I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 1007: Wait For Me!

Chapter 1007: Wait For Me!

The body of the Light of Destruction is still flickering and extinguishing, and it seems that it may dissipate at any time.

At that time, Judai also arrived. Neos took him to a smooth landing slightly behind Yuei Vu.

He followed Yuei Vu, craning his neck to look at the half-dead invader lying on the ground.

Hmm, the Duel Disk is gone. As expected of Yuei Vu-sensei, he is quick with his hand.

"I lost." said The Light of Destruction. "I have never encountered such a failure in any galaxy. Maybe Earth is indeed different, and my prediction is indeed wrong.

The will of the universe is unpredictable, and sometimes small probability events that are beyond my prediction are not impossible…"

“That’s not what you said in the duel just now.” Yuei Vu shrugged.

"…Then I was wrong." The Light of Destruction said, "Just as the universe occasionally has small probability events that jump out of the fateful path, I will also make mistakes in rare cases."

Even though he seemed to be hanging on with only one breath left, his tone remained calm, as if it was not him but someone else who had failed miserably, and he was just a bystander.

The Light of Destruction pondered for a moment then lay in the pit and turned his head to look at Yuei Vu with difficulty. After a while, his eyes turned to Judai.

“For a moment, you really made me think that fate had taken a turn. You summoned a miracle beyond my imagination, some kind of supreme power that should have long since ceased to exist.

I once thought that my understanding of the will of the universe was deviated, but now looking at you and observing your future again, I find that I was not wrong.

The fate has not changed. All things in the universe are still being carried forward in the irresistible torrent towards a ruined future, and everything will still be reduced to nothingness. "

These were things Judai was not willing to listen to. He was about to his mouth to refute, but Yuei Vu raised his hand to stop him.

“Maybe you won’t believe it,” Yuei Vu said, “but I think you might be right.”

Judai looked at his teacher in surprise.

"Oh?" The Light of Destruction was also a little surprised, "As a human being, can you actually see the future determined by the will of the universe?"

"Because more than one person has made similar predictions to me, and they…let's put it this way, everyone's words are very weighty." Yuei Vu said.

This was the truth. The thousand-year-old king Dartz, the great evil god of darkness Zorc, and the last human being in the world Z-ONE, any of them was a big shot.

The Light of Destruction: "If you know, then why…"

“Because I don’t care.” Yuei Vu said, “As we just showed in the duel, the only thing that cannot be determined by fate is the duel itself.

If the future is destined to be a broken destiny, then we will crush that destiny in a duel. "


The Light of Destruction was briefly silent.

“Do you think you can do it?”

"Of course!" Judai shook his fist, "No one knows what will happen until the end of the duel, and the same goes for fate! The future can be changed!"

The Light of Destruction looked at the jellyfish-headed boy again.

The sharp gaze penetrated him, as if penetrating the veil of fate, and saw the future trajectory of this young man.

He saw a dark and lightless world, with a dark dome covering the barren and empty land. There seemed to be no breath of living people between heaven and earth.

The young man was wearing heavy black armor and a heavy helmet, and his cloak was flying like a flag.

He stood on top of the rugged and ghostly castle, overlooking the entire world from a high position. His empty golden eyes seemed to be burning with golden flames. His eyes were cold and violent but seemed to be filled with sadness.

Like a general who has conquered all directions and is invincible, suddenly looking back, he was alone, with only mountains of bones beside him.

The Light of Destruction withdrew its gaze.

“Destiny…is not that easy to shake.” He said.

"Maybe, but even if we fail, at least we will fail in our efforts." Yuei Vu said, "You are wrong to say that the universe determines the existence of life. Whether it is true or not does not matter to us.

Life has no meaning, it is we who give it meaning.

Whether the future is darkness or light, hope or destruction, it is up to us to decide. "


The Light of Destruction seemed to be thinking for a moment.

“I see what you mean,” he said. “Well, good luck to this planet—and to you who live on it.”

After saying this, he seemed to have finally exhausted the last bit of strength to maintain his physical existence.

The body made of light suddenly collapsed and cracked, splitting into countless golden light spots, and finally dissipated.

President Kaiba listened to the conversation from a distance and felt very satisfied.

This is indeed the man I recognize, Yuei↑ Vu↓!

To be honest, after watching this game, the president was now boiling with blood and thirst, and every card-playing cell in his body was restless. He couldn't help but want to catch Yuei Vu playing cards on the spot.

But he also knew that Yuei Vu must be very weak after just playing such a life-betting game, and his mental state was not good and he was not at his peak.

Yuei Vu in this state could not satisfy him at all!

“Brother?” Mokuba asked quietly from behind.

Kaiba swung his windbreaker and turned his head.

“It’s okay here, let’s go.”

As he walked, the president clenched his fists.

Although Yuei Vu was unable to satisfy him now, the president's card addiction has been aroused. It was so intense that he had to find a way to alleviate it.

Go back and abuse Yuei Vu AI Bot?

No, this was no longer the level that a mere AI Bot could help him relieve. The president had to find someone who could fight him…preferably someone whom he couldn't win against.

It would be better if the game could make his card addiction disappear immediately, or even make him not want to touch the Duel Disk again within the course of treatment.

Then there seemed to be only one answer——

——Wait for me, Yu↑ gi↓!

I will come to you to settle our matter!

It has been a while since The Light of Destruction fell and disappeared completely. Other teachers and students on the island who got the news also swarmed over, and the grove was filled with excitement for a while.

Yuei Vu and Judai have undoubtedly become the focus of everyone's attention.

The true hero!

Stand up bravely in the face of the unknown invader, and perfectly defeat the opponent in the eyes of the whole world. At this time, in the eyes of teachers and students of the school… no, in the eyes of the whole world, they were heroes!



The three friends from school who were on Judai's side were at the front of the queue.

"Sho! Asuka! Everyone!" Judai waved his hands vigorously.

A passerby named Misawa: So I am "everyone"?

Judai smiled happily and stepped forward to greet him enthusiastically. Unexpectedly, as soon as he took two steps, his legs and feet suddenly went weak, his vision went dark, and then the world began to spin, and he fell headlong.

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