I Became The Villain The Hero Is Obsessed With

Chapter 175: Ep.175 A New Enemy

Ep.175 A New Enemy

[Muahahahahaha! Destruction, and more destruction!]


Somewhere in the heart of Seoul, where the wind never seems to blow well.

The capital city of South Korea, where all sorts of superhumans and cutting-edge technology intersect, was in a frenzy trying to experience the taste of 21st century scientific prowess.

Hovering in the middle of the city, a large circular robot with four mechanical arms was emitting a red light as it destroyed the city.

“All hail Chaos Destroyer, for it will bring about the end of this city!”

The unidentified new villain introduced itself as Chaos Destroyer, while emitting distorted mechanical sounds and destroying the city.

…Or at least, that’s what I hoped it looked like.

“Well… this is something I shouldn’t be doing either.”

Inside the cockpit.

I let out a sigh from the control seat.

A narrow space where only one person could barely stand.

From there, I controlled the robot that Seo-eun had worked so hard to create.

I was busy controlling something, and occasionally spouting lines.

“These brats think they can stop me? The true downfall starts now!”

I said that and randomly punched a nearby building with my fist, creating a huge dent. Conceptualizing this thing is already hard enough, and on top of that, Stardus is taking forever to arrive.

Why are these B-class heroes coming instead of Stardus, who I ordered to come?

When I appeared in the city with this machine, some B-list heroes suddenly showed up, and it caught me off guard. Of course, I punched them once and they flew away, but as someone who expected Stardus to arrive, it was a confusing moment.

When I used to terrorize the city as Egostic, Stardus always showed up right away, but now that I’m doing it with a different identity, it’s hard to even see an A-class hero.

…But wait, doesn’t this machine look pretty powerful? Why are they sending B-class heroes?

Anyway, I was working hard controlling the machine and destroying a few buildings while continuously spouting strange lines, without giving away any hints of my Egostic nature.

This terrorist attack was solely for Stardus, and for the sake of Stardus. To be more precise, it was a test to see if Stardus could handle the next main event. I’ve worked hard to make Stardus stronger, and now let’s see how strong they really are.

“I was busy controlling it.

And occasionally spouting lines.

[Do you think these brats can stop me? The true downfall begins now!]

I said that and casually punched a nearby building with my fist.

The building caved in easily.

It was already difficult coming up with a concept and

Stardus wasn’t coming quickly enough, making it even harder.

No, why are these strange B-level heroes coming instead of Stardus?

When I appeared in the city with this weapon, B-level heroes suddenly appeared and it was quite surprising. Of course, they flew away after getting punched and I chased them away, but as someone who expected Stardus to come, it was an unexpected moment.

When I caused terror as an Egostic identity, Stardus immediately appeared. But it’s hard to see as another identity since they are an A-class hero.

…But, doesn’t this weapon look strong enough even just by looking at it? Why are they sending B-class heroes?

Anyway, I was busy controlling the weapon and destroying some buildings. I kept throwing strange lines without showing any signs of being an Egostic. This terror was solely for Stardus, a battle for Stardus.

To be exact, it could be called terror to confirm if Stardus can endure the next main event. Our Stardus, whom I’ve worked hard to develop. Let’s see how strong they have become.

But why aren’t they coming?

While I was playing around with a few buildings and waiting for Stardus without anything to do…


She arrived.

“…Who are you again?”

Sunlight shining through the clouds.

Underneath it, the woman with long blonde hair descended, fluttering in the wind.


Still a feeling of excitement just from seeing her.

Although I was momentarily stunned by the sight of Stardus that I hadn’t seen in a long time, I quickly regained my composure.

Remember. I am the villain who first met Stardus today. I am the villain who first met Stardus today.

[Ha! Are you that guy they call Stardus? You look even weaker in person.]

“…If you surrender now and come out of that machine, I won’t need to resort to violence.”

[That’s not even funny. Come out!]


As she heard the words Stardus from the villain she had just met, I prepared for battle.

And there was Stardus, in front of me as usual, punching with her fists.

…I feel colder than usual. Is my condition not good these days?

Anyway, Stardus’s appearance seemed to show that she was not very nervous about something. Actually, that’s true. Come to think of it, I probably look like a common criminal who has been a common target of Stardus until now.

However, this time it’s going to be a little different.

Looking at Stardus running towards me, I chuckled unconsciously inside my armor.

…When was the last time I directly faced Stardus? Was it when I got the Behemoth?

Yes. At that time, I couldn’t show her what I was capable of, but now I can show her.

How scary it can be for an enemy who knows all the patterns of your combat moves.

Okay, let’s see how much we’ve grown today.


When she heard that another new villain had appeared, Shin Haru didn’t think much of it.

After all, they were just villains that she always faced, and there was nothing new. If they weren’t significantly strong, she had no choice but to distance herself from them.

And especially, if not Egostic.

So, Stardus, she headed out to the heart of the city where terrorism was happening today.

Although her condition wasn’t great, the safety of citizens and the defeat of villains were much more important.

After hearing news of the terrorism and that other heroes had fallen, she immediately set out.

What she encountered was the appearance of a large mechanical structure with four arms attached to a kind of weapon.

Well, she’s seen plenty of villains dragging this kind of machinery, so it was a familiar feeling.

Of course, it looked a little strange with its peculiar appearance floating alone in the air, but other than that, there was nothing special.

The response to her warning was also the same as other common villains.



Somehow, upon hearing the voice and seeing the machine, she felt a strange sensation.

