I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 158: People die when...

Chapter 158: People die when...


<Blink activated!>

My vision blurred as my body suddenly teleported on top of the fallen Guardian. Down below, White was hanging onto his sword for his dear life as he tried to keep the Guardian's mouth propped open. He was gritting his teeth, making them chatter as if they were about to break.

With one smooth motion, I swung my hand and threw the condensed blood which contained the Bloodborne Poison. My aim was on-point and the Bloodborne poison squarely landed on the tongue of the Guardian. It didn't take long before the condensed blood turned into liquid, spreading the Bloodborne poison on the tongue of the Guardian.

"Grgrgrhkk~!" The Guardian tried to scream but the blood flowed on its throat, his voice becoming a weird gargling sound.

The condensed blood underwent a pretty conspicuous change as it reverted to its former amount. I knew that two pints of blood is a lot of blood but seeing it from afar, it was obvious just how much blood I lost when I concocted the poison.

"Will that really work?" White asked, regrouping with me as I landed. Unlike before, I could tell that he was having a difficult time fighting the Guardian. He was sweating to no end and moreover, he was already out of breath. Maybe his awakened form can only last him so long and maybe it was meant to be used as a final move in a fight.

"Yes, I'm sure of it. We've confirmed that the Guardian is in fact a living being, right? As long as it has blood coursing through its veins, the Bloodborne Poison will work no matter what." I explained. Even though I'm not that confident about my knowledge of poisons since the System just gave it to me through the System Shop, I decided to tell White a piece of reassurance just so he won't feel dispirited.

'Hui-ying, the System can do anything, right? Can you tell me the status of the Guardian right now?' I asked Hui-ying in my mind. After all, she was directly connected to the System and she can access its information better than me.

"Graagghh~!" The Guardian let out another scream but this time, it was a scream from pure agony.

'I don't know, Yongrui. Lately, I can't contact the System that much.' Hui-ying said. "Sure it tells me information from time to time but right now, it won't even answer whenever I try talking to it."

'Mmm, I see, it's probably resting. It's done a lot for both of us and it deserves it. However, if it's withholding some information from us, then I'll pester it once this fight is over.'

A sizzling sound suddenly interrupted my conversation with Hui-ying and what I saw in front of me made my eyes widen in shock. The Guardian, who was standing formidably just a couple of seconds ago, was already missing half of its head!

That's right, half of its head!

As it turned out, the Bloodborne poison was too potent that it quickly ate away at the Guardian's tongue, then it crawled onto the neck and ate its way upwards, leaving the Guardian howling in torment as it tried to fight the poison off. I didn't even need to see the health bar of the Guardian to be able to say that the Guardian is definitely losing a lot of health.

No, saying that this Guardian is losing health is an understatement. The Bloodborne Poison is literally eating it away like how hydrochloric acid eats through metal.

Wait, how do I know that about hydrochloric acid? Oh, maybe it's one of the useless facts that I learned after gaining some knowledge about poison. Quite surprisingly, acid is actually used in a lot of Poisons. I mean, a lot of poison in my knowledge had acid as its ingredient. It may be incredibly corrosive, but it can even be more lethal when mixed with the right chemical or herbs.

But enough about that. Right now, I should be focusing on the fight!

"Yongrui, be careful." White warned as he shook me on my shoulder. Without missing a beat, he then jumped sideways, barely avoiding the Broadaxe that the Guardian threw at us.

As for me, I almost choked on my saliva as I saw my reflection from the Broadaxe. I didn't even notice it. It didn't even take a split second for it to appear in front of me. With this, I realized that Hui-ying was right. Every time we whittle away at the Guardian's health points, the Guardian kept on climbing up the Realm ladder, making it overwhelmingly stronger as time went on.

Sure the Bloodborne poison can undoubtedly kill this Guardian... but how could we be certain that we won't be killed before it died?

Even though the Guardian lost its whole face and it couldn't scream anymore due to its damaged larynx or something, I could tell that it was still growling at us.


After throwing the Broadaxe and leaving us in a state of confusion for a few seconds, the Guardian leaped in the air and cannonball-ed right where I was standing. I saw him coming so I managed to dodge. However, the Guardian wasn't really aiming for me, it was aiming for its weapon.

"Yongrui, watch out! It's coming! You have to brace yourself! Don't lose focus!" White screamed at the other end of the room, making me blink twice in bewilderment since I didn't know what he was talking about.

And then I felt it.

The Qi Energy that the Guardian was releasing became even more opressive as he hit another threshold in his draining hp. Right now, I estimated that the Guardian's power could match twice the rank of a Transcendence Realm Cultivator. Without the Bloodborne Poison, I know that we don't stand a chance.

My eyes turned even more bloodshot as the pressure squeezed my body in all directions. I could feel my organs and bones tightening as the oppressive pressure got even more intense... ultimately, it brought me to my knees, making me curl down on the floor as I writhe in pain.

The pressure...

Blood gushed from my mouth, nose and ears as the pressure increased by the second. No matter how hard I attempted to block the pressure using my own Qi Energy, it always gets negated by the Guardian's Pressure.


I heard a metallic noise and realized that my life was in danger. My danger-sense suddenly started acting up as I got goosebumps all over my body. In a flash, I used up all my remaining strength to push my body sideways

and I managed to avoid the Broadaxe swinging down at my neck. There was only a hair's breadth of a gap between the Broadaxe and my neck. When I opened my eyes, I saw a bitemark right on my shoulder where the trapezius muscle was located. For some odd reason, my mouth formed into a smile as I remembered that someone who bit me and turned me into an infected five years ago.

From the corner of my eyes, the Guardian was standing on top of me, looking down on me even though it didn't have a head anymore. With muscles tensed, it lifted up its Broadaze which was twice my size. If the Guardian brings it down on me without reprieve, then I would probably experience a swift and painless death as I get cut lengthwise.

When I tried to move, I felt a part of my veins near my nasal cavity get raptured and blood filled my irises. Right now, I was a bundle of muscles and blood on the verge of death...

... so this is what the pressure of someone in the Middle Plane feels like. I can't even resist it.

No matter how I tried to move, my body just wouldn't respond. And to top it all off, my Qi Cores were already on the verge of exploding once again!

Ah~ how many times has this happened to me? But right now, is it really the end?

System! Do your thing!

... no response.

System? Are you there? You can't ditch me like this.

... still no response.




With a cry of despair, I felt helplessness slowly overcoming me as I started slipping into unconsciousness. I felt huge amounts of wind pressure as I imagined the Broadaxe descending upon me like a certain killing machine that is popular for cutting people's heads off. Honestly, I felt helpless a couple of times in the past... but this time... this time was the first time where I felt thiiiiis close to dying.

The pain was so torturous that I couldn't even begin to describe it.

'Yongrui! Yongrui, you have to wake up! You have to dodge this! Yongrui!'

'Can't you see I can't move? Why don't the System use that autopilot skill and take over my body? Does it want us to die right here and now?'

'Yongrui! You have to stand up! You have to do something and dodge! Yongrui! You have to move!'

With a smile, my tensed body relaxed as I accepted my fate. I didn't know what to say for my final words and I don't really have the time to think about somethi oh well, might as well go with this.

'People die... when they are killed!'


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