I Can Copy And Evolve Talents

Chapter 169 Plights Of A Drifter

Chapter 169 Plights Of A Drifter

"I hope you really know what you are doing? You messed with Braham Lockson, that guy is a pain for even me to deal with."

Northern tilted his head a little bit, "What is it about that hypocrite that makes you think I am in a ditch?"

Annette couldn't believe the words Northern was uttering; either he was blind to his situation, or he was simply arrogant.

"Northboy! You are in a ditch! Can't you see where you are staying right now?"

Northern looked at the floor of the dungeon and wrinkled his nose; he raised his head back to meet Annette's eyes.

"It's only temporary, don't worry about it. Just take care of yourself. Oh, and I think I might need information on what is going on, whatever happens from now on. Can you please help me with that, Master Annette?"

Northern sounded so genuine and respectful that Annette couldn't find it in herself to turn him down; she exhaled.

"But what would it change?"

Northern smiled; at this point, his face was already getting used to the smile and portraying him to be a cute little devilish thing.

"That will determine whether I endure staying here or I ask them to provide me another room. A more comfortable one."

Annette's only brow drifted upwards, "You really are a clown, aren't you?"

Northern shook his head dismissively, "Nah, I'm not that impressive."

Annette sighed again, then set her eyes on Northern with a soft sigh.

"If you really are set on doing whatever you are doing, then I guess I should stop worrying myself."

Northern smiled, "I appreciate your concern over me. But I'll be fine. You guys have a Terror to deal with."

She looked at him seriously for a couple of seconds.

In that couple of seconds, Northern immediately tried to use [See] on her.

And the result?

[Your rank is too low to view the profile of this individual.]

'I see... so it really doesn't work on higher ranks.'

Most likely because there's a two-rank gap between the two of them. Annette is a Vagrant rank; a master, while he is only a drifter.

Which confirms the fact that Raven could also be a master.

'But how... in the world is that even possible?'

Except if she was going around killing thousands of monsters, it made no sense that she became a master in just six months.

'Ah, crap, I'm so motivated to get stronger right now.'

He hated seeing that thing:

[Your rank is too low to view the profile of this individual.]

It sort of told him, 'Hey, dude, you are still weak compared to some people.'

Northern doubted if he'd lose in a fight with her, but as long as this was about a master, there are variables that he'd never see coming.

He has a wide arsenal of skills, and the most powerful could finish things before they even started.

But that would leave him in a very chaotic state. So, unless he had a way to deal with the aftermath of using [Chaos], he couldn't dare to use the skill right now.

So, that one was out of the question.

There was also using Dark Terror or taking on the soul of Koll on himself.

Even if he takes on the soul of Koll, in the end, it boils down to his own level of skill and experience.

Would he be able to defeat someone who rose from a drifter to a master in six months?

And who's to say that Raven is incapable of defeating Dark Terror?

'She looks like big trouble, to be honest.'

Northern couldn't deny this strange feeling he had... that if his circumstances were given to her, she'd have come out alive... maybe even stronger than he is.

He had never crossed swords with her; in fact, he didn't know her or her personality.

But his intuition was incredibly cautious against her; she made him uncomfortable in all possible ways.

And he didn't like it. That was why he had to go for whatever she wanted him to go for.

He had to see for himself, what kind of monster she is.

And in order for that to happen, this situation had to be handled perfectly.

Even though he was going to be sowing discord among them all, he didn't care; they looked like they already believed it.

'I mean, they even raised a curfew...'

So why not give it to them for real?

Annette, after her silence, had nothing more to say to Northern; he had proven that he was going to continue being stubborn.

All she could do now is help him with information as he had asked.

She glared at Ellis, then drifted her eyes to Northern, who was sitting beside him.

"Take care of yourself."

With that, she made a sharp turn and headed down to the tunnel where she came from, the sound of her footsteps echoing away.

"Damn, she really is a worrywart," Northern commented beneath his lips.

Ellis was politely sitting, with his hands on his thighs. Northern's statement of fearing him continued to bug his mind.

'Was he offended that I spoke like that... will he kill me... darn it! Why do I have to speak like that?!'

His thoughts were all over the place. Northern, in that brief moment, had been the person he always knew but had forgotten—perhaps due to familiarity.

And now, he couldn't help but feel very stupid... and fearful.

But he still wanted to know something regardless.

He fisted his hand and silently clenched it, then he raised his head.

He slowly turned to Northern but with a sheepish smile.

"Uhm, Sir Northern... may I... can I ask, what it is exactly you're planning?"

Northern closed his eyes and allowed a smug grin to break out of his face.

"What I am planning, huh..." the grin proceeded into a giggling, one that moved his shoulders.

Northern stood up, a smile still plastered to his face, he stood by the wall adjacent to the mattress, facing the opposite wall, then he summoned:

"Dark Terror."

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