I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary Even In The Real World (LN)

Book 14: Chapter 4: Part 1

Book 14: Chapter 4: Part 1

Heres the chapter. Enjoy~

Chapter 4 Stella

Part 1

(Rebellion Flash Legs!)

Usagi managed to distract Tone and Seras and let Iris escape, and then unleashed a series of blows from his legs.

Each one was strong enough to tear the ground and deform the surrounding terrain, but Tone and the others remained calm.

Rebellion Sound.

Tone struck his lyre and let out a myriad of sounds that paralyzed all of Usagis attacks.

But Usagi had already anticipated that.


Holy Magic Beam!

Odis, who had prepared himself behind Usagis attack, released a beam of black-and-white magic.

The rays spiraled and intertwined and hit Tone with enormous speed.

Horn Thrust!

Seras stepped between Tone and the rays of light and hit them with his horn.

The moment the rays collided with the horns, a tremendous shock spread around them.

However, Seras was unharmed.

You act smart. But you can barely stand up, can you?


As Seras said, Usagi and Odis were already wounded to the core.

Holy, who had received the Divine Power, was that powerful.

Hah because of your useless efforts, well be blamed by Shu.

Really. Leo was killed, and Iris escaped its annoying, isnt it?

Hmph. I dont know if its the power of God or what, but I guess youre just on that level.

Odis laughed hard as if he was provoking them. 

But Tone and the others did not react to the provocation.

Sure, that may be so. Were not used to this power yet, so its just right.


The next moment, Tone smiled wickedly.

Because you know, right? We have just the right training subject in front of us! We can use you to further develop our Divine Power!

(What did you say?)

Usagi frowned at Tones strange announcement.


The conversation is over. Divine Sound!

(! Twin Holy Impulses!)

When Tone played his lyre again, a powerful sound wave, incomparable to the previous ones, attacked Usagi and Odis.

Since it was impossible to evade the attack, Usagi used his ears and legs to release a huge shock wave as well.

The shock wave collided with Tones sound wave, but because of the Divine Power of Tone and Sera, Usagis attack was easily deflected.

Holy Magic Cannon!

At the same time, Odis fired a volley of Holy Power and magic at Tones Divine Sound and tried to stop it in combination with Usagis attack, but it was not enough to stop it.

Hey, hey you havent forgotten that I am here, have you? Divine Horn!

Seras horns were covered in a rainbow-colored aura, and when they resonated with each other, a bombardment of rainbow aura shot out from between his horns.

This bombardment immediately merged with Tones Divine Sound and became an enormous stream of power that engulfed the attacks of Usagi and Odis.



The two of them tried to avoid it, but they could not move from the spot due to the recoil caused by the successive release of the great force and ended up in a state full of wounds.

And then.

(Damn it)

Usagi and Odis survived by quickly using magic power, holy power, and Divine Authority, which they were able to activate only slightly, perhaps out of survival instinct.

But that was all they could do.

With even the smallest power left to move gone, Usagi and Odis fell to the ground.

Tone sighed in front of them.

Phew they were a stubborn pair. More importantly, Seras. You almost killed them, didnt you?

Oh? Why dont we just kill them? Leos getting beat up over there, you know?

I know that. But these two have their uses.

Tone played his lyre as he said this, and with a wave of Divine Power and magic, he lifted the bodies of Usagi and Odis, who had collapsed.

Then he fixed their bodies in the air as if he wanted to crucify them.

It is a kind of show. There are still some people who dont understand our noble principles, arent there? And that is why when they try to defy us, we will show that even the Holy, who was once the hope of humanity, become like this if they defy us.

I see.

Besides if we crucify these two, Iris might come back, right?

Tone smiled as he said this, imagining Iris in despair.

But Seras tilted his head.

Will she come back? Shes not stupid enough to not understand the difference in power, is she?

Shell come back, of course. If need be, she may join forces with the opposing forces of humanity or with the Holy who dont understand our ideas. But thats okay. If Iris can gather allies and appear before us again, that will be enough to crush the opposition in one fell swoop

Tone laughed and left with the crucified Usagi and Odis for Shu.

After seeing Yuuya off to the underworld.

Kuuyas thought body silently opened his eyes in the Earth house.

It seems that Yuuya and Meiko have safely made their way to the Between Worlds.

Hmph. If I go there, I can kick that intruders ass in a heartbeat, but its such a hassle to have to go through the underworld.


Ouma, who was left in charge of the absence this time, said this in a somewhat sullen tone.

The same goes for Night, who also feels lonely because he cannot accompany Yuuya.

Good heavens! To be able to go to the underworld, as expected of Yuuya-sama! Is what Id like to say, but its frustrating not to be able to accompany him!

Thats true, but what are you going to do if you can go with him?

Ill be right next to Yuuya-sama.


Hey, why are you sighing?

Lexia and the others, who did not know the real reason why Yuuya went to the underworld, were upset that they could not accompany him.

Luna wants to be with Yuuya-sama, too, doesnt she?

Th-Thats, well

And Yuti, too, right?

Affirmative. Im having trouble eating

Is that what youre worried about?

While Yuti is worried about something unusual, Lexias words continue.

Even though I knew it was impossible, I still wanted to be there to help Yuuya-sama! Im sure you both feel the same way.



Eehh! Arent you two lonely?

Akatsuki and Ciel were asked so abruptly by Lexia, but they just tilted their heads as if they were not particularly lonely.

The air was somewhat relaxed, and Kuuya, who was smiling and watching the situation, suddenly felt a strange presence in the house.

Huh? What is it?


Lexia tilted her head at Kuuya, who suddenly looked alarmed.

Then, just like Kuuya, Ouma and Night felt a strange presence in the house.

