret she has always carefully guarded.

But this person obviously knew. She must ask where the other party heard it from, how much he knew, and who else knew besides him.

She must eliminate all those people, no matter what means and at what cost.

The man smiled slightly.

"I know everything."

Yubel wanted to ask more, but the other party obviously had no intention of saying more to her. With a flip of his palm, another wave of magic power blasted over.

Yubel opened her five fingers and raised her hand to catch it. When her palm touched the wave, she felt unbearable burning, and the rugged skin on her palm made a "hissing" burning sound.

Although she finally resolved the attack, Yubel couldn't help but be secretly shocked.

This guy… is so strong!

"What a difficult guy." The student tilted his head and thought for a moment, then said, "I guess you don't want to make a big deal and let others know the secret of Yuki Judai?"

Yubel: "…"

"Then the problem is simple."

The man smiled and raised his hand, and the magic power on his arm turned into a black Duel Disk.

"Let's solve it through the most sacred way that all dimensions worship… duel."

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