I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 172: Xiao Xue's Test

Chapter 172: Xiao Xue's Test

Placing a hand on Xiao Xue's shoulder, I decided to dodge the topic as much as I could. "Why don't we talk about it later?" I asked, wearing my calm and composed face. It's not like I wanted to reject him in  joining my Sect, it's just that, I know that he's still in the King Realm and no matter how strong he is (even if you consider the genius control he has over his Qi Core and Ice Element), the crux of the matter is, he's weak.

So weak.

Don't misunderstand Xiao Xue, I know that you'll be a fine addition to the Sect because you're a genius. Even with your cultivation, you can make Immortal Realm Cultivators lick their own feet in defeat. But the thing is, you do have a slow growth, and if you can't overcome that, then you won't be able to catch up with everyone.

Thinking about Xiao Xue's potential made me realize that he was just like me in the past. Just like him, I was the weakest of the bunch, with the weakest cultivation level and weakest control over the element. But after undergoing very harsh and grueling training, I became what I am now and more. Well, a good chunk of my cultivation was lost when I got infected but the knowledge I learned throughout the past helped me catch up, courtesy of the System. That's why, even though all my guts wanted to turn him down and send him away, I decided to give him a chance in hopes that he will unlock his hidden potential. 

"Xiao Xue, come here." I called out before he could exit the room we were in.

Accessing my storage ring, I immediately snatched a few Frozen Mist Essences from it. There were a dozen in total. "Take this." I continued. "This is a test for you before you can join my Sect."

Seeing the Frozen Mist Essences in his hands made Xiao Xue's eyes bawl out in shock. It was probably his first time seeing Essences since they were rare as it is. And now he was presented a dozen of them. It's probably the same feeling when you've never seen a rabbit in your whole life and suddenly you have twelve of them in your backyard.

"Sect Ma er I mean, Yongrui, I can't possibly accept this. These are all precious Essences that not a lot of people have. Ever since the outbreak started, the production of Essences has dwindled and now it is sold at such high prices. That's why I can't possibly accept such a fortune."

I continued speaking. Regardless of what he said, I'm still giving him the Frozen Mist Essences to prove that a slow growth in cultivation is not a disadvantage.

"Before I tell you anything about your test, how solid is your Qi Core?" I asked.

"About the size of a coin. No matter how hard I tried to condense my Qi Core, it won't go smaller than a coin." Xiao Xue wore a troubled face as if he just told me something shameful.

"Why do you look so worried. It's an undeniable feat that you were able to condense your Qi Core to such a size. Now, all you need is to absorb more Qi Energy and condense it. Once you do that, you'll skip levels and enter the Immortal Realm or higher than that." 

"Now, for your test, I'm assuming you already have an inkling as to what it would be? Fret not, it won't be as difficult as it may seem." I continued as I forcefully gave him the dozen Frozen Mist Essences.

For fear that he might drop them, he had no choice but to accept it with both hands.

"I will give you five days, just five days to get to the Immortal Realm. You're already on the Fifth or was it Sixth-level of the King Realm? This time, I want you to cultivate and reach the Immortal Realm in five days. Those Frozen Mist Essences will provide you the additional Qi Energy you need so you'll find them useful."

"If you can achieve this simple task, I will allow you to become my disciple. If not, then I hope you'll continue to grow stronger. But that doesn't mean you can't apply for a second time to be my disciple, just remember that I'll have another test ready when that time comes... I'm sure you won't allow that, no?"

Xiao Xue clenched his fists and renewed determination was written all over his face. I can already tell what he was thinking 'I can do this! I can't mess this up!' or something along those lines.

"I will do my best and exceed your expectations, Sect Master." Xiao Xue continued.

"Call me that once you've completed the test." I told him. "Oh, and also, keep in mind that the Frozen Mist Essence should be diluted before you can use it. if you used it as it is, your Qi Cores might not survive the ridiculous amount of Qi Energy you'll absorb. Use it wisely and pace yourself, you have five days after all."

"I will keep it to heart. Once again, I offer my sincerest gratitude for your gifts, Sect Master." He continued.

Before I could tell him again that he shouldn't be calling me that yet, he was already on the other side of the door with the widest grin I've seen him wear. I didn't know that such a small gesture would make his day. Perhaps I should keep note of this and try it on my future disciples.

However, one thing he said bothered me a little bit. If it were true that Essences were scarce these days and I'm the only one who has most of them. Then that means I'll run out of it soon enough. This is a problem.



A deep resounding sound of a gong echoed throughout the Red Sea Auction House. In a split of a second, the chatters and noise was hushed as a figure in a red robe entered the middle part of the Auction House.

"Yongrui, it's starting!" Shi Meili called out, gesturing that Is it on the chair already.

I nodded.

Personally, I'm not a fan of auction houses since it shows how greedy someone could be. It is also a way of displaying someone's wealth and how much money they could get out of their pockets. Aside from that, the priceless treasures and items to be sold are random meaning that an auction could have ten treasures while the next auction could have all trash. It's this unpredictable state of an auction that makes me not want to participate in it. But then again, the satisfaction you receive when competing with others for a special item is something that everyone enjoys. As for me, I don't enjoy it, not in the least bit.

One may ask why I'm currently attending an Auction when I personally don't like it a bit. But it's all because of formality. I want to stay in the good side of the Red Sea Shelter so my disciples' Tang Shelter can ask a favor from him when the time comes.

And also, I want to see just how much my Spirit Beast Cores would sell. Usually the price at an auction would just increase to crazy amounts once they've realized the value of the item. A single Titanium-Rank Spirit Beast Core may cost at least 1000 gold but that's just the starting bid price. If it's a legitimate Beast Core that has a 100% chance of producing a Spirit Beast for someone to fuse with, then the price might climb up to 2000 to 3000 gold coins. Just as Shen Rong had said before, it all depends on the rarity and the appearance of the Spirit Beast contained in the Spirit Beast Qi Core.

Last but not the least, I have 20000 gold in my pockets. Since I'm half rabid human and I don't need human sustenance that much, I don't know where I'd spend that much money. That's why this auction is timely. I can finally spend my money on some things that would catch my eye.

"I am Shen Rong and today we will begin the Annual Red Sea Auction." He bellowed. "Today, I have with me one of the most famous merchants of the Red Sea Shelter, Ling-long Ling! He will be our Auctioneer this year. "

A semi-muscular man with a scrawny build entered the middle area of the auction house. He was dressed with a tuxedo as he held a metal cane in his hands. "Pleased to be of service, Shen Rong. I've checked the catalog today and... need I say that there are a lot of interesting products this time around."

"Well then, Ling, I hope you make this auction more interesting than last year." Shen Rong called out, shaking his hands before sitting on the seat nearby. He then nodded towards Ling, implying that the auction has commenced.

"Once again everyone! Welcome to the Annual Red Sea Auction!" Ling bowed towards the audience as he received a well-timed applause.

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