I Became The Villain The Hero Is Obsessed With

Chapter 290:

Chapter 290:

No, what the hell is Ariel doing here?

I was looking at Ariel, who had suddenly appeared in Busan, panicking.

No, what the hell is going on?

[It is believed that the North Atlantic Villain Organization Latis is responsible for the attack, which is being led by a blue-haired villain. It is still unclear why the Latis, who are known to have an inviolability pact with the Egostream, have invaded]

The anchors words continued to play on the television and on the screen, a tidal wave of cool blue water was crashing over the shore.

And there was our Ariel, standing tall and proud.

No, what the hell is going on?

Ariel, the daughter of Atlas, the one I saved from death in the original story, and the one who followed me everywhere I went to the deep sea city where Atlas was. She was also very fragile because she had been sick for a long time.

Anyway, I thought she was a good kid with a very good heart and a very shy person

Why is she splashing in there?

Da-in, isnt that someone you know?

Just as I was watching the TV in disbelief, Seo-eun, who looked like she had just woken up from sleep, came running over while looking at her smartphone and said.

Uh, yes, but

What the hell is she talking about, that our good, innocent Ariel would wake up and invade South Korea out of the blue?

As I watched this incomprehensible scene, I wondered if I was dreaming.

My phone rang, and it was her father.


[Uh-Egostic! Its you!]

His voice crackled through the phone.

It sounded like he was on speakerphone, so I took my ear away from the phone for a moment and asked him.

Atlas. UhAriel is here, whats going on?

I ask in a puzzled voice, and he sighs harshly, telling me with a hint of frustration.

[Ariel has stolen my army and submarine and disappeared without a word, and shes doing this! Shes been restless lately, wandering around by herself, and only left a note saying shes coming to see you Hah, shes my daughter, but I dont know what shes thinking. Ill apologize on her behalf. Ill just explain that it has nothing to do with us Latis]

I understand, Atlas.

I said with a smile, as if to reassure Atlas, who was already saying so in an angry voice.

I had a pretty good idea of what was going on.

Dont worry about Ariel, Im sure Ill be able to talk her out of it, and keep her in line.

[Will you do that? Thank you so much, haha, I feel like Im causing you nothing but trouble, but Ill make it up to you]

No, Ariel is like a niece to me, so of course I will.

Having reassured Atlas, I hung up the phone.

And then an urgent call came in from our Busan A-list hero, Lee Seola.



Lee Seolas sobbing sounded as soon as I answered the phone.

With the sound of the wind blowing around her, Lee Seola almost screamed.

[No Da0in, didnt you say that you made a treaty with Latis of that villainous Atlas, then why the hell is his daughter here.!!]

Thats right.

I said, rising to my feet, meanwhile, Lee Seolas voice continued.

[No, first of all, you know Da-inYou have to do something about this, can you stop her?]

Listening to her almost crying voice, I grabbed my coat and said.

Okay, Ill see what I can do, since I know the woman who did the bombing, Ill be there soon, just try to stop her.

[Really? Da-in I only have Da-in.]

After reassuring Lee Seola, who was pretending to cry, I went straight to Eun-woo.

Eun-woo, are you

Yes, Da-in. Im ready.

I turned around as I spoke, and before I knew it, Eun-woo, dressed in her shrine maiden outfit and ready to go, was smiling at me.

Before I could say a word, she realized what was going on and was ready to go. Ive always thought that Eun-woo was very quick and trustworthy.

Anyway, I grabbed her hand, turned around, and said.

Seo-eun, Ill be right back!

Uh, right now? Where?

I smiled and said, leaving Eun-woo, who was activating the magic circle, behind.


Lets go, to appease my adolescent niece.



In Busan, that coastal city, under the blue sky, with the fragrant sea breeze rushing by, Lee Seola was flying through the air with her teeth clenched.

No Why are you doing this in Busan?

Her light blue hair fluttering, she ditched the suit in favor of an easy-to-wear T-shirt and pants, and flew from building to building, flying down to the shoreline on icy scaffolding.

