I Can Copy And Evolve Talents

Chapter 206 Arduous Expedition Ahead

Chapter 206 Arduous Expedition Ahead

Raven gently lowered the beautiful oracle onto the stony ground in a cave.

The entrance of the cave was a vast, cavernous opening that led into an underground realm of towering, twisted formations resembling tree trunks or roots, creating an intricate and almost organic-looking architecture.

At the center of this subterranean marvel lay a sunken pathway, guiding them deeper into the mysteries that awaited within.

Earthy tones of brown and ochre hues surrounded the terrain, giving the cavern a sense of age and antiquity.

Northern stood at the entrance of the cavern with his arms folded, observing the sloppy and dark depth.

The glow of the sun was slightly scorching beneath the Eternal Twilight.

As to whether that was because of the nature of the terrain they now found themselves in or it was just the passage of time, he did not know.

There were fewer trees and vegetation to absorb the heat of the daystar in this area.

But the day was slowly progressing into the afternoon, so it was really tough to decide.

He pushed the pointless worry behind his back as Raven stood up and laid a slightly worried gaze on Terence.

"You seem like you're used to this situation."

Raven answered him, looking at Terence.

"Terence is special... she can see things."

Northern frowned a bit.

"What things?"

Raven finally removed her eyes from Terence and looked at Northern.

"Inhumane things..."

He raised a brow.

"Like, visions..."

Raven shook her head slightly.

"Visions would be better."

She turned to the depth of the cave and stared deep for a couple of seconds before she turned to Northern and asked:

"How good are your eyes in the dark?"

"As good as yours?"

Raven shook her head slightly.

"My eyes are bad in the dark..."

"Then do you want me to summon a source of light?" He raised one hand, ready to manifest the orb of light on his palm.

"No, we'll get busted if you do that," she narrowed her eyes a little, sparing a quick glance to the depth of the cave.

"This path is our chance to enter the Slorian stronghold without being discovered."

"And you can't see in the dark?"

Raven smiled a bit.

"Since my ability has more to do with light, darkness is a really fatal weakness for me."

'How ironic... considering her black hair and red eyes.'

"How ironic, considering my black hair and red eyes... is probably what you are thinking."

Northern jerked his back with a little frown.

"What the hell, you can read minds?"

"No," she smiled again, but it was pale and ghostly, "everyone has the same reaction when I tell them my talent has to do with light."

"Ah, I see..." Northern nodded.

Then he leaned away from the wall and unfolded his arms.

"How then do you plan to pass this depth with such bad vision?"

"Well, for one, I thought you were going to have better vision than I, considering that your eyes are blue and beautiful."

Northern immediately felt something shake his entire body.

'Eh? No, no, no, no, you can't fall for that!'

No one had ever called his eyes beautiful!

But still, it felt almost unpleasant... like he had just lost his place as the man.

'How can she even say something like that so casually? Besides, why the fuck did that even touch me? Am I that lacking romantically, that I'd fall for a small compliment? Come on Northern, you're not a kid!'

Only at times like this does he remembers he's old.

Northern furrowed his brows darkly to tell her off without necessarily saying it.

"Well, I do have great sight. They are nothing to boast of though."

"Good. Then you'll practically be leading us through the cave," she uttered with a strange smile curled on her lips.

Something did not just settle well with Northern.

With an inquisitive raise of his face, he asked:

"How bad is your eyesight?"

"Very bad. I'm practically blind. I have to rely on my sense of sound and smell. But in usual cases, all I just have to do is have a source of light around, I'll be fine. This time, however, we can't do that... we need to be stealthy about our entry."

"I see..."

His eyes grew distant as he digested all that she said, then they suddenly narrowed. He looked at her suspiciously for a couple of beats and then asked:

"Wait, so you want me to believe that you cannot see at all, but will trust me to lead us into that dark tunnel? Me, who is a stranger you just met like a week ago?"

"Does it matter? Our interests align, and you'll do anything to protect me since you want the airship so much. That is how you will be able to return home, isn't it?"

Northern chuckled, almost staggering back. He nodded his head slightly.

"Okay, okay, I get what you are saying, but you are being very wrong in your calculations, Raven. It seems like you have me all figured out, and that fact is very annoying. So beware, I can decide to surprise you anytime."

With a barely visible smile, she nodded her head.

"I'll keep that in mind."

She turned her gaze to Terence and brought them back to him, lingering before asking.

Northern almost could tell what she wanted to say.

"Would you be willing to carry Terence, since you can see better? All you need to do is hold my hand and lead the way."

'I knew it!'

It was not like he could refuse anyway.

The situation demanded it.

But it was getting quite inconvenient.

'Our journey has not even started, and she's being a deadweight already.'

Northern walked forward and carried Terence; he didn't need help raising her to his back.

He just crouched in front of her, grabbed her legs while Raven leaned her seemingly lifeless body towards his back.

He adjusted the rest as he stood up.

He sucked in a great deal of air as he felt her small breast press against his back.

His face was getting red.

'Tighten my anus! Holy thoughts alone.'

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, definitely."

"Okay then."

She stretched her hand for him to hold.

"Should we move then?"

Northern looked at the exposed hand, protruded out of the leather vambraces of her armor; they were olive and tainted with callouses.

He slowly moved his hand and held them, met with a rough and hardened palm unlike what he had thought. Northern could tell she was going to be a very strong fighter.

This, after all, had to be proof of so much hard work.

'Crap, I can't believe I'm holding a girl's hand, and another one is on my back. What am I, a babysitter?'

Northern smacked his teeth silently.

'No doubt about it, this expedition was a very bad idea.'

He walked forward, leading them deeper into the cave.

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