What is it? There is suddenly a presence


A presence, you mean in this house? Who else besides us?

Everyone looked at each other and headed in the direction of the presence, with Kuuya leading the way.

There, they found themselves in a storage room with a Door to Another World.

The presence comes from here.

This is the room with the door that connects to our world, isnt it?

I dont have a good feeling about this.

Huh? Is that how you feel, Genesis Dragon-sama?

When Ouma made a somewhat weak comment, Lexias eyes widened.

I dont know how much I can feel it, but there is a rush of power in this room that even I cant see the bottom of. And I dont even know what the hell it is thats in here.

Ouma had been cautious about approaching this room since he had once accidentally activated an item in this storage room that contained the blueprints for a secret weapon from Merls home planet, the planet Amel.

Most of all, he couldnt touch any of the items in this room carelessly.

I-I didnt know it was this kind of room

Question. But have you noticed anything in this room?


The moment Kuuya nodded his head, he heard a faint sound at the far end of the room.

J-just now!

Oh. Its definitely the sound of something being there.

It sounded like something trying to open the lid of something, or something like that, coming from the room.

But who in the world? To enter this house from the outside, you have to get past the vigilance of me and the others. Besides, from the other side of the world, no one can come through the door without Yuuyas permission

Could it be the work of rats or other small animals?

That is also unlikely. With me and Night present, such a presence would not be missed.


Night nodded vigorously at Oumas words.

Of course, if it were an insect-like creature, Ouma and the others would not pay attention to it unless it was something very special.

However, the sound they had just heard and the presence that Kuuya and the others sensed did not come from a creature as small as an insect.

Most importantly, what was heard was the sound of something moving some kind of cover, and it was hard to believe that an insect-like being could do such a thing.

Theres no point in thinking about it at the entrance. Lets go inside first.

W-were going in too!

Huh? As I said, anything can happen in this room. It is dangerous.

I know that. But weve been through this room before, and more than anything, were curious to see whats in here!

Hey, dont try to go into a dangerous place just out of curiosity.

I cant help it; Im curious! Arent you curious too, Luna?

No, it bothers me, but Im your bodyguard, remember? I wont let you go all the way to such a dangerous place

Oh, dear! No need to go into details! Anyway, Im coming in!

Kuuya sighed when Lexia said that, cutting off Lunas petulant words.

Sigh do whatever you want. But dont touch anything in the storeroom without permission, okay?

I understand.

Kuuya told her with a serious expression, and Lexia nodded with a serious look on her face.

So they all entered the storage room together and

I didnt have a good look at the inside of this room, but theres really a lot of stuff in here, right?

Unknown. What is the purpose of all this stuff?

Lexia and the others looked curiously at the items in the storage room.

Meanwhile, Kuuya and Ouma searched for the owner of the presence.

As I thought, there is a strange presence. But I never thought that I would come this far and still not know where the presence is

It cant be helped. There are too many forces swirling around here. Because these forces interfere with each other, it is impossible to properly search for a presence. In fact, it would be a miracle if we could even detect a presence at this distance.

As Ouma said, there were so many different forces swirling around this storeroom that it was extremely difficult to pinpoint the source of the presence.

For now, lets split up and look for anything strange. But if you find something, dont touch it, okay?

Listening to Kuuyas warning, everyone searched the storage room.

Lexia is not a fighter by nature and does not have the ability to sense power or presence.

Therefore, she looked around with curiosity.

Luna and Yuti, on the other hand, are people who throw themselves into battle, so they carefully examine the items in the room and break into a cold sweat at the sheer force of the power they contain.

I-its surprising it doesnt look like magic or anything like that, but if you pay attention, you can see that theres tremendous power in it

Affirmative. If that power is unleashed, it will not only destroy this house but the entire city.

I feel a terrible power in these wooden sticks and dolls of unknown use

Agreed. That key over there, too, I dont know what its used for, but it has more power in it than Ive ever seen before.

The items that Yuti and Luna were looking at were seemingly ordinary items, but when they sensed the power that was put into them, they also seemed to be items that were known to be of great value.

Although Kuuya had already explained the situation to them, they became more cautious when they realized the danger of the items in the storage room.

Meanwhile, Akatsuki and Ciel, like Lexia, looked around at the various items and let their curiosity get the better of them.

Buhi! Buhi, buhi!





However, they were retrieved by Night, who thought that if he left them alone, they would start touching everything on their own.

At that moment, he tried to force them out by putting his mouth on their backs


Suddenly, Night felt a strange surge of power and a look.



Akatsuki and Ciel tilted their heads at Night, who suddenly stopped moving.

Night immediately looked around, thinking that the owner of that power and look might be the one responsible for the presence they had felt before they came here.

Then he saw a group of countless masks hanging on the wall.

They were mysterious masks that looked like they might be used in some kind of ritual.

Night looked at the masks cautiously.

Soon after, Night tried to move away from the masks, but Akatsuki, who was interested in the masks, scratched the wall where the masks were hanging.





The slight vibration caused the masks to fall, and they were attached to the faces of Night and the others as if they had been sucked into the masks.

At that moment, a dark green light appeared in the eyes of the masks.

The light grew stronger and spread throughout the room.

Huh? What is that?

Kuuya and the others, who immediately sensed that something was wrong, rushed into the room to find the masked Night and the others.

He rushed to remove the masks, but there was no sign of them coming off at all.



Whats going on?

On Nights face is a vicious wolf mask.

Akatsuki got the mask of a ferocious boar, and Ciel got the mask of a ruthless bird.

Kuuya and Ouma immediately approach to remove the masks from Night and the others, but.




The dark green light emanating from the masks enveloped the bodies of Night and the others, and then the three of them disappeared in an instant.

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