I Got a Cheat and Moved to Another World, so I Want to Live as I Like

Chapter 186

Chapter 186

Translator: “Hakou” Editor: “Weasalopes”

On the southern outskirts of the royal capital’s red-light district.

There is a three-story building with a garden on the rooftop.

The rooftop garden is named “Forest Garden” and even has a small pond in it.

At the base of the largest tree in that garden, a dung beetle about fifteen centimeters long was hiding. It was a Dangorou, a spirit beast and Tauro’s familiar.

This earth elemental spirit beast is sensitive to changes in the ground.

There’s something that had been bothering him lately, so he had gone around and dived into the ground like this to see what was going on.


Dangorou looks convinced. He then broke the soil and appeared on the ground.

The caterpillar noticed his appearance and called out to the ground from the branches of the medicinal herb tree.

『Do you understand anything?』

It was about 20 centimeters long and looked just like the fifth instar larva of a swallowtail butterfly.

It is also a member of Tauro’s family, Imosuke, a spirit beast also known as『The forest sage』.

『Nothing at all』

Imosuke is silent for a while while facing down.

Probably understanding the lack of explanation, Dangorou continued.

『I now understand that I know nothing at all』

A few days ago, he felt a big shock. So he listened for a while, but he couldn’t feel anything.

There was probably no problem at all. Imosuke nodded his head and walked down from the tree trunk to the ground.

He pointed with his head to the autumn fruits on the ground.

『Can you lift it?』

『Leave it to me』

Dangorou nodded. He headed for the room where the master was waiting, while bouncing the autumn harvest forward.

Imosuke followed behind him.

「Hou, So this is the autumn fruit huh?」

I was in my room, working on my mid-morning reading. I put the book aside as my familiars appeared with a gift for me.

What Dangorou brought were a few chestnuts.

「It’s starting to fall, huh. Well then, I’d better go pick it up」

I nodded at Imosuke’s explanation.

Then I asked the head of my familiars a question.

「By the way, what’s with Dangorou’s appearance?」

Dangorou next to him is wearing a chestnut shell like a hermit crab. At first glance, he looks like a vicious monster.

Clearly waiting to charge in.

「It must have been split open when he carried the chestnuts」

It seems Dangorou came up with the idea when he saw the chestnut burr.

「Are you thinking that you need a suitable costume as a general of the Doom squad?」

The chestnut burr spins around and around from side to side as if it is proud of itself. For now, I praise him for his coolness.

He seems to be pleased with it.

(It must be because of that)

I have an inkling as to why he does this. It must have been the picture book I read to him the other day.

As I recall, the villain wore spiky clothes.

「Doom squad is an evil organization」

Now that I think about it, he’s not exactly wrong.

I have my golden mask, but Imosuke, the deputy chief, and Dangorou, the general, don’t have anything.

「Then, Imosuke, do you need one too?」

When I said that as I crossed my arms, he made a suggestion.

「An eyepatch」

I was able to completely identify which picture book it was.

The bad guy in the illustration was smiling broadly with one eye covered.

「Got it, wait a sec」

I let Imosuke climb up on my hands and measure his size. Then I pondered a bit.

「You’re too small, it’s impossible for me to make it」

In times like these, it is best to rely on someone who has the skills.

I left the house by myself and walked down the stairs to a nearby sewing shop.

The woman in the store was curious, but agreed. With a magnifying glass in one hand, she cut out the fabric.

(As expected of a pro)

She has a skillful hand. If I were to make my own, it would just be a shaggy, ragged cord.

After she finished cutting, she treated the ends with some kind of iron.

「Here it is, thank you for waiting」

It didn’t take much time to complete.

The cost of materials is treated as a service, and the labor charge is at the bottom of the price list.

「I’m sorry, it’s the rule」

The lady said while looking apologetic.

She must have felt sorry about setting the price to a minimum even though the item was much smaller even for the minimum price.

「No no, it was very helpful. Thank you very much」

I paid with a smile on my face and took the goods. I want to pay a fair price for her excellent skills.

I take it back to my room and tie it lightly on Imosuke.

「There, how is it?」

One ocular eye. The black eye patch that hides it.

He seems to like it, and is happily showing it off to Dangorou.

「Do you want to know how you look?」

When I brought out the mirror, neither of them left in front of it.

The deputy chief and the general, who had gotten his eye patch and spiky armor. Both of them kept turning and posing in front of the mirror until they got bored.


While I was out gathering chestnuts with my well-equipped familiars.

In the guild master of the merchant guild office, the top brass was holding a meeting.

「And so, the Empire doesn’t know about it yet. Though I’m sure they’ll find out about it soon enough」

The topic of discussion was the appearance of a giant hole south of Awoke. The problem is that there are many golems living inside.

The old goblin-looking guild master nodded to the Santa Claus-like vice guild master.

「I definitely want mineral resources. There’s not enough in the market after all」

With the ongoing repairs and construction of Knights, the demand for mineral resources is high.

And according to the country’s policy, the Blacksmith guild was given the priority to those materials.

「There, I’d like Tauro-kun and the Old Lady to go there and defeat the golem to collect it」

The vice guild master raises one of his eyebrows as he looks at the map tapestry hanging on the wall.

「However, it’s close to Landbarn. Although it is a wasteland, is it really safe?」

The Empire wanted to get their hands on a Knight from the Kingdom’s Merchant Guild.

Old Lady who had defeated many demon beasts in long range battles. They probably think that she is related to the Ghost Knight, as the Empire calls it.

In fact, they even tried to set a trap for it and take it away once.

「The troubles in the north caused by Knights of unknown nationality was resolved thanks to the assistance of the Knight from Black Locust country. But who knows what will happen next」

The vice guild master stroked his white beard.

