I Became The Pope, Now What?

Chapter 311 311. Story Of A Woman

Sylvester felt like he was the odd one out among all of them. There were so many strange characters in the room, especially the Guardians. Most of them looked too weird. Two men with big conical hats and visors, a man with no arms, and a man with a hidden face under his hood. Only Aurora and the school's headmaster were seemingly normal-looking people.

"Let's start this meeting then. I will not reiterate what occurred this morning, so let's discuss how we will deal with this." The Pope started, sounding serious, but there was something different in him.

Not just Sylvester, but everyone had noticed it. Ever since the death of Grandpa Monk, the Pope's attitude had changed slightly. This time, he didn't sound as scary as before.

"The Anti-Light is a primarily unknown organisation, but thankfully, this time, we know something. That man, Julius Aurelius Alexander, talked about a sin committed three hundred years ago. I need you to find out what it is. But what else did we see? He's not an evil man who'd harm the innocent.

"For whatever reason, his war is entirely against us. So, before we counter him, we must learn about his reasoning. Wazir, did you find anything about him?" The Pope asked his spymaster.

"Your holiness, it's hard to learn about him, as even his name sounds fabricated. But we have learned that Anti-Light has infiltrated nearly every single noble house in the East of Sol. We don't know how high their reach goes, but it's clear that the Anti-Light knows about everything that happens in the continent." The Wazir revealed.

That shot Sylvester's mind to the sky. 'Wait, does that mean he also knows about my Kaecilius plan? It's possible that the slaves he'd recruit would be some of Anti-Light's men too.'

The Pope smiled, appreciative of Saint Wazir. "Good, at least we know how far our enemy is willing to go. But, it's also a fact that there is no way to confront them directly without causing many deaths. So, I have an alternative way. Since Anti-Light feels that the faith is corrupt and we do no good—It's time we clean the clergy entirely and showcase to all how far the grace of the Holy Land goes. Lord Inquisitor, if you may."

Inquisitor High Lord stood up from his chair. "Your holiness, the Crusade is slow and futile. Our fight started against the Bloodlings, but sadly, most of the Crusaders are too inexperienced and afraid of the vile creatures—They are merely money seekers.

"I'm saddened to inform you that while the Crusade went on, more Bloodlings have been found or suspected to have been found than the number of those killed."

There was complete silence in the room. Sylvester looked at the Pope from the back, wondering what decision he'd make.

"Suspend the Crusade. I'm aware of what has transpired in many locations. The Crusaders harmed the locals. Even the first Beastkin clergyman in the Holy Land is here because the Crusade killed his family. Therefore, Lord Inquisitor, I'm handing over the task of hunting and killing the Bloodlings to you and your Inquisitors. At the same time, you are to hang all Crusaders who committed any sins above stealing."

The Pope then looked at other Guardians. "I also order all of you to help the Inquisitors. Whenever you're near a camp while doing your work, ask them if they need help. Remember, with Anti-Light, Beastaria and even Masan creating problems for us. We cannot have a fourth front. We must slowly lose some burden off our shoulders. Understood?"

"It is an honour to erase the vile bloodlings, your holiness." Lord Inquisitor said and retook his seat.

The Pope then addressed the whole room. "What recently happened with the two Cardinals who were performing the slave trade, I hope such an activity does not occur again. I advise you all to keep your eyes open, or else don't come crying when I take the form of Pope Atrox, the mad, and start purging the church from within.

"Anyone, be it a clergyman, a commoner, a king, or you—If anyone dares do something that may reduce the people's faith, then I will kill you myself. I have tolerated it for long enough, but no more—The water has crossed the shore. I will not stand for anything that can cause a setback for the coming great war."

The Pope gave a good thrashing to all of them. But his words were only directed at a few as everyone knew that there were a few Guardians and other clergymen who were eyeing the Pope's seat and had formed factions.


The Guardians stood up, bowed their heads and left silently. After that, the Council members went. Sylvester was the last to move.

