I Got the Hypnosis App, Now I Can Do Whatever I Want!

Chapter 60

Chapter 60

Thats enough!

The voice made my shoulders jolt.

I didnt expect to hear someone elses voice, just because I didnt think there was anyone else there but us.


Although the voice sounded familiar, I looked back in that direction.

There she was, that woman who had tangled with me in the coffee shop before, and she looked at us or more precisely, she looked at me as if she was looking at rubbish.

Im glad I took the hit then. I cant believe that rubbish like that man really exists.

Im stunned by the unexpectedness of the situation, but the woman is approaching this side with her big step.

I was thinking that heels would be dangerous in a place like this, but to tell you the truth, I had a rather bad feeling about it.

You, what are you going to do with these girls?


There was no way I could say that I was going to have some fun with these hypnotised girls.

The woman looks at me, who is silent, and continues to say more.

You used some special power to get close to them, didnt you?


Those were the words that almost hit the crux of the matter.

Could it be that this person knows about the hypnosis app? However, there was too little information and I was at a loss.

I thought about releasing the hypnosis of Mari and the others and putting this person in a hypnotic state as well, and then leaving the matter in the wind, but somehow I had the feeling that that wouldnt work.

( What is it? I have a gut feeling that hypnosis wont work on this person.)

Id never had a feeling like this before.

Hypnosis apps had worked on any person before, and I had even put my absolute trust in my buddy.

And yet, for some reason, hypnosis didnt work on this woman, so the moment I tried to use the power against her, I felt like it would be a true checkmate.

Its quite ballsy of you not to show any signs of panic in your expression. Even though that man was frantically touching his phone in dismay.

What are you talking about?

Dont fall for it.

With a dang, her foot slammed hard into the ground.

The heel seemed to have been slightly damaged by the spur of the moment but it seems that she cant take too long.

To be honest, its no surprise that shes panicking just because shes not in her face, probably, but this person knows something about hypnosis apps, and in a very bad way, too.

(No, no, no, if youre on the receiving end of a hypnosis app, it can only mean bad things but maybe this person is -)

Has someone else used the hypnosis app on you? If thats the case, it means theres someone else who can use it besides me No, you said that guy earlier, this guy.

As usual, this person has a piercing gaze towards me, but the eyes she directed at Mari and the others were naturally kind.

I should have saved you at that time. But its okay now, Ill save you all from this trash of a man. I should have forced you apart from him in the first place, back then too. If you girls had such a dull man by your side, all your good looks would have been

Whats the deal with this woman, not just one, but two words too many?

Well, I cant complain because Ive done so much that its no wonder Ive been told such things.

But why am I calmer than I thought I would be?

I felt as if this event had been decided from the beginning and was a set-up for the fact that there were people who knew about the hypnosis app.

Now come with me, You piece of rubbish -

The woman reached out her hand towards me with all her might, but her hand never touched me.

Because Mari grabbed that hand.

Please leave it at that.


Maris sharp voice stopped the woman from moving.

The womans eyes widened as she stared at Mari, but the look in her eyes was as if she was looking at something unbelievable, and I tilted my head as well.

And it was not only to Mari, but also to Emu and Saika.


Looking at Mari, Emu and Saika, I wondered had the hypnosis been lifted?

I could not check with my phone because I was in front of the women, but the three of them had clearly lost the atmosphere that made me feel that the hypnosis was working.

Mari continued to speak further, leaving me and the women bewildered.

Youre saying whatever you want to say from the beginning, arent you? Please dont take advantage of a friend who is important to us dont mess around with us.

What what whats going on? Its true that just now

Dont look away from me.

I was only focused on Mari, but Emu and Saika were holding my hand before I knew it.

The women stared at me as if they couldnt believe even that, but Mari continued to speak as if she was pissed.

I heard about it from the beginning, but I think youre a bit crazy about mysterious powers or something. Are you perhaps on drugs or something?

Huh! Dont be rude!!! I just wanted to help you guys

You want to help us? Why? We werent attacked by anyone, and we were really enjoying our time together. You were the one who stepped into our time, though, werent you? It was rather annoying, though

The woman had lost all her momentum from earlier.

It was as if she was panicking like I was earlier, saying, that it wasnt supposed to be like this, that something was wrong rather, she was completely pushed by Maris momentum.

Hey Mari, can I say something too?


Saika now opens her mouth to the woman.

You said a lot of things about him earlier, but all of them are off the mark. Hes a really great guy and hes a kind person who helped us. I dont want you, who dont know anything about him, to say something selfish.

Emu further continued.

Thats right. Senpai is a really good person. Hes not the kind of person you said he is, and we know that best. Thats why we wont allow you to make any more remarks that will humiliate my senpai.

The woman bit her lip in frustration under the sharp stares of Mari, Emu, and Saika.

She glared at me again, but when Mari clapped her hands with a pan, the womans shoulders shook with a jerk and she turned her back and disappeared.

The womans disappearance made me turn my attention to my phone as well.

As I expected, the hypnosis app had stopped and the hypnosis seemed to have been lifted, although I really dont know what happened at the best time for me.

( ive never seen this happen before, but does that mean theres now a possibility that it will stop in the middle when I use it in the future?)

There was just too much to think about, with the sudden appearance of the woman and the emergence of the possibility of someone else knowing about the hypnosis app.

Its kind of watered down, but its kind of faded.

I tried to return to the place where I was before, but for some reason Emu and Saika didnt move from that spot.

Whats wrong?


Its her fault.

Only Mari is giggling haha.

However, I was honestly happy that she covered for me like that, and I was moved that she really trusts me.

Im sorry that I cant dissipate my sexual desire, but its not bad to end the day immersed in this happy feeling Mari said this to me when I was thinking that.

even if Kai-kun has a mysterious power, it doesnt really matter to me what it is, you know. We know Kai-kun, so we trust him so even if he played some naughty pranks on us, we wouldnt get angry.


That means its okay to do it, right?

My deflated mood has recovered a little.

I mean, its summer after all. Arent Emu and Saika feeling hot?

! Its hot, isnt it?

Yeah, its extremely hot.


In front of me, the three of them began to fan their chests with a flapping motion.

As they put their hands in to widen that mysterious space in order to send the wind inside the rich cleavage of the three of them is completely visible.

(Ive stopped thinking about the hard stuff. Lets do it.)

My deflated mood has not only recovered, its gone bing bong bong bong.

I started up the hypnosis app again and tasted their bodies to my hearts content, and they gave me some nice servings.

But they were all saying the same thing to me.

You dont have to worry about anything, Kai.

Thats right. Therefore, senpai?

From now on, dont be shy with us okay?

There was no way he wouldnt be on fire after being told this much.

What is it about that woman, why did the hypnosis app disappear in the middle of its run, and although there were many things I was curious about, I couldnt stop anymore.

These hands of mine are on fire, man. Theyre roaring and screaming for me to grab their tits, so I cant help it.

I muttered such things with Emu and Saika on either side of me, in the luxurious position of having Mari serve me while I placed my hands on their ample bulges.

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