I Got the Hypnosis App, Now I Can Do Whatever I Want!

Chapter 58

Chapter 58

The sudden visit by Konoe was a little unexpected.

In the first place, it was embarrassing to be seen in a state where I hadnt even changed my clothes yet, and I immediately tried to escape to my room, but my sister beckoned me to come over here.

Um, good morning, Konoe-san.

Yeah. Good morning. You have some gunk in your eyes, did you wake up from sleep?


I rubbed my eyes and deceived her somehow.

As a result of this, not only Konoe-san but also my sister laughed at me, and I could only shrink.

However, I was curious as to why Konoe-san was here.

Well why is Konoe-san here?

Thats it. Hey, why didnt you tell me? That you saved the grandpa from nextdoor.

Huh? Oh, that.

I could somewhat guess from the exchange just now.

I didnt want her to pay too much attention to it, since I have been thanked at Konoe-sans house already, but I guess that still means that that incident was quite a big deal for Konoe-san.

You said you didnt need any more thanks, but it was such a big matter that I wanted to talk to your family again like this. Once again, thank you for helping my grandfather at that time.

No, no, no! Please raise your head!

I said to Konoe in a panic.

I cant nod my head in thanks because Ive already done something that I can never say out loud.

Its obvious that Konoe-san wouldnt remember it, but thats exactly why Im sorry to have Konoe-san bow down to me.

(Then dont do it from the beginning? Thats impossible, its impossible for a man not to put his hand in front of such a nice body!)

But I want to rub that I-cup again.

I committed the foolish act of gazing at Konoe-sans oversized tits in front of my sister, but fortunately she didnt seem to notice.

After that, Sis left because she had to go out and I was in my room with Konoe-san.

Heh, so this is your room.

I want to ask myself how on earth this happened.

My sister was going out, and at that time, Konoe-san was going home too, but my sister jokingly said that we should talk a little more, and Konoe-san took advantage of that.

When I was in high school, basically all I played with were my female friends. I guess its refreshing to go into a high school boys room like this.

.I see.

Oh no, Im getting really stiff.

Ive had Mari and the other three come to my room before, but when its an older sister who is older than you and with whom Ive had sex, theres no way I wont be nervous.

Averting my gaze from Konoe-san, who was looking around curiously, I turned my attention to my charging phone.

(Damn it! I forgot to charge it last night argh shit, seriously, my stupidness!)

If the charge had been perfect, I would have been in the middle of having fun with all my might by now, but it was all my mistake I deserved it.

I cant touch Konoe-san, whos right in front of me, and all I can do is quietly hide and watch her breasts swaying on top of her clothes.

Oh, my

? Ah!

Seeing what Konoe-san had found, I raised my voice as if in a hurry.

Basically, only my sister enters this room, and she also shows no interest in the bookshelf. So there was a book there that I had no particular intention of hiding.

It was an erotic manga that uses that hypnotic power to do naughty things to girls Konoe-san looked at the manga and me alternately.

Its that um eh?

Isnt this, in a way, the moment when a man ends?

However, if it is just an erotic book, but a story about using hypnosis to do terrible things to a girl, how will it be seen from a womans point of view I was scared like that, but then I suddenly remembered.

(Actually, I like being hypnotised to do naughty things.)

I remember that Konoe-san said this at that time.

I thought that if that was the case, there was no need to be afraid, and I calmed down a little, but it seems that I was right.

Do you like this kind of thing?

Ah, yes.

However, its a bit of a problem when youre asked straight out like this, isnt it?

When I nodded, Konoe-san also looked satisfied and began flipping through the manga.

I like the concept of hypnosis too.

Heh, heh

I know, if you want, although I learned something deeper about you at the same time.

Its just I like forcing it like this because its a story, but I dont think its possible in real life. If hypnosis existed in real life, Id want to be treated with kindness and consideration.


So what the hell are we talking about?

I already knew about Konoe-sans tastes or hobbies, so even for me, the surprise is not that big.

But for some reason Konoe-san just stares at me in surprise.

Ive been attracted to this kind of thing. Are you different?

Huh? Uh, well because I like hypnosis stories, too, and


its kind of nice that a sister like Konoe-san has that kind of taste its like sorry, Im at a loss for words

I myself am starting to lose track of what Im saying.

Konoe-san was looking blank, but she immediately smiled, put the book back on the shelf, and came up to me.

Youre really kind, arent you?

Its normal. People like me are everywhere.

Really? At least I dont think there are that many people like you.

Im not buying it too much.

I grinned too much at the praise, but for some reason Konoe-san seemed a little unsure.

Hey, why am I being so nice to you to this extent


Its nothing. Well, but it doesnt seem wrong.

In the end, I dont know what she wanted to say.

After that, Konoe-san left while seemingly satisfied with something.


In the room where Konoe-san was gone, I was feeling unwilling as I looked at my phone, which was still charging.

Buddy I couldnt use it, buddy.

Its my fault, but if I had charged it properly yesterday, I would have been able to do mofumofu things with Konoe-sans body with the best efforts my stupidity already!

I feel as if the screen of my phone glowed meaningfully, but it cant be helped if I worry about whats already been done.

Well~, the last gathering is the summer festival hehehe

In fact, Im planning to have someone get together with Mari and the others again, and that is the day of the summer festival I just mentioned.

Isnt it great to be able to do whatever I want to the girls in yukata? No, but yukata is an expensive thing, and it would be bad to get them dirty, wouldnt it?

I can almost hear the voice saying, Dont be so opportunistic, but I was thinking about it rather seriously.

Well, although I take great care not to get my normal uniform and clothes dirty, not only do they get dirty, but they also get weird scratches.

So a man who can get dirty without worrying about these things is a true outcast? I guess Im not quite there yet either.

However, I wish the day of the summer festival would come soon.

In order to release all the things I couldnt vent against Konoe-san at once, Ill have the three of you serve me plenty!


But one thing was on my mind.

Its that screen Im looking at with my phone in my hand.

what is this black dot?

There are still black lines apart from the pink line leading to me, but one new black dot-like thing has appeared near my name.

Its kind of gross to say it looks like a cockroach, but its a bit weird to see the black dot wiggling and seeming to get closer and closer to my name every day.

Hey buddy, whats this all about?

Naturally, there was no answer to that question and for a while I was haunted by these black dots.

Now you can read Advanced Chapter on KO-FI Monthly membership now, Always 11 Chapters ahead of release.


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