"Not you, young bard. Your training starts from this very moment." The Pope voiced and walked past Sylvester. "Follow me. Today I shall teach you the art of a true warrior. It's not always magic you should rely on."

'But… Isn't it nearly midnight?' Sylvester was very tired, honestly.

"Understood, your holiness."

"How is your injury? I presume Hendrix was successful with the treatment? I also sense a change in you. Your skin looks younger, somehow. Did you level up?" The Pope bombarded him with questions.

Sylvester didn't hide anything from the man. "I did, your holiness. I've levelled up three times and now sit at level three of Archwizard rank. It was utterly painful, but in the end, everything worked."

"Marvellous." The Pope praised him. "When I was your age, I was clueless about the world. It amazes me to see how mentally grown you are. It is one of the reasons why us old ones don't feel annoyed by your age."

'Of course, because I'm one of you old men.' Sylvester thought in mind.

The Pope soon brought him towards the basement of the palace. This was the first time Sylvester had seen such depths of the palace. It was still decorated but felt much emptier.

"My personal training grounds are here, and that's where I shall train you." The Pope explained and finally opened the door.


A soft gust of wind hit Sylvester in the face, and he looked around. It appeared to be a giant arena with no place to sit. It was at least two hundred metres in diameter, and its ceiling was high. At the same time, half of the ground was covered with dry sand and the other half with short grass.

"Come, young bard. I will show you how to manipulate Solarium to create invisible armour all over your body. If you're good enough, it may even become visible." The Pope instructed him while he slowly untied his robes.


Wasting no time, the old man let his robes go and showcased his old but absolutely chiselled body. Every muscle on him was well-defined, and every part of him was spotless.

Sylvester did the same. But he had noticed something in the middle of the arena. "Your holiness, why is there a statue in the middle?"

The Pope explained as they walked closer to it. "This woman was the founder of this small arena nearly three thousand years ago for her good friend, the Pope of that time. There is a very sad story related to this statue."

Sylvester was instantly interested as this event pertained to History. "I would like to know more, your holiness."

"Her name is Lady Linda, and they say this stone statue is actually her body, just trapped inside. The legend goes way back to when she was married to a man of faith—A General of the Holy Army—A Grand Wizard.

"There were so many stories about the love of the two and how they were meant for each other. But there were many jealous eyes, too, as Lady Linda was a famed beauty who was coveted by many.

"Sadly, something happened on a day when her husband was away on an assignment. She was alone at home and waiting for her dear lover. That was when the rival of her husband, another great talented wizard, came to her house.

"He disguised himself as Lady Linda's husband, seduced her and had intercourse with her. All the while, she didn't even know that it wasn't her husband. So when her real husband returned, and she told him about that night, he became furious.

"Angered by his wife's foolishness, he cursed her to remain a stone for five thousand years. Then, he died along with his rival in a battle to regain his honour. According to records, this stone statue is supposed to be Lady Linda."

Sylvester was amused, as well as doubtful if the story was real. "Let me guess. You are not saying her husband's name because there is no record of it? Hence the doubt?"

"True. Although Lady Linda is historically real, her having a husband is not written in any text. Furthermore, the curse said that only a man who would not judge her virtue could free her from this stone cage by touching it." The Pope added.

Sylvester rubbed his chin and looked at the statue closely. "What's there to judge? She was sexually assaulted with magical deception. It was a rape, and she's the victim here."

The Pope shrugged. "That's the majority belief, yet nothing happens no matter who touches it.

Sylvester hummed and moved closer. "Can I?"

"Go ahead."

Sylvester took a long breath and touched the shoulder of the human-sized statue of a distraught woman as if she was calling someone—pleading.


Sylvester also used his light magic on the touching hand. 'Hmm… Is this really possible? Three thousand years in a stone… Even if this were real, she'd be dead.'

"Nothing happens, young bard. That's why it's a legend." The Pope said and decided to continue the training. "Let's move."

Sylvester looked at the statue's face. Especially the eyes, as they seemed so real.

"I guess such stories are universal, no matter which world." He muttered in a shallow voice.




"Y-Your Holiness… Please take a look…"



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