I Became The Pope, Now What?

Chapter 307 307. Pain

Who could have guessed that such a big storm was going to appear out of nowhere? The head of Anti-Light was there, right in front of the Holy Land, and they couldn't do anything. It wasn't just a challenge but also a mockery.

For Sylvester, this was something that ached his heart. He looked as the shining red translucent dome shield vanished, and the various Guardians came closer.

But his mind was a mess. 'God, why? Why now? At least let me get stronger first. I already have so much to deal with. The Supreme Council, other contenders for Pope's seat, Masan, Bounty Hunters and assassins, and now Anti-Light. When will this cycle ever end? And why did he smell so rageful? I've never seen anyone being so angry before. And if he hates the faith, why did he help me back then disguised as Jax?'

There were more questions than anyone could ever answer. He could only train and hope to become stronger before all the mess started crashing down.

"Your holiness, why did you leave without telling us?" Aurora asked frustratingly.

"What if he had come to attack?" Inquisitor High Lord added.

"True, you should not have left like that." Another voice came. It was a person who shouldn't be there, as he was the Headmaster of the School of Dawn, Cardinal Geralt Brightson.

Sylvester heard them from the side and looked at each face carefully. 'Headmaster? Did he finally rank up to become a Grand Wizard? Then, that would make him a level ten—So he's the new Tenth Guardian?"

But then, Sylvester noticed another person. This was someone he had fought for his survival. It was the uncle of Duke Daemon, the first Grand Wizard of the Gracia Kingdom, one who got his arms ripped apart by the Second Guardian, Bloodrain.

'Why is Sir Maximus here?'

But he kept quiet and let the big people do the talking. The event must have quite shaken them all, as the implications were enormous.

"Why are you frowning? We all knew from the start that he'd come after the faith." The Pope reprimanded the Guardians. "He's a Supreme Wizard, which is an issue, but do you truly believe his Anti-Light is as vast and strong as the Faith? No? So calm down and do your duty. We shall discuss this later in my office. Head back now."

The Guardians dared not question the Pope again. But only Aurora stayed behind as Sylvester was there.

"I shall fix the destruction that madman caused." The Pope said and started moving around. The man physically went to every uprooted tree and forced them into the ground as if he was playing with little sticks.

'He's trying to act calm, but his frustration and anxiety can't stay hidden from me.' Sylvester saw through the Pope's actions clearly. 'I'd be afraid too. He was the only openly known Supreme Wizard before, and now he knows there's another one.'

"Your holiness!" He decided to change Pope's mind, as Grandpa Monk had asked in the letter, to help the Pope sometimes.

"Don't fill the crater, please. It's right on the plot of land I own. I would dig it anyway to lay down a stone foundation." He requested.

The Pope looked at the plot of land and then back at Sylvester. "Young bard, do you need money? Is that why you are doing this? Why do you waste your precious time on useless activities when you should train?"

'Tsk… This turned into a lecture from a senior, it seems.'

"I won't be wasting time here, your holiness. This will just be a little side project run by others. Just like the helpful clothing I made for the Bright Mothers, the syringe for saving lives, and the spring suspension. My focus is still on studies and training." He clarified.

Sylvester also knew that he had been lacking in training recently, as his mind was always occupied with other things. Trying to play a game of politics was easy, but now he knew he'd have enough time.

For starters, he was finally getting his injury healed. On the other hand, he had inducted two Cardinals to join the Supreme Council for him. And he was going to let them handle some of the political manipulations. The main goal was to create his own faction that would support him for the Pope's seat.

His reply satisfied the old man, and the Pope moved away from the crater to put the trees back in their places. It took them a few minutes, and the Pope's carriage soon arrived from the Holy Land.

It was massive, to say the least. In width, it was as wide as five metres, and in length, triple that. It was pulled by eight horses, all looking tall and strong with muscles on their backs. It was ornate with gold in some places, but mostly it remained modest, with an abundance of red silk used to decorate the wooden frame from the outside.

"Come in." The Pope went inside.

Sylvester first oversaw Hendrix and his family entering, and then he and Aurora entered.

Sylvester was somewhat surprised to see the insides as it seemed more like an office than a carriage. Its ceiling height was tall enough for all of them to stand. Then, at one end of the carriage, there was a table with many books, a lamp, a quill, ink and cushioned chair. While on the other end of the carriage was an oversized curved couch.