While the guild master slumped his shoulders and neck in his overly big chair.

「I know, I know that, but… still, these golems are also hard to pass」

The vice guild master agreed with him on that point.

「We’re running out of money to even make daily necessities for people」

Farm tools, utensils, materials for construction, pots and kettles. All of them were increasing in price.

The reason they didn’t inform the country was because they wanted to secure the resources ahead of time.

While dangling his feet, the guild master looked up at Santa Claus and made a suggestion.

「Should we bet on Old Lady’s mobility to run away the moment it senses danger? What do you think?」

It’s a gamble. But if I look at the track record so far, the odds are not that bad.


Unlike the previous pilot, the current pilot was not the type to rush in just to uphold his honor and whatnot.

「I’ll be sure to explain it to Tauro-kun carefully and not give him any numerical targets. That way, it’ll surely be fine」

He is not a person who pushes himself too hard. But if you give him a specific goal, such as the number or type of items, he tends to overdo it.

That’s why they felt it necessary to give him a warning beforehand.

The guild master smiles happily as Santa Claus agrees.

「Now then, let’s get to work on the specifics」

He summoned Herbivore mechanic in the hangar located in the east, and the three of them began to go over the details.

It was the next day when Old Lady left the royal capital and headed south of Awoke.


Now, the stage moves north-northwest from the royal capital. We moved to the land of Black Locust country.

A regular transportation service between the Kingdom and Black locust country started recently. From that small golem carriage, a young woman got off.

(This is my last destination)

Light cruiser-sensei, wearing a white dress stretches her back lightly as she thinks.

After leaving the eastern country, she came here crossing the northern part of the kingdom.

(According to the guild master, I should be able to find out by heading to the king’s palace)

She took out a letter of introduction from the Kingdom’s merchant guild from the small bag on her shoulder.

If the words of that goblin-like old man were correct, there should be the strongest opponent here.

(I’m looking forward to it)

While pulling a bag with wheels, she began to walk on the uneven cobblestones.

It didn’t take long to arrive at a small, two-story building.

When she showed him my letter of introduction, a small old man with a protruding belly appeared from within and guided me inside.

「I see, I see」

I was politely escorted to a room in the back.

An elderly man with little dignity, who looked like the king, held the letter of introduction in his hand and skimmed over the text.

「So you are the saint of the Kingdom, is it?」

Hearing those words, a question mark appeared over her head.

The eastern country is one thing, but she never heard of a saint in the kingdom.

However, the king continues talking without paying a mind.

「That person has succumbed to greed and was taken over by the devil」

He lowered his eyes sorrowfully and continued.

「The only thing we can do is to keep her away from the people. Right now, we have her locked up in a room in this mansion」

Then he looked at Light cruiser-sensei with a sullen expression.

「However, the shaking and roaring that went on day and night never let the people in the building rest」

If you listen carefully, you can hear a voice like a beast in heat. And if you pay attention to your feet, you can definitely feel the shaking from the floor.

It was this noticeable in daytime, so it must be very nerve-wracking in the middle of the night.

(I’m sure it will be tough to sleep well with all this)

Light cruiser-sensei’s heart ached as she felt sorry for him.

「I beg you to cleanse her heart and exorcise the demon inside her」

With a serious expression, the king gets down on one knee.

He was a king, albeit of a small country. For him to bow to a commoner is quite a feat.

That shows how much he must be in pain and cornered.

(I have no idea about the saint thingy but…)

“Let’s do the best I can do”, Light cruiser-sensei decided to herself.

The king was relieved to see her willingly agree.

He immediately ordered the little old man with the protruding belly to guide her.

「This way please」

The old man, who seemed to be the minister, moved forward down the hallway.

As they move deeper into the hallway, the roar and the shaking from the floor both increase in intensity.

「Shall we just look at it today and call it a day?」

The minister looked up from below with feeble eyes. Light cruiser-sensei replied while shaking her head.

「No, let’s get started right away」

Clearly relieved, the minister lifted the lid of the peephole attached to the door.

What she sees inside is a huge bed and a huge, humanoid lump of flesh.

The lump of flesh, apparently completely naked, was shaking itself and occasionally moaning.

(Is that… human?)

Upon closer inspection, it was an old woman.

But she was big. Not only was she tall, but she was also voluminous.

And one of her hands was between her legs, moving violently up and down.

「She has been consoling herself in this way from morning to night」

The minister sighs heavily.

「Lately, it seems that she can no longer satisfy herself. And she began demanding our services」

Light cruiser-sensei nodded.

Even if the stimulus is the same, it will feel different if it is given by someone else.

「Is there anyone helping to comfort her?」

The minister shook his head from side to side at the question.

「Look at those thick legs. If it were closed and sandwiched you, you wouldn’t get away with just an injury」

There, he cut off his word.

「That side might think it’s just harmless playing, but to us, it’s a matter of life and death」

Light cruiser-sensei was convinced by his words. That’s how much of a difference in physique exists between an ordinary person and that old woman.

「We no longer know what to do. Please save us, saint-sama」

「I understand」

I’m no saint, but I’m not going to correct them every time. It would be too tactless to do so to someone who is looking for salvation.

She took off her dress in one breath, folded it lightly and placed it on top of her luggage.

Her body is slim and white, and her underwear is also white and neat. The minister swallowed his saliva at the sight of her.

「I’m going inside. Please open the door」

A small old man with a protruded belly nodded with a serious expression. He takes out a brass key from his waist belt.


Light cruiser-sensei continues to peek into the room through the small window.

The minister, who had been glued to the small but shapely hips, unlocked the door and pulled it open as instructed.

She slipped her thin body into the gap that opened for a moment.

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