Although shes the black hand behind the scenes of the Yuseong Group, shes also an A-list heroine, Icicle.

In times of great terrorism like this, she has no choice but to step out as Icicle. The reason why she has such a high level of public support despite being a young corporate president is because she is a hero but so far, it hasnt mattered much.

Strangely, in Korea, all the villains seem to congregate in Seoul, and most of the terrorism happens in the capital, so theres not much she can do.

Plus, the few villains that were there were all in the information provided by Egostic, so it was really just a scorecard. Occasionally, it was good publicity for her to appear as Icicle to put down a terrorist attack. The hero, a young woman and corporate president, defeated the villain. Its a great story. Of course, most of the articles about heroes were related to Stardus

For her, who was still thinking about how to control Korea in her spare time, the sudden invasion of a foreign S-class villain into Busan came as a shock.

A tsunami, a tidal wave The waterfront is a mess.

The good news is that they havent penetrated deep into the city center yet, but you never know.

[Sir, weve evacuated all the city residents for now, and were working on emergency protocols with the Yuseong Squad members]

Okay, Ill take care of this, just make sure theres no further damage.

[Okay, then]

After cutting off the contact with the secretary in her ear, Lee Seola sighed as she ran.

The other problem with this villain was that she was an acquaintance of Egostic, so it was difficult for her to take a hardline response. In the end, she decided the best thing to do was to take matters into her own hands and save her image.

And seeing as how the villain of this terrorist attack was a woman, the situation was obvious.

Da-in Ugh.

What could she do? Her soulmate has the talent to turn all human relationships into opposite-sex relationships. Didnt she fall under that magic spell in the first place?

Its a battle shell lose if she likes this relationship more.

With her hair fluttering in the wind, Lee Seola finally arrived at the beach.

And there it was in front of her.


Waves of truly overwhelming size.

After the Moonlight Gate, the monsters kept coming over the beach, but the plasma barrier made by Yuseong Corporation had blocked them to some extent, but even that was fragile and about to break.

In conclusion, it was up to her to stop them for now.


Can I stop that?

Standing frozen on the surface of the ocean, Icicle swallowed hard as she looked at the huge tidal wave coming at her with tremendous momentum.

Although she was an A-class heroine, Icicle was actually more of an entrepreneur than a heroine, and this was her first experience with such a large-scale terrorist attack. Even her abilities paled in comparison to the now S-class Stardus.

Still, she had to do what she could, and her opponent was apparently a water manipulator, while her ice ability froze water, so she had the advantage! Perhaps.

Just like that.


Facing the overwhelming tsunami that was crashing down on the city, Lee Seola released the power of ice from her hand.

Chirp, chirp, chirp-.

At the same time, the huge wave gradually began to freeze from the center.


With that, Icicle used all her strength, finally succeeding in freezing the entire tsunami.

Ugh No, really

Her ice powers werent that incredibly strong to begin with.

Eventually, the precariously swaying wave of ice made an ominous cracking sound.

Icicle tried her best to hold on.

-Quagga, quagga, quagga.

Finally, the ice collapsed and a giant wave finally crashed over where she stood.


That was the moment when Lee Seola desperately tried to block the ice in front of her with her last remaining strength, but just before she was swept away by the wave someone grabbed her from behind.

Before she knew it, her vision shifted and she was up in the air, looking down at the waves below.

She stared down at the tidal wave, dumbfounded, until she finally caught sight of something and turned around with a smirk on her face.

And there he was.

Its been a while, Icicle.

Her partner, smiling through his mask, Da-in.


[Breaking news! It seems that an Egostic has appeared in Busan at this time]

Of course.

Stardus, a Korean S-class hero, was flying in the sky with her blonde hair flying around her ears as she listened to the news.

When she heard that a major terrorist attack had occurred in Busan, she immediately went to help.

Never in her wildest dreams did she think shed end up there and so in Busan, a mysterious four-way meeting was about to take place.

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