I Can Copy And Evolve Talents

Chapter 187 The Transaction

Chapter 187 The Transaction


Name: [Lullaby Of Seleane]

Type: [Charm]

Rank: [Heroic]

Order: [VI]

Description: [A bride given to the sea urchin sang her last song of death... it was beautiful and enchanting. Even in her departing, she left her treasured ones with melodies of love]

Charm Abilities: [Star-Eyed], [Overseer's Might], [Nine Lives], [Song of Seas], [Breathe of Seas], [Lost Path]

First of all.

The fact that he saw the information regarding the item just as he normally would if the item was his once again proved Ellis' ability to be amazing!

Northern couldn't help but bless the day they met.

In fact, his momentary sentiment made him look at Ellis with shining eyes.

Causing the latter to frown in confusion, "What? The decision is yours to make... I can't do that to him."

Of course, Ellis would have thought that Northern wanted him to check the abilities of the item before they went further with any negotiations.

But for someone who had offended Hao once already, this was unfair.

So, he was pretty determined not to.

Northern looked back at the item nonchalantly. He knew what direction Ellis' line of thought had taken, but right now, he didn't care. He didn't care about any misunderstanding at all!

Because this amulet in front of him was indeed a Heroic rank item with six orders. Six!

If he gained this, it would be the best item in his soul shelf.

'Calm down, let's not rush this... let me stylishly inspect the orders.'

Northern focused his eyes on the necklace, internally using the [See] ability.

The panel reappeared about it. But that was all.

No matter how much he tried to look down, squinted his eyes and activated it over and over again, nothing happened.

Time was now beginning to go, and the eerie silence in the small hut was beginning to get bothersome.

So Hao had to ask:

"So what's ya decision? Ya getting it or nay?"

Northern was left in a dilemma.

'It's cool... but all my items?'

While he had seen some signs that this was undoubtedly going to be an impressive item, he still thought giving all his items just for this one was too much.

He finally removed his eyes from the necklace and turned to Hao.

"I know this item is amazing, as you have said. But all my items, isn't that too much?"

Hao folded his arms, "This item is just as important. It's a real treasure, ya'know."

Hao paused for a second and continued.

"The only reason why I'm showing it to ya is because ya brat managed to impress me."

'...geez, sometimes his accent can be tiring to listen to...'

Not like he could dare complain to his face.

Hao had a distinct accent in his tongue, even though they all spoke a common language.

It is true that natives of Stelia did have an accent that hinted took the grammar construction and even some certain use of words down another path from what people of the Central Plains knew.

But Hao's was extreme, hinting at a more deeper origin than just anyone.

Northern couldn't quite pinpoint the feeling, but he knew Hao was a different man. Sort of like a gem perhaps.

"Fine. I'll give ya one more item... it's not as impressive as this, but it's also impressive."

Northern nodded quickly with a big smile on his face.

Hao exhaled and walked to the side of the shelf. He bent down and pulled out a box which he opened, and then after a couple of navigating through a noisy sound of metal, he stood up with something in his hands.

Northern's brow drifted up in puzzlement.

It was a black cloth, like a rag in fact. But before he judged, he used [See].

'Having this ability really does make a lot of things easier for me-'


Name: [Shadow Cloak]

Type: [Charm]

Rank: [Arcane]

Order: [III]

Description: [One time, the shadows were a veil that walked amidst men, they dressed and moved as one of us. However, they were betrayed]

Charm Abilities: [Frigid Darkness], [Black Veil], [Shadow Step]


This was another gem!

But more than that, something particularly bugged Northern's mind, that even made his celebration short-lived.

'Why does the description sound like it's being narrated by a man... is this a new thing or I've just not been noticing...'

"So, what do ya think?"

Northern nodded and gave a thumbs up, "I think I'll take the two."

"For all ya items," Hao added.

"Yes. For all my items," Northern responded, a small smile leaving its traces on his face.

He moved his eyes to Ellis and nodded. Immediately, Ellis stepped forward and summoned a sword first.

The transaction continued while Northern continued to look around the place.

While they were amazing, he felt Hao was being sincere.

Those two were really his best items.

'But why would he just give them to me like that...' he wondered.

Seriously, it was beginning to seem shady now that he thought about it.

'Am I being led into some kind of trap? Come to think of it, his actions since the beginning have been suspicious. I mean, he brought us to some strange place outside the capital city.'

"Ha, quite interesting, these are actually interesting items. I'm not disappointed."

Northern turned to Hao as he made the comment.

"Can I have mine now?" He asked politely.

"Ah, yes," Hao took the robe first and passed it to Northern.

Immediately, Northern could feel an addition in his soul. It wasn't a feeling that could be put into words, it was a feel every drifter knew.

Then Hao took the amulet, he looked at the sparkling silver pendant and sighed, then passed it to Northern.

'I can tell it hurts him to pass it...'

The Charm item was amazing enough already, and if by further inspection, it turned out to be more amazing, it meant Hao had indeed given him a great treasure.

Which furthermore reinforced the question.


Northern, for a couple of minutes, stared tentatively at Hao, who was just doing his thing, packing back the boxes.

Ellis moved closer to him and whispered:

"Is everything okay? Your glare is piercing..."

"Yeah, I know..." Northern dismissed the necklace in his hand, as he had done with the cloth earlier, then he folded his arms.

A couple of beats later, his voice rang out:


"What?" Hao responded as he crouched and pushed the box back beneath the shelf.

Northern's brow slowly furrowed as his lips parted.


"Hey..." Ellis silently urged him.

But Northern completely ignored him, his eyes fixed on Hao's back.

"Why are you doing this? I don't understand why you will give your best possessions to someone you barely even know."

Ellis felt like he was going to die of a heart attack one day...

'Why....why...why do you have to ask that?!'

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