I Created A Dungeon In A Cultivation World

Chapter 195 195: Preparing To Defend The Item

Argon paused, realizing he had momentarily overlooked the decision he needed to make regarding his fourth element. He turned his attention to the system, acknowledging the reminder.

"You're right, system," Argon responded, his voice filled with determination. "Before I finalize my technique choices, I must first choose my fourth element. Please provide me with the list of available elements."

In response to his request, the system displayed a holographic list of elements that were distinct from fire, water, earth, space, and time. Each element held its own unique properties and potential for cultivation.

The holographic display shimmered, presenting a range of elements:

[1. Lightning: Embody the raw power of lightning, harnessing its electrifying force to strike with precision and speed. Lightning bolts crackle at your fingertips, capable of unleashing devastating blasts of electricity upon your foes.]

[2. Gale: Become one with the winds, mastering the element of air. Swift and elusive, you gain unmatched speed and agility, able to move with the grace of a gentle breeze or the fury of a hurricane. Manipulate air currents to control the battlefield and evade attacks effortlessly.]

[3. Frost: Embrace the chilling embrace of ice, commanding its freezing touch. Your strikes carry an icy chill, capable of freezing opponents and encasing them in unyielding ice. Control the temperature around you, creating blizzards or forming protective barriers of frost.]

[4. Shadow: Delve into the realm of darkness and shadows. Become a master of stealth and deception, blending into the darkness and slipping past defenses unnoticed. Manipulate shadows to confound opponents and launch surprise attacks from the depths of obscurity.]

[5. Nature - Establish a profound connection with the natural world, granting control over flora, fauna, and the ability to commune with the spirits of nature.]

[6. Light - Tap into the essence of illumination, granting the ability to emit blinding light, unveil hidden truths, and purify darkness.]

Argon studied the list, his mind delving into the implications of each element. He considered their strengths, weaknesses, and how they would synergize with his existing abilities. Each element possessed unique characteristics that could augment his cultivation journey.

"Thunder, the embodiment of lightning's power, would grant me unparalleled destructive capabilities," Argon contemplated aloud, his voice filled with awe. "Gale, the element of air, would enhance my mobility and agility, allowing me to strike swiftly and vanish without a trace. Frost, the chilling embrace of ice, could provide both control and defense, immobilizing my foes. And Shadow, the realm of darkness and stealth, would grant me the element of surprise and enable me to confound my enemies."

Argon weighed the advantages and disadvantages of each element, considering how they would synergize with his existing elemental affinities and techniques. He knew that his choice would shape his cultivation path and determine the breadth of his elemental mastery.

After careful deliberation, a determined expression settled on Argon's face as he made his decision. "I choose the element of Thunder as my fourth element," he declared, his voice filled with conviction. "The raw power of lightning will complement my existing fire affinity, further enhancing my offensive prowess and striking fear into the hearts of my opponents."

With his decision made, a surge of energy coursed through Argon, resonating with the chosen element. Sparks danced across his fingertips, and a faint electrical aura enveloped him. Deep within, he felt a newfound connection to the element of Thunder, as if it had always been waiting for him to embrace it.

"Thank you for the reminder, system," Argon expressed his gratitude, his voice tinged with excitement. "With the element of Thunder now in my arsenal, I am ready to forge a path of unyielding power and rise to unprecedented heights."

The system acknowledged Argon's decision with a warm tone. "Congratulations, Host, on choosing Thunder as your fourth element," it responded. "May the power of lightning surge through your veins, granting you the strength to conquer any obstacle that stands in your path."

With his fourth element chosen, Argon's determination intensified. He turned his attention back to the holographic list, now focusing on the remaining techniques that he could acquire with his available soul coins.

"Inferno Burst Fist, Aqua Torrent Blade, Flame Torrent, Blaze Torrent Step," Argon recited, mentally reviewing the techniques he had previously considered. "Each of them holds immense potential, but I can only but two techniques."

He pondered the options once again, taking into account his affinity for fire, water, earth, and now thunder. Argon understood that his choices would shape his combat style and contribute to the balance of his abilities.

Argon's gaze flickered across the holographic display as he contemplated his options. The power of Thunder surged within him, and he sought techniques that would complement and amplify his newfound elemental affinity.

