I Can Copy And Evolve Talents

Chapter 160 Hao The Short Giant

Chapter 160 Hao The Short Giant

Ellis and Northern walked freely towards the castle gate. They were very close to the gate when Ellis stopped.

"Ah, that's right. There's someone I wanted you to meet."

Northern paused and looked at him, "Who?"

"When it comes to item dealings, he's still the best. He's a traveler. He often goes to Sloria for sales purposes and also helps the party leaders and Sage Gilbert to procure whatever they need. Compared to random people, he has good and useful stuff."

Northern nodded his head minutely and then shrugged.

"Okay then, since you insist that this person is good, I can't say otherwise. Let's go see him," he said to Ellis.

"Alright... okay..." Ellis responded but stood still.

Northern observed the boy with squinted eyes. He lingered for a few seconds and saw that Ellis was really reluctant to go, then he asked:

"What's wrong? Have you been in some trouble with this one too?"

Ellis fidgeted a little, and hiccupped.

"It's not like I am in trouble with him. He just really intimidates me," he replied, with a sour expression.

Northern raised his chin and observed the boy again, then he shook his head with a small scoff.

"I don't understand why you'll be intimidated by anyone."

Ellis managed to crease out a deep frown, "You'll see when we get there..."

Northern stared at him with a downturn lips, "Isn't that if you manage to take us there... with how scared you're being right now."

"Fine, you'll see." Ellis threw his face forward and finally put his legs to work.

They didn't cross the gate; instead, they turned left, walking in between the castle wall and the nearest tent shelters that were built in front of each other.

It made the way cramped, but it was still passable, well, the pungent and irritating odor would have to be excused.

Northern has usual found that hard to deal with, even with a wrinkled nose.

'Crap, the situation here is even worse than it looks.'

People in the outskirts of the castle, it's probably reasonable to say that they were in a worse living condition than people in the castle.

Although inside the castle wasn't that impressive too, Northern believed there was the blighted area and a place for the upper echelon.

Where Ellis lived was probably the former, because it wasn't that different from this place. Just indoors, perhaps even worse – narrow hallway, disgusting odor.

At least this place was out in the open.

After a while, they stopped in front of a large building.

"We are here."

Northern raised his eyes as Ellis announced.

It was a tall spire, constructed with stone, although green overgrowth had covered most of what should be of stone surface.

The building was tall and slightly degraded, making it look like a relic of history, a place that was once.

Northern and Ellis climbed the winding stairs, walking up to the small hill where this building sat, just behind the corner of the castle wall.

It was surrounded by other decrepit buildings, although scanty and trees stood like guardians around it.

Northern couldn't help but think, 'This is one hell of a place!'

It's hard to think a nice place like this would be in the outskirts.

But it was understandable, it's probably a tower that worked in one relation with the castle.

'I hear kingdoms have what they call towers... Looks nice.'

This was Northern's first time seeing one; he even does not know their function.

Ellis stood in front of the wooden door, breathing in and out a couple of times.

Northern watching him from behind shook his head, 'This guy is hopeless.'

He trudged forward and banged his knuckles on the door, knocking hard.

Ellis immediately freaked out, throwing his hands to stop Northern, but with a glare, he squirmed away like a squid.

Northern knocked hard one more time again and awaited a response.

After a couple of minutes, there was no response. Just when he was about to knock again.


Everywhere started to shake. Northern immediately frowned, looked at the ground and looked around him.

'What is happening?'

The ground was shaking heavily as if some giant was walking on it.

'...a giant?'

Ellis shivered, "I-I-I tried to warn you not to bang his door."

Northern turned his face around in a fierce scowl, "Say one more thing, I'll make you regret it."

'Tch, he's so annoying... gets scared at every thing.'

The tremor continued, jacking Northern out of his head, now its intensity had grown, almost as if the floor was going to crack and fall anytime soon.

Northern stood cautiously, his eyes locked on the door, Ellis standing five meters behind him.

The wooden door finally creaked open.

At first, Northern didn't see anything but pure darkness... until his eyes glided down, and there he was.

A man... a very short man, he barely even reached Northern's knees.

Northern raised a brow and turned to Ellis. The poor boy bit his lips and rigorously shook his head at Northern.

'What the hell?'

The whole situation was shocking and had somehow become awkward for Northern.

Ellis was there acting like he had seen a vicious monster, but before his eyes was a short man that opened the door to the castle.

However, one thing was amiss.

'Who was causing the ground to tremble?' Northern inquired internally. He raised his brow and looked down at the man that was glaring at him.

Then he shook his head with a scoff, 'Nah, it can't be him.'

"This one is too short to be causing such large tremors..." Northern said beneath his lips and scoffed.

"Huh? Twerp! Who are ya calling short?!" The short man dashed forward, causing the earth to shake heavily.

He jumped into the air—reaching Northern's stomach—and threw a straight kick that caused Northern to fold like a piece of paper and immediately fly away, rolling down the hill.

Ellis gulped and bowed ninety degrees immediately the short man's eyes turned to him.

"He'd be lucky if he's still alive. Ya seem respectful, what ya here for..."

Ellis felt a pearl of sweat roll down his temple, 'I'm so relieved he didn't recognize me...'

Still bowing his head, Ellis responded politely, "I've come to take a look at the auction... also I have some amazing items I'd love to exchange."

"Hmm... follow me..."

He turned around and was about to step inside when he suddenly paused and turned back.

He narrowed his eyes for a moment, the next moment he widened them.

'Impossible!' His mind cried as his eyes beheld Northern walking towards them.

'How? He might not have died, but he should have passed out? How is he walking like he's fine after receiving my earth-

shattering kick?!'

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