The Pope took his seat and started writing on blank parchments quickly. "Don't be surprised. Whenever I travel, I use the carriage, as I can work in it as well. I'm afraid dark times are ahead, and all stakeholders should know about this."

Hendrix glanced at his family and asked the Pope. "My old friend, should I move away from the Holy Land?"

"No need. They won't come directly at us. From how he behaved, it was clear he cared about ordinary people. You're ordinary too—Just stronger. But, if you ever wish to, my doors are always open. You can live inside the Holy Land, in my palace." The Pope offered him.

But it was obvious that Hendrix would never accept such a thing. "Thank you, but I must decline. The moment I live in the Holy Land, I will be considered one of you. I shall heal Sylvester and return—That's all."

"You're the healer! The legendary man?" Aurora exclaimed all of a sudden and stared at the old man. "Then, can you also heal my good sister Xavia? She's Sylvester's mother."

Hendrix glanced at Sylvester and saw a glimpse of himself in him. Just a man trying to survive and protect his family. How could he deny it when he was already there? "What happened to her, Lord Bard?"

"Something related to her muscles. She was stabbed in the neck recently and lost the ability to walk and move. Healers said her muscles had forgotten how to move, so I'm teaching her slowly." Sylvester explained, hoping the man could do something.

"Then I will take a look once I'm done with you. Let's head straight to the Soul Tree for now. I do not want to delay your treatment by one bit, as it's a disaster waiting to happen."

Sylvester appreciated that. "Aurora, please go to mum and tell her I've returned. But I will likely return home tomorrow due to some emergency work."

"Young bard!" The Pope interrupted. "Once you get better, report to me in my office. You are to spend four days a week with me in training both mind and body. The Supreme Council rejected your promotion due to a lack of administrative experience. As unfair as that meeting was, they did not lie in this aspect. A Bishop is the rank of the higher clergy. You are expected to fight and operate monasteries, noble regions and such. For that, you need to know more about certain regulations, laws and documentation."

Sylvester was more than happy to obey. "Understood, your holiness. I will report to you."

He could feel that the Pope didn't want to talk anymore. His mood was spoiled, and perhaps, the sense of emergency increased manifolds. So, Sylvester stayed silent and soon got off the carriage at the port of Pope's Peninsula.

From there, Sylvester caught a small boat to reach the Soul Peninsula. This time, Hendrix's wife and daughter were coming along as Hendrix refused to let his family be alone anywhere. In the end, the Pope wrote permissions for all of them.

The guards at the Peninsula asked no questions. So Sylvester brought them to the small shack of Grandpa Monk. It was as clean as Sylvester had left it the last time.

"Fifth Guardian used to live here before his death. Will this be alright?" Sylvester asked.

But Hendrix and his family didn't reply as they were lost in the moment. The mesmerising breeze from the Soul Tree was something to get lost in. However, Elaine had the most visible reaction as her eyes sparkled at the sight.

"Fitting to the name—Soul tree does soothe one's soul. This will be a great place for your treatment. So let's get started." Hendrix wasted no time to start unpacking his bag. It was full of various instruments to operate on Sylvester and dozens of potions or materials.

"Elaine, I will need you to assist me with this. Daline, will you be a good girl and sit here silently?" Hendrix asked his family.

The little girl firmly nodded. "Yes, daddy! You can count on me. I will watch and learn."

"Good. Now, Lord Bard, please remove your upper robes and tear apart the right leg of your pants. Then lay down on the table."

Sylvester obeyed and quickly removed everything. However, he kept his senses high to ensure he could smell if there was any malicious intent between the two.

Soon, Hendrix put a cloth mask over his face and used water to clean his hands. "Lord Bard, this will hurt a lot, but I believe you can tolerate it. Or do you want to take any sedatives?"

'Like hell would I knock myself out.'

"I can tolerate it."

Hendrix didn't ask anything else and started working. Like a master in his craft, he moved his hands and opened a long, six centimetre long cut on the side of Sylvester's thigh. Then Elaine came to use a retractor to keep his wounds wide open.

"Alright, it's going to hurt now."


Sylvester gritted his teeth as he was already feeling a lot of pain. But it was just the trailer, as the real pain was to start when Solarium was to be drained.


'Fucking fuck you, Shadow Knight!' He cursed in mind, for he didn't want to lose dignity in front of Elaine and Daline.

"Alright, now it will hurt real bad."

'What in the…'


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Ape Together Strong

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