I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 830  Useless Help

Chapter 830  Useless Help

*ROOOARRR* The Fire Dragon rushed towards Maestro, ignoring all the humanoid elemental creatures before it. Scorched by the fire dragon, none of these elemental creatures survive for a second.

Not even its body remains as the fire dragon thoroughly burns them until nothing is left. This scene truly horrified Maestro. He knows how powerful his elemental creation is.

Not only did all of them inherit their respective elemental characteristic, but they could also regenerate themselves infinitely if there was enough elemental nearby. It is an undead army. Yet, the fire dragon can burn them to nothingness before they can even regenerate.

Unfortunately, the Conductor didn't know that Fire Dragon was also influenced by ancient power [Hellfire]. With the power of [Hellfire], any fire elemental-related attack will become more destructive.

It has a simple effect yet is also practical. According to Angus' experience, [Hellfire] should be able to burn anything to nothingness as long as someone has enough mana. In theory, creating a flame that could burn the world is possible.

'Urgh… What the hell is wrong with this fire?!! Is he only an 18-year-old human, not some kind of old elf master? With such fire elemental mastery, he will definitely be a legendary figure in the future,' thought Maestro inwardly while retreating further.

He didn't expect the bounty target to be more dangerous than he initially thought. This Fire Dragon Rampage spell is enough to make Angus considered a powerful sixth-grade combatant. With such a thought, Maestro became more certain about eliminating Angus.

The sound magic and skill he has shown are unique and one of a kind in this world.

It will not be long before Angus knows about his identity and takes revenge on him. Even if it is not this short period, it could be when Angus has more power in the future. At that time, he knows his fate is doomed. *FIITTTT~* [Artifact Stradius - Calm of the nature] A piercing soft music is heard across the area. At once, Angus slowly loses his control over the Fire Dragon.

"Trying to control my fire dragon, huh? Well, Good luck." said Angus as he took a few snaps.

*GROOOARR* Suddenly, the Fire Dragon thrashes around like a rabid dog, destroying anything in sight. This sudden development surprised Maestro. He never expected Angus to suddenly give up controlling his Fire Dragon and let it go wild.

As someone who controls elementals, Maestro also knows fire elementals are volatile and complex to control to a certain degree. Hence, he rarely finds fire elemental magician losing control over their fire elemental unless it is a suicide move.

In fact, Angus didn't wholly abandon his control. He just enhances the wild and volatile characteristics of the Fire Dragon. Usually, if he did this to ordinary fire elemental spells, they would explode or turn into nothingness.

However, this Fire Dragon is not an ordinary fire elemental creation spell. It is a strong fifth-circle spell and contains an enormous fire mana. This gives the Fire Dragon a solid base to keep its integrity without self-destructing.

As a result, the Fire Dragon went wild like a mad beast while keeping its form. Angus will never dare to use such a method if he fights close as it could also attack his ally and him. Fortunately, no one is near Fire Dragon besides Maestro.

As for the Maestro having complete control over his Fire Dragon, this is also impossible. As spell creation, Angus could easily interrupt Maestro's control, and the Fire Dragon would go wild. In other words, Angus no longer defends his control but attacks Maestro's control over Fire Dragon.

The battle between magicians is not only firing spells but also their technique, wits, mana, and many others. It is more complex than just a warrior battle.

In the meantime, Duchess Amberblaze finally gets into a bit of a predicament. As one of the strongest people in the Heart Kingdom, she should be able to handle anyone below seventh grade quickly.

However, the one-eyed dwarf Enos in front of her is her nemesis-type combatant. Knowing he faced the famous Crimson Flash, Enos completely disregards his mobility and covers his entire body with earth.

Combined with his natural strong body and earth elemental, it becomes an impenetrable hard rock armor while limiting his mobility. Furthermore, Enos does not just stay still either, like a turtle.

Connected with the surrounding ground, he created massive fissures, giant earth, and many other large-scale earth-based attacks. This forces the Duchess to be unable to leave Enos alone.

Unfortunately, she underestimates the hardness of Enos' hard rock armor. None of her attacks can break him and only give him superficial wounds. Still, if the Duchess keeps this pace, she will eventually break this hardrock armor and beat Enos.

