I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 164: Pain Nullification

Chapter 164: Pain Nullification

Perspiration continuously trickled on my face and body, making me resemble a merman who just came out of the water. Now that I'm already on the last twenty steps before I could get to the top of the Void Tower, the pressure was so intense that it took all my strength to keep my knees from buckling. I had no idea that it would be this hard. If the initial parts of the ladders were hard enough, then I couldn't even begin to describe my current situation.

A moment ago, every step upwards of the spiraling ladder only increases the Qi Energy Pressure. But now, the Qi Energy Pressure was not the only one increasing. Even the temperature of the surrounding area cruelly increased the more I go up. This caused me to remove my shirt and sweat profusely. Right now, the current temperature was way beyond the boiling point of water and my sweat was beginning to evaporate as soon as it came out of my skin. I clenched my teeth as I circulated my Qi Energy around my Holy Core, trying to heal every burn that I suffered from my body. But even with all that, the difficulty of trying to survive was just increasing as time went on.

Right now, there aren't any chances of recovering before ascending, unlike the lower steps on the ladders. The only thing I could do was try to survive long enough until my constitution gets used to the feeling. And once I accomplished that, that's when I'll attempt to climb another step.

Time remaining 00:19:18:92

I have less than nineteen minutes left. I may be behind schedule but I know I'd be able to reach the top if I don't panic and doubt myself. Just as I said before, my constitution might be able to fend off the Qi Energy Pressure and survive the next step. As soon as I get used to it, I'm going to take another step upwards. It may feel uncomfortable but this is just a test. It's not impossible to get to the top since a human once made this dungeon. I just have to use all the resources I obtained and try to keep everyone else safe.

Well, that's easy for me to say. Even with the twenty steps left, I knew that I was already nearing my limits. If I don't finish soon then it's only a matter of time before I neared my limits and collapse from the pressure. I'm running out of options here.

"Yongrui, let's just get out of here. It's impossible to reach the top with the little time we have left." Hui-ying concernedly said in my mind as if she was pacing back and forth.

"No, I can still do it," I responded, clenching my fists as I took another step up.

This time, I completely collapsed on the ground because of the intense pressure. I grunted as I tried to stand up but the intense pressure just pressed me down even further, making me kiss the surface of that certain step on the ladder. There were still nineteen steps left and I'm barely even moving.

My mind kept on nudging me to just go down and abandon the quest halfway. With the way things are, right now. It was obvious that I wouldn't be able to make it to the top. However, I ignored the warning signs in my mind and continued on, climbing another step without even caring for the drawback that would hit me.

A mouthful of blood escaped my mouth as I was pressed to the 'ground' yet again. However, this time was different. I didn't let my momentum get the better of me and I managed to stick my knee out to prevent myself from falling. Now in a half-kneeling position, it became easier for me to stand up and take another step forward.

I gritted my teeth as my strength was drained in my body. My Qi Cores were already working beyond their limits, trying to balance the pressure and the strength my body was currently experiencing. My body felt like every atom of it is fighting against the laws of nature and I have no idea how to stop that weird feeling. I also have no idea how I'll stop myself from dying since I'm already on the verge of exploding due to the intense pressure and increased heat.

Am I approaching the sun? To me, that's what it felt like every time I took a step forward. But my effort wasn't in vain, however. Once I get to the last ten steps, my body got used to the Pressure. With that window of opportunity in front of me, I immediately tried to regain control over my body and my Qi Cores.

To my surprise, it worked. Although my body was already about to crumble down and my Qi Cores were about to enter a state of agitation, I managed to calm both of them down. I heaved a sigh of relief as I rested on the 'step' where I currently was.

Time remaining 00:03:21.67

"Yongrui, you have to turn back, you can't make it!" Hui-ying was now shouting in my mind.

Of course! I could see that! But I've already gotten this far. If I don't see this through the end, then what am I even doing here? "If the time limit drops to zero and I still can't make it out of here, then I'm blaming everything on you, Hui-ying. You made this Void Tower/Dungeon so difficult to clear that even the number one genius cultivator couldn't clear it." I teased as a smirk formed on my lips.

"B-but! Yongrui! Stop joking around. You really can't do it. You have to go back and get out of here. It wouldn't be worth it if you end up in a different timeline. All our efforts would just go down the drain just like that." Hui-ying explained. "Please, listen to me."

"We still got two minutes at most." I gritted my teeth, taking another step forward. No matter what happens, I'm clearing this no matter what. Even if I almost die. I have to do this. A chance like this would never come a second time. If I give up now, then who knows how long I'd have to wait just to encounter another memory fragment for the System.

My veins popped as the pressure finally overcame me. I tried to shriek in pain but it was to no avail. My throat was overflowing with blood that my screams just sounded like a low gurgling sound. Now that it's come to this... I can't back down now. Even if I risk my life right here and now, I'll do it. As long as I don't die, I'll be able to make it out of here. I mean, there's no way I'd die. I'm a rabid human! The greatest rabid human to ever grace the soil of the earth!

"Hui-ying, you there?"

"Yes?" Hui-ying's voice sounded like she was on the verge of tears but it was probably just me hallucinating because of the state I'm in.

Because right now, I've given up on trying to stabilize my body. The only thing that matters right now is preventing my Qi Cores from exploding. Fortunately, my Holy Qi Core is keeping things together, making it easier for me to get ahold of my other Qi Cores.

"I need your help." I continued. "You know that I can't do this without you, right?"

"No, we have to get back... Yongrui, don't overextend yourself. Don't throw your life away!"

"I'm not throwing my life away, idiot. I found a solution and I want you to trust me. If I don't have your full trust, then I doubt that we'll succeed in this quest. That's why I'm asking for your help." I responded. My voice wouldn't come out anymore so I just spoke in my head. Fortunately, Hui-ying was currently reading my mind.

"A-a-all right. What do you want me to do?"

"Do you remember the last time I asked for your help? I told you to minimize the pain I'm feeling, right? Right now, I want you to do that again with the help of the System."

"We can do at least that much. But is that the only thing you need?"

"No, I want you to completely nullify the pain I'm feeling right now." I continued. "I know I'm asking something that would absolutely put my life in danger but I want you to believe in me. Right now, I need you to nullify all my pain. In simple terms, make me numb. If you can do that, then I can finish this thing."


<Congratulations! You've obtained a new skill!>

[Skill: Pain Nullification (Active Skill)

Description: Nullifies the pain being transmitted throughout your body. Even if you're on the verge of death, you wouldn't feel anything. This skill works better than the strongest anaesthesia but it's just as dangerous. If the user is not careful, he wouldn't even feel what hit him in a life-or-death situation. Please use this skill with caution.]

<Notice: The System is asking if the Skill is to your satisfaction>


A smile formed on my face as I simulated the suicidal activity that I'm about to do. "Yes, that's more than enough." I responded as I took ten steps upwards all at once.

That's right, curse this Qi Energy Ladder!

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