"Inferno Burst Fist," Argon murmured, his voice resonating with excitement. "With my Thunder element, the combination of lightning and scorching flames would create a devastating force. It would add an electrifying punch to my attacks, enhancing their destructive potential."

As he envisioned his fists wreathed in lightning and engulfed in flames, he knew that the Inferno Burst Fist would be a formidable offensive technique. The sheer power it offered resonated with his desire to overpower his opponents with unrelenting force.

His attention then turned to the remaining techniques. "And the Blaze Torrent Step," Argon continued, his voice filled with determination. "With my Thunder, Fire, and water elements, the agility and speed granted by this technique will be further enhanced. It will allow me to navigate the battlefield with unparalleled swiftness, striking my foes with lightning-fast precision."

The combination of Thunder, Fire, and Water in the Blaze Torrent Step enticed Argon. He could envision himself enveloped in a torrent of swirling flames and rushing water, the crackling energy of lightning adding an electrifying edge to his movements. The technique would grant him the unparalleled mobility and fluidity he sought, enabling him to effortlessly evade attacks and unleash devastating blows upon his adversaries.

With his decision made, Argon's mind was set. "I choose the Inferno Burst Fist and the Blaze Torrent Step," he declared firmly. "The Inferno Burst Fist will be my devastating offensive technique, bolstered by the power of Thunder and Fire. And the Blaze Torrent Step will grant me the agility and speed necessary to outmaneuver my opponents, empowered by the harmonious fusion of Fire and Thunder elements."

As he spoke these words, a surge of anticipation coursed through Argon's veins. He knew that with these techniques in his arsenal, he would possess a formidable array of skills that would propel him further on his cultivation journey.

With a satisfied nod, Argon committed the required soul coins to acquire the Inferno Burst Fist and the Blaze Torrent Step techniques. The holographic list dissipated, leaving him with a profound sense of anticipation.

"Now," Argon said, his voice resolute, "with my Thunder element, the Inferno Burst Fist, and the Blaze Torrent Step, I am confident to face even a late-stage Heaven's Gate Realm beeing. I will harness the power of lightning, fire, water and earth to become an unstoppable force with my fists as my weapons."


The meeting room of their base buzzed with anticipation as Alix, the esteemed leader of their group, called for an emergency gathering. A sense of urgency filled the air as at least thirty individuals, all members of their organization, filled the room. Their faces displayed a mixture of curiosity and concern, eager to hear what Alix had to share. Standing at the front of the room, Alix projected an air of authority, ready to address the pressing issue at hand.

"Everyone, please gather your attention," Alix's voice echoed through the room, commanding the focus of his members. As the murmurs died down, he continued, his tone grave yet resolute. "I have an important announcement to make. As you know, I attended the auction held in the exchange floor."

The room fell into a hushed silence, every eye fixated on Alix, waiting for him to reveal the outcome of the auction. Alix continued, his voice steady and resolute.

"I am pleased to inform you all that I was successful in acquiring the final item of the auction," he announced, a hint of pride in his voice. "However, our victory does not come without its challenges. The factions of the Azure Continent are far from pleased with our acquisition. They view it as a threat to their interests, and I have reason to believe that they may attempt to snatch the item from us."

A wave of murmurs swept through the room as the gravity of the situation began to sink in. The members exchanged worried glances, aware of the potential dangers that awaited them. Alix raised his hand, urging for silence and attention once more.

"I must emphasize that this situation could escalate into a violent conflict," Alix warned, his voice filled with a mix of caution and determination. "We must be prepared to defend what we have acquired. As cultivators from the Three Kingdoms, we are well aware of the disparities in resources and wealth compared to the factions of the Azure Continent. However, we possess something that they do not – our unity, our resilience, and our unyielding spirit."

He paused, allowing his words to resonate with his members. The room grew tense as they absorbed the weight of the upcoming challenge.

"Our mission is clear," Alix declared, his voice firm. "We will protect this item at all costs. We will stand together, shoulder to shoulder, against any force that dares to challenge us. Our strength lies not in material riches but in our unwavering determination and the bonds we share as a family. Remember, it is not the size of our treasures, but the depth of our resolve that defines us."

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