However, it will take time and the Duchess is worried about the other bounty hunters, especially the mysterious sound magician. The ability to control everyone from a few hundred meters away is too terrifying.

Fortunately, this powerful control also affects the other bounty hunters. Otherwise, they may get routed. In the end, she could only try to finish Enos as fast as possible before helping everyone.

At this moment, an enormous Fire Wyrm charged from the sky and roasted Enos. Duke Jacob didn't spare his strength and roasted the whole dwarf and his earth giant.

"Kahahaha… Is this what you call fire?!! I will show you true fire!!" laughed Enos wildly.

*GROOOOARR* A blazing magma giant formed and covered Enos. With the combination of fire and earth elements, the magma giants become bigger and radiate intense heat. Just a single casual movement is similar to a volcano eruption.

"Fool!! You power him up!!" complained Duchess Amberblaze before charging forward with a giant greatsword in her hand.

Fortunately, Duchess Amberblaze wasn't bothered by the heat from the magma. Otherwise, she must look out for fallen giant rocks and intense heat.

On the other hand, Duke Jacob could only scratch his head in embarrassment. His help turns into powering his enemy. He didn't expect the enemy to also be proficient at fire-elemental.

Still, it didn't mean he couldn't do anything. Since the Magma Giant is made of fire and earth elemental, he could also restrict its movement using his Firecast technique.

Although he couldn't fully control the giant, he could at least restrict its movement and help the Duchess get more opportunities.

*BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* [Fire Assault - Tenebralis Slash] In a few seconds, the Duchess launched dozens of attacks using her giant greatsword artifact. Each slash produces a dozen-meter-wide deep wound on the Magma giant.

Unfortunately, none of this immense attack reaches the one-eyed Enos. This is also the major problem she experiences during her fight with the dwarf. He is integrated with the Magma giant and covers his surroundings with layers of hard rock defense made of earth.

These layers of defense could hold her attack and recover as long as he supplied it with enough mana. If Enos gets enough time, he may also be able to build more layers and harder defense.

Furthermore, Enos is using his sharp perception to sense Duchess Amberblaze and Duke Jacob. He didn't need to worry about attacking blindly. In the end, the Duchess and Duke Jacob could only keep attacking to chip away at the defense layers and Enos' mana.

Such a massive giant needs a lot of mana to maintain. They know it will not be long before Enos exhausts all his mana.

Meanwhile, Jayna and the swordmaster fight slowly to change the surrounding area. After the slight interruption, Jayna and the swordmaster continue fighting and change the surrounding land.

The raging fire and lightning turned the land into a scorching wasteland with a deep ravine. Profound sword-cutting technique and skill could be traced everywhere. The battle between lighting, fire, and massive sword energy could be seen across the area.

*BZZZTTT* *BOOOOM* [Halberd Art - Thunder Break] Brigida chopped down her halberd towards the swordmaster who parried the attack without a slight move. Sensing the incoming hot temperature, the swordmaster immediately retreated without thinking of a counterattack.

*BOOOOM* [Sword Art - Blazing Slash] A tall fire wall erupted from the ground until a dozen meters away. The swordmaster could only retreat away, facing such intense heat.

Currently, his appearance is horrible. Half of his armor is destroyed and turns molten red. His skin is dry and reddish. Most parts of his body also show various burn injuries. If it were not for his hidden demon ancestry, he may have already died long ago.

Furthermore, most of his artifacts malfunction. Even one of his swords was destroyed not too long ago. At first, he thought of exchanging injury with Jayana. Unfortunately, as he approached Jayna, his metallic armor artifact turned into an oven and roasted him alive.

His trusted artifact equipment became the cause of his demise. Through this slight distraction, Jayna gets the upper hand and dodges his deadly sword attack easily. Now, the swordmaster is no longer in danger of approaching the young phoenix again.

The sensation of being roasted alive by his own armor is horrifying. It is as if thousands of sharp needles pierced his entire body. If it is not for his trained body, he may already be burned alive without leaving a single bone.

Unbeknownst to him, Jayna uses her phoenix's emotional power to influence the swordmaster. Using her fire as a medium, she made a subtle emotional suggestion to him.

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