I Can Copy And Evolve Talents

Chapter 148 Cleaning Up Brimfield Estate [part 2]: Evil Somebody

Chapter 148 Cleaning Up Brimfield Estate [part 2]: Evil Somebody

Northern remained motionless for a couple of beats, then relinquished his grip on the Mortal Blade, allowing it to disintegrate into black sparks.

He swung both arms forward in arcing motions, two daggers materializing as they whipped through the air.

Then he crossed them before his body, clutching two sharp, crude-looking daggers that appeared ravenous for blood.

The atmosphere seemed to thicken as Northern and Mr. Fluffy awaited the approaching horde of Bulfors.

Their thunderous footfalls caused the very ground beneath Northern and Mr. Fluffy to tremble violently, as if an earthquake were imminent. Or perhaps it was one.

Northern's fingers tightened around the hilts of both stilettos, his gaze locked on the oncoming horde.

His azure eyes gleamed subtly as his eyeballs flitted swiftly from one target to the next – as they advanced.


In an instant, Northern had identified six initial monsters he would deal a deathblow.

And had already—with the aid of the Unseeing Eyes—devised the optimal point of death for each of them.

The undeniable truth is... in his mind, they were already deceased.


He took off like a gale, shreds of flames cloaking him as he dashed across the distance in an instant, reaching his first target with the swiftness of a breeze.

He twirled his dagger, burying it into the monster's torso.

Gripping the other dagger, he swung his arm upward, cleaving the other side of the beast in a linear spray of black blood.

Then, in a swift blur of motion, he spun and slit the monster's throat.

His visage was indiscernible—he had already moved on to the next target.

His dagger was a blur of wind as it pierced the brain of the monster (just below its horn).

Northern flung the other dagger, nailing it away with a kick without even glancing at its trajectory.

Now, he had already seized the monster's horn.

He wrenched out the stiletto, causing the unfortunate Bulfor to emit a guttural cry, almost like that of a failed berserker... if such a thing existed.

With a clench of his hands on the monster's horn, it cracked, and a little more force would shatter it. But Northern seemed unconcerned.

He yanked the monster toward him, snatched his dagger, and stabbed it repeatedly in the abdomen as if he were a psychopathic serial killer performing his 'delicate' operations.

His strikes were frighteningly precise and calculated. Each one sank viciously into the wound, digging deeper with every swing of his arm.

The Bulfor thrashed and shrieked, flailing its limbs futilely at Northern as he continued his relentless assault.

Blood gushed viciously from the wound, spraying across Northern's armor, but he remained unflinching, his focus unwavering.

Then he finally allowed the monster to embrace death, flowing like water into the grasp of the next one.

His dagger pierced into its eyes, abandoning the stiletto. Northern pulled both hands back and exhaled a steamy breath.

The moment seemed to slow down in extra effort to add tension to the scene...

Then a ferocious and feral round of battering commenced:

His hands were swift, uncatchable, lashing onto the chest of the monster with the speed of a striking cobra, delivering blow after blow with unrelenting force and maddening focus!

The blinded and disoriented Bulfor thrashed wildly, throwing its muscular limbs in desperate attempts to make contact.

But Northern was unrelentingly vicious, slamming his fists into the monster's torso with bone-shattering force.

With a final blow, the monster was sent hurtling backward.

A second later, Northern was upon its lifeless figure lying on the ground.

He dislodged his dagger and stabbed it into the jaw of the monster right in front of him.

Then he crudely wrenched the second dagger from the shoulder region of the same monster, tearing its tendons asunder.

Northern launched himself into the air and delivered a 360-

degree kick, sending it careening through the horde.

He twirled both stilettos once more and hurled them like darts, then dashed forward, several shards of black light appearing on both his arms.

With a silver sword in one hand and a ghostly fine blade in the other, Northern closed the distance and swung outward in cross arcs, inflicting crude lacerations on the bodies of both monsters.

Then he released both swords, returning them to the embrace of his soul, grasped the taut arms of both monsters, and forcefully pulled them toward each other, smashing their frames together.

He dislodged both daggers, shifted to one side, and rained battering slashes on one monster.

Then, with a final swing across the neck, rendered the Bulfor voicelessly dying.

He shifted sideways again and twirled the dagger in the air (just above his palm), caught it back, and shot it into the eyes of the other Bulfor, adding one more with his other hand.

With both eyes blinded, the Bulfor lashed out with unbridled wildness and ferality.

'Looks like their reaction to blindness is all the same.'

A vicious grin caressed Northern's lips as he slowly moved his hand and touched the monster's head (between its horns).

Northern, from the moment the Bulfors were rushing towards him, had activated the Unseeing Eyes, which caused their movements to slow down before his gaze.

If he wanted to, at that moment, he could have dealt with all six, even ten... if he so desired.

But [Li'ae'l: Eyes Of The Unseeing] was an ability that granted an unnatural boost to his physical power, albeit for a limited duration.

He could have ended it within that duration if he wished to; it would have been much swifter.

But Northern voted against the idea. While it granted him an enhancement, he thought to keep that as a trump card.

And witness how fast and far he could push himself.

And more beautifully, Northern's awareness of the space around him grew more vivid with each use of his eyes and body.

It was becoming a function of his entirety rather than solely of the eyes.

It was a sweet sensation to be aware of his surroundings without having to directly look at them.

It was insanely sweet!

With ferocious glee ignited in the depths of his azure eyes, Northern uttered coldly:


A ferocious black flame enveloped the beast, causing it to wail and dance erratically.

Northern watched, chuckling as the monster stumbled backward, rolling into the others, and the flame caught onto another Bulfor, and another... before long, his environment was simmering with black flames.

All this... transpired in a mere thirty seconds. Thirty. Seconds.

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