Of course, it was a completely new appearance, and the villain’s mechanical voice mixed in with the voice was also unfamiliar.

But what to say…

It wasn’t so much that she felt a sense of unease from the mechanical weapon, but rather something about the person inside…

She had a gut feeling that something was off, but dismissed it as fatigue.

She was already at her limit, pouring all her focus into fighting the villain, so she couldn’t think clearly.

Whatever, she thought, I’ll find out once I take them down.

So Shin Haru charged at the villain without a second thought.

And then…


The villain evaded her attack as if it were a natural flow of water, despite dragging that massive body around. Then, one of its four arms flew straight towards her.

Shin Haru quickly dodged it, but as she did, another arm swung in the direction she had moved to, as if it had known exactly where she was going.

She dodged again, but was then struck by the third arm. Trying to block it with all her might, but it was no use as she was hit by the hard steel fist at an unexpected timing.

Stardus was hit by the fist and bounced off in an instant.


She managed to barely stop herself mid-air and straightened her body.

Without any time to think, she quickly stood up to face the incoming machine.

The attack of the machine started immediately.

As if it knew exactly where she would dodge and how to attack, Stardus was caught off guard by the relentless assault.

“[Muahahaha! Try dodging this as well!]”

Whoosh. Clank. Whoosh. Clank.

In the sky above the city, countless missiles were flying towards her, causing her hair to flutter in the wind.

Stardus easily evaded the small missiles, as if dancing in the sky. But soon, she was blocked by something that flew in front of her amidst the smoke and explosion of a missile that went off with a bang.

It was the steel fist that flew through the electric sparks.


I narrowly avoided it, but now there was a laser coming from the other arm of the weapon, accompanied by a whizzing sound.

Dodging it, I evaded the fist that flew towards me again.

Stardus didn’t get hit twice.

Like making a sharp turn, she quickly changed direction in mid-air and finally succeeded in landing a blow on the machinery by gripping her fist and striking it.


With that sound, the body of the weapon was slightly knocked back.


‘…It’s tough.’

Shin Haru judged as she felt the pain in her own fist.

She had faced many villains wearing suits like this before, especially since this was the only way for ordinary people to fight against those with superpowers.

But this villain was on a completely different level of completion.

Of course, judging from the fact that the attack had caused some damage to him, it was clear that it had hit, but if it were any other villain, it wouldn’t have been strange for their suit to have been shattered by that previous attack.

[Is this all you’ve got? You’re nowhere near enough to be a hindrance in my new world. Take care of this one quickly!]

With a loud mechanical sound, the machine in front of her spoke those words.

The dialogue itself was nothing but a boastful and childish manner of speaking that wouldn’t even intimidate a third-rate villain.

However, Stardus, she didn’t let her guard down.

“…It’s strong.”

She had to admit it. It was strong.

Well, to be honest, compared to the other enemies she had fought up to this point, it wasn’t that strong.


“…This is unbelievable.”

It was weirdly so.

As if he could predict all of her actions.

What she was going to do, where she was going, what judgments she was going to make.

As if he knew everything.

During all the countless exchanges of attacks and defenses up to this point, he hasn’t been hit a single time except for that one attack earlier.

Not even once, despite piloting that hulking machine.

…How is that even possible?

In a frustrated mood, Stardus made a judgment with dark eyes.

“…We have to catch him here, no matter what.”

She didn’t know who this guy was or why he appeared, but she had to catch him here. If she missed him this time, she didn’t know how much stronger he would become next time, especially considering his combat instincts. He seemed like a really frightening opponent.

It was as if he was arrogantly declaring that he was her counter, rival, and enemy.

“We have to catch him here.”

Stardus seriously prepared herself, no longer showing any signs of fatigue. She only thought about how to defeat the villain.


And she made another judgment.

Since the guy who seemed to move as if he was reading her movements might someday become her counter, she had to defeat him today when the opportunity arose, no matter how.

“As long as the villain bothers me, Egostic is enough.”

She didn’t need anyone else.

Not Egostical, but no other villain has any meaning to her.

That guy will be dealt with right here today.

Even if it means death for him.

Of course, I knew enough about her to be able to handle her perfectly well.

But I thought to myself, “Hmm, maybe I could participate in the next main event with this level of strength…?”

With that in mind, I challenged her and fought harder, trying to assess my full strength more accurately.

And then, after some time had passed…


Something feels different. I felt that way. …Something, it seems like I’m fighting better than before?

No way. Is my ability growing even while I’m fighting with myself?

‘…Is this what it means to be the protagonist?’

Without realizing it, I let out a hollow laugh inside the cockpit.

Well, if it’s Stardus, it could be possible.

Well, it’s a good thing. Somehow we’ve become a win-win situation. Let’s use this opportunity to grow.

With a happier heart, I continued to fight.

That’s right, Haru. Let’s evolve more today!

Yes, I thought so happily.

Until I get hit, that is.



How long has the battle been going on like that?

During the fight, I finally got hit by her proper punch, and I was instantly knocked to the ground.

…Ouch. It hurts so much. It feels like my organs are twisted.

I made a mistake in an instant. I could have avoided it.

No, but why did it hurt so much? She’s a real fighter.

I lifted the mech up while thinking those thoughts. Only when I looked straight ahead to assess the situation did I realize I could properly look into Stardus’s eyes.

More accurately, I could see the burning eyes of Stardus, almost certainly trying to destroy me.


Am